Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005 | Pro Wrestling NOAH Saturday Night RetroView Review

On July 18th, 2005, Pro Wrestling NOAH aired Destiny live from Tokyo, Japan in the Tokyo Dome as they presented Pro Wrestling NOAH Density 2005. Fans were treated to 10 matches we also got 3 title matches (GHC Heavyweight, Junior Heavyweight & GHC Tag Team Titles).

Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005
[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005
6 Man Tag Team Match

Takashi Sugiura, Masashi Aoyagi & Suwa vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima, Mitsuo Momota & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi

Suwa & Katsuhiko Nakajima start things off with Nakajima going for a spinning heel kick but Suwa ducks it and kicks Nakajima in the stomach then a side headlock by Suwa is applied but Nakajima Irish whips out of it but Suwa shoulder blocks him down. Suwa bounces off the ropes as Nakajima goes for a hip toss but Suwa reverses it into a hip toss of his own. Suwa goes off the ropes again but this time he is caught by a trio of kicks from Nakajima.

Nakajima tags in Tsuyoshi Kikuchi & Mitsuo Momota & Kikuchi go and knock Takashi Sugiura & Masashi Aoyagi off the apron while Nakajima continues kicking on Suwa. Suwa is thrown in the corner and gets triple teamed & that ends with a backdrop by Momota and a diving elbow by Kikuchi then goes for the cover but it only gets a two count. Kikuchi hits a delayed side suplex on Suwa then a another cover but Suwa kicks out.

Suwa puts Kikuchi up on his shoulders and tosses him to the mat & that gives him time to tag in Sugiura & they trade forearm shots, then Kikuchi gets the advantage and eventually knocks Sugiura down. Kikuchi tags in Momota, who kicks Sugiura in the corner, then some chops by Momota in the corner, Irish whip as it get reversed, but Momota avoids the charge and gets a roll-up for a two-count, then a DDT by Momota, and he tags in Nakajima.

Nakajima hits a series of stiff kicks as Sugiura takes the barrage for a moment, but a kick to the back of the head sends him to the mat, then goes for the cover, but it gets a two count. Back up, Sugiura gets a shot in, but he gets taken down with a German suplex. Aoyagi breaks up the pin attempt, though, and Sugiura makes the tag to him once he regains his composure. Kick to the chest by Aoyagi to Nakajima, then hooks the leg, but it only gets a two count.

More kicks by Aoyagi to a kneeling Nakajima and he tags in Suwa before we get some punches in the corner by Suwa then an Irish whip, and he hits a flying shoulder block. Fist drop by Suwa then he picks Nakajima up and gives him a scoop slam. Suwa tags in Sugiura and he wins a striking battle with Nakajima by using a boot to the head. Sugiura holds Nakajima for Suwa & hits an elbow drop to the lower midsection.

Sugiura holds Nakajima again, and this time it is Aoyagi who hits a kick to the midsection of Nakajima. Sugiura tags in Aoyagi, Irish whip, and he hits a series of stiff kicks to Nakajima’s chest then a cover but Nakajima kicks out at two. Aoyagi goes for a spinning heel kick, but Nakajima ducks it and hits a spinning kick of his own then he tags in Momota & he hits a backdrop suplex on Aoyagi then goes for the pin but it gets a two count.

Momota goes for a powerbomb but Aoyagi reverses it and kicks him in the head then Momota tags in Kikuchi, Aoyagi goes to tag in someone but no one will tag him so he goes after Kikuchi then some forearm shots by Kikuchi, but Aoyagi goes low and tags in Suwa.  Kikuchi hits a quick German suplex on Suwa but Sugiura breaks it up then we get some melee and in the ring Kikuchi hits Suwa with the Fireball Bomb then goes for the cover but Suwa somehow kicks out.

Aoyagi comes in to help, knocking Kikuchi down, but Momota comes in and gives Aoyagi a back suplex & this brings in Sugiura as he spears Momota, but Nakajima comes off the top with a missile dropkick, then an Irish whip by Nakajima on Suwa and he hits a dropkick in the corner.

Nakajima Irish whips Suwa over to Kikuchi but Suwa hits a dropkick on Kikuchi. Nakajima charges Suwa next, but Suwa takes him down with a faceplant. Suwa goes back to Kikuchi and goes for the FFF but Kikuchi back body drops out of it then some punches by Kikuchi as he bounces off the ropes but Suwa floors him with a clothesline before Suwa picks up Kikuchi & drills him to the mat with FFF to get the win for his team.

Winners: Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Takashi Sugiura, Masashi Aoyagi & Suwa (9:32)

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[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005
Tag Team Match

Mohammed Yone & Takeshi Morishima vs. Go Shiozaki & Tamon Honda

Go Shiozaki attacks immediately with a dropkick on Mohammed Yone & Takeshi Morishima then Irish whip on Morishima and he dropkicks him down then Morishima rolls out of the ring and Shiozaki follows him out with a pescado while Shiozaki throws Morishima back in the ring Yone hits a vertical suplex on Honda on the outside.

Back in Shiozaki comes off the top rope with an attempted dropkick but Morishima sees him coming and hits a clothesline as he is coming off the top rope. Irish whip by Morishima and he takes down Shiozaki then a cover but it gets two. Kick to the chest by Morishima and he applies an abdominal stretch with a crossface. Morishima eventually tosses Shiozaki down and tags in Yone.

After running over and knocking Tamon Honda off the apron Yone picks up Shiozaki and hits a scoop slam. Honda by now is back on the apron but Yone runs off the ropes and gives him a boot to the face then he knocks him back off. Yone then drops a leg on Shiozaki then goes for a cover but it only gets two count then a neck crank by Yone and he applies a headscissors. Shiozaki rolls over and reaches the ropes however, and Yone tags in Morishima.

Irish whip by Morishima and he hits a knee to the gut then Morishima goes off the ropes and hits a clothesline while Yone runs over and knocks Honda off the apron again.  Morishima tosses Shiozaki into the corner and Yone charges him but Shiozaki avoids Yone and then hits a backdrop suplex on Morishima. Shiozaki tags in Honda, Honda tries to lock in the Rolling Olympic Hell 0 on Yone & but they toss him off.

Honda fires back with a variety of strikes and hits a high backdrop suplex on Morishima.  Yone then gets one as well and Honda applies the Rolling Olympic Hell V on Morishima.  Yone recovers in time to save Morishima, but Honda tosses him from the ring. Honda goes for the Dead End on Morishima, but Morishima quickly grabs the top rope but Honda shakes him off and hits the Dead End anyway. Honda tags in Shiozaki & he comes off the top with a missile dropkick on Morishima then goes for the cover but it only gets a two count.

Shiozaki picks up Morishima, Irish whip, and he hits a flying forearm shot. Shiozaki goes for a German suplex but Morishima shakes him off. Shiozaki hits Morishima with another flying forearm shot followed by a Savate Kick before connecting with a German suplex but Morishima manages to kick out. Shiozaki gives Morishima a quick scoop slam then goes up top but Morishima rolls out of the way of the moonsault & this gives Morishima time to tag in Yone & he immediately dropkicks Honda off the apron and hits a running boot to Shiozaki in the corner.

Irish whip by Yone, and he hits a running jumping knee strike in the opposite corner.  Scoop slam by Yone and he hits a leg drop from the second rope.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Shiozaki tries to fight back and gets Yone in the Oklahoma Roll for a two count.

Shiozaki gives Yone a scoop slam, goes up top again and nails the moonsault then goes for a cover but Morishima breaks it up. Honda runs in but Morishima gets him down with a backdrop suplex.  Shiozaki tries to attack Morishima as well but he gets nail with a Scrap Buster.

Yone delivers a clothesline to Shiozaki then hooks the leg but it only gets a two count.  Morishima comes back in and puts Shiozaki on his shoulders and Yone comes off the top with a spinning heel kick then another cover but Honda breaks it up. Morishima takes care of Honda & this gives Yone time to nail the Muscle Buster to get the win.

Winners: Mohammed Yone & Takeshi Morishima (8:26)

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[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005
8 Man Tag Team Match
Dark Agents (Akitoshi Saito, Kishin Kawabata and Masao Inoue) & Shiro Koshinaka vs. Akira Taue, Haruka Eigen, Jun Izumida & Takuma Sano

Shiro Koshinaka & Akira Taue starts this match off with a lock up but they break cleanly.  Side headlock by Koshinaka but Taue Irish whips out of it and they collide with neither budging.  Koshinaka goes off the ropes but Taue catches him with a boot to the head. Irish whip by Taue, and he hits a butt smash in the corner. Taue tries to slam Koshinaka into the turnbuckle, but Koshinaka blocks it and hits a hip attack.

Another hip attack by Koshinaka and he tags in Akitoshi Saito & Saito hits a hip attack of his own and tags in Inoue then a hip attack by Inoue and he tags in Kishin Kawabata but Taue moves when Kawabata tries to hit him with a hip attack then a knee to the head by Taue and he tags in Haruka Eigen then a kick to the chest by Eigen and he works over Kawabata in the corner then Jun Izumida is tag in and he chokes Kawabata in the corner.

Irish whip by Izumida and he hits a running boot then goes for a cover but Kawabata kicks out. Izumida tags in Takuma Sano but Kawabata knocks Sano back into his own corner and tags in Saito then a Irish whip by Saito, but a shoulder block doesn’t effect Sano. Another shoulder block has the same effect then Sano tries one but Saito doesn’t budge then some elbow strikes by Saito, Sano punches back, Irish whip by Saito and he kicks Sano in the stomach. Delayed vertical suplex by Saito then hooks the leg but Sano kicks out.

Irish whip by Saito from the corner, and Koshinaka meets Sano with a hip attack then a cover by Saito but the referee is too busy to make the count before Saito tags in Inoue, he picks Sano up but Sano fights back and tags in Eigen then a headbutt by Eigen and he chops Inoue while he lays against the ropes. Eye rake by Masao Inoue but Eigen tags in Izumida. Izumida goes for an arm wrench, but Inoue reverses it and tags in Kawabata.

Kicks in the corner by Kawabata then a upper cut but Izumida regains the advantage and tags in Taue. Taue hits a windmill chop in the corner followed by a DDT then a cover but it only gets two. Taue tags in Sano & he knocks down Kawabata with a variety of kicks. Sano locks in a leg submission but Kawabata reaches the ropes then more kicks by Sano then goes for a cover, but it only gets a two count.

Sano tags in Eigen, chops by Eigen in the corner, Irish whip but Kawabata avoids the charge and rolls him up for a two count. Eigen tags in Taue & he clubs Kawabata in the back then a big boot by Taue and he clotheslines Kawabata to the mat then a cover but Kawabata kicks out.  Irish whip by Taue from the corner, but Kawabata blocks his charge and hits a clothesline.  This gives him time to tag in Saito, he covers, but Taue kicks out.  Irish whip by Saito and Inoue, and they set-up Taue so that Koshinaka can hit a hip attack.  Kawabata hits a senton, cover by Saito, but Sano breaks it up.

Izumida comes in as well and Irish whips Saito into the corner then he eventually follows with a clothesline as Taue goes for the chokeslam but Saito elbows him in the head to get out of it. Eigen runs over, Saito gives him a chop, but Eigen spits in his eye. Big boot by Taue on Saito & Sano comes off the top with a missile dropkick then hooks the leg but Saito kicks out. Irish whip by Sano to the corner, Saito kicks him when he charges but Sano snapmares him down and hits a double stomp off the 2nd rope then a cover but it only gets a two count.

Back up they trade blows but Saito knocks Sano down with a spinning heel kick then Saito tags in Koshinaka but Sano hits him with a thrust kick.  Irish whip by Sano, but Koshinaka grabs the ropes and hits a hip attack. Sano counters with a backdrop suplex and tags in Izumida then a clothesline by Izumida in the corner and he hits a headbutt then goes for a cover but Koshinaka quickly kicks out.

More headbutts by Izumida then he bounces off the ropes but Koshinaka greets him with of course, a hip attack. Koshinaka tags in Inoue, Irish whip from the corner, and he hits a running clothesline. Inoue goes for a side Russian leg sweep but Izumida reverses it and throws him down then hooks the leg but Kawabata breaks it up.

Taue hits a chokeslam on Inoue then Sano then hits a double stomp from the top rope then Izumida covers him but it gets broken up. Izumida Irish whips Kawabata into the corner and follows up with a clothesline.

Inoue has recovered by now so Izumida goes back to him but Kawabata catches him in the back with a clothesline & this sends Izumida into Inoue & he rolls him up to get the win for his team.

Winners: Dark Agents & Shiro Koshinaka (11:56)

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[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005
Mushiking Terry vs. Black Mask

Black Mask delivers a series of forearm shots but Mushiking Terry absorbs the blows and tosses Black Mask down with a spinning headscissors then Terry goes off the ropes again and this time rolls over Black Mask’s back and hits an arm drag then Terry charges again but Black Mask sees him coming and flips him out to the apron. Black Mask goes off the far ropes towards Terry but Terry ducks and Black Mask goes sailing out of the ring.

Re-entering the ring Terry jumps up to the top turnbuckle and jumps down outside the ring onto Black Mask but Terry gets back in the ring first but Black Mask soon follows him then a snapmare by Terry then goes for the cover but it doesn’t even get one. Terry applies a reverse chinlock, Black Mask gets out of it, Irish whip by Terry from the corner but it was reversed, Terry flips himself out to the apron and goes for a shoulder tackle through the ropes but Black Mask bounces off the side rope and hits a guillotine leg drop.

Cover by Black Mask, but Terry kicks out then a Irish whip by Black Mask and he delivers a drop toehold then a elbow drop by Black Mask then goes for the cover but it gets a two count Irish whip by Black Mask but it was reversed but Terry misses a crossbody. Black Mask flips himself out to the apron and comes back in the ring with a springboard senton.

Cover, but it only gets a two count then a chinlock by Black Mask is applied then goes for the cover but Terry kicks out at two. Black Mask then applies an Octopus Hold and reverts it into a submission on the ground then a cover by Black Mask but again it only gets two.  Irish whip by Black Mask but Terry grabs a hold of the top rope and hits a headscissors on Black Mask. Lucha moveset 6 follows, ending with a spinning thrust kick by Terry to the chest of Black Mask.

Irish whip by Terry in the corner, Black Mask avoids the charge but Terry rolls over his back and arm drags him to the mat. Terry goes off the ropes and hits a hurricanrana but Black Mask kicks out. Terry goes off the ropes, but Black Mask catches him in a Crossface. Terry slowly edges to the ropes and finally makes it. Black Mask picks Terry up and goes for a suplex, Terry reverses it into an attempted suplex of his own but Black Mask lands on his feet and hits a spinning heel kick.

Terry rolls out of the ring, Black Mask goes to the top turnbuckle, but Terry gets back up to the apron in time and joins Black Mask up top. Terry tries to push Black Mask off, but Black Mask grabs him and hits a swinging neckbreaker down into the ring. Black Mask goes up top again and hits a tope then goes for a cover but Terry barely kicks out.

Michinoku Driver by Black Mask then hooks the leg but again Terry barely kicks out. Black Mask goes for another one, but Terry reverses it into a roll-up for a two-count. Back up Terry ducks a clothesline and dropkicks Black Mask to the mat. Terry bounces off the far ropes as Black Mask gets up and hits a 619 to Black Mask’s stomach.

Victory Roll by Terry to get back in the ring from the apron then he picks Black Mask up and hits Tiger Suplex 04 for the win.

Winner: Mushiking Terry (7:59)

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[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005
Junior Heavyweight Title Match

Yoshinobu Kanemaru (c) vs. KENTA

Kanemaru is also 1/2 of the Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.

Kenta immediately gives Yoshinobu Kanemaru a boot to the face but Kanemaru fires back with forearm shots and Kenta replies to that with a series of slaps then Kanemaru goes off the ropes as he ducks a boot to the face and knocks down Kenta with a boot of his own.  Irish whip by Kanemaru but Kenta kicks him in the face and both men roll to their neutral corner to recover.

Both men slowly get back to their feet then they lock up, Kenta gets Kanemaru into the ropes then goes for a spinning kick instead of a clean break but Kanemaru sidesteps it then they lock up again then an arm wrench by Kanemaru but Kenta reverses it then a hammerlock by Kanemaru but Kenta gets out of it with a drop toehold, Kanemaru tries to roll out of it but Kenta locks in a headscissors but Kanemaru finally gets free and both men are back to their feet. Single leg takedown by Kanemaru and he applies a leg submission.

Kenta applies a chinlock, Kanemaru releases the leg in order to get out of it he pushes Kenta in to the corner and knees him in the stomach then a Irish whip but it got reversed as Kanemaru springboards off the 2nd ropes with an attempted crossbody but Kenta moves out of the way. Kanemaru begins selling the arm that he landed on and Kenta capitalizes by stomping on it repeatedly then some kick to the back by Kenta then he picks Kanemaru up and tosses him from the ring. Kenta joins him outside and throws him shoulder first into the ring post.

More stomps by Kenta and he tosses Kanemaru back in the ring then a cover but it only gets a two count then an arm submission is applied by Kenta but Kanemaru pushes him into the corner.  Irish whip by Kenta from the corner but its reversed but Kenta elbows Kanemaru in the head when he charges and hits a hurricanrana from the 2nd rope.

Kenta with a armdrag takedown and he locks in a key lock once they are back up Kenta with a kick to the shoulder then a Irish whip but Kanemaru clutches his arm and collapses before he reaches the far ropes as the referee tries to check on Kanemaru but Kenta continues kicking him in the arm.

Kenta kicks Kanemaru into the corner and hits a series of kicks to the chest but Kanemaru absorbs the blows and fires back with a forearm shot. Kanemaru bounces off the ropes but Kenta catches him with an armdrag and re applies the key lock. Kenta goes for a suplex but when Kanemaru blocks it he applies an armbar instead.

Kanemaru gets to the ropes, Kenta releases the hold and tosses Kanemaru into the corner.  Kenta puts Kanemaru up on the top turnbuckle and goes for a superplex then Kanemaru knocks him off but Kenta quickly gets back up and goes back up top. Kanemaru manages to block the superplex attempt again but fails so he DDTs Kenta from the top turnbuckle down to the mat.

Kenta rolls out of the ring while Kanemaru stays in the ring holding his arm. Kanemaru eventually goes after him and hits a diving DDT from the apron to the standing Kenta then Kanemaru rolls back in the ring and Kenta eventually recovers enough to follow him back in then a snapmare by Kanemaru and he applies a headscissors. Kenta rolls to the ropes and then out of the ring. Kanemaru goes out as well and hits a leg drop while Kenta is draped over the guardrail.

Kanemaru slides back in the ring as Kenta slowly crawls back in the ring. Kanemaru grabs him as soon as he does, Irish whip, and he applies a sleeper hold but Kenta eventually gets his foot to the ropes, Kanemaru puts him in the tree of woe and hits a running dropkick to his face then a cover by Kanemaru but it only gets a two count then a camel clutch is applied by Kanemaru but Kenta slowly gets to his feet and hits a back suplex.

Kenta charges at Kanemaru but Kanemaru kicks him away and goes to the 2nd turnbuckle but when he jumps off he is kicked in the arm by Kenta & again Kenta charges but Kanemaru knocks him back with a kick but Kenta delivers a powerslam when Kanemaru comes at him then on their feet, Kenta hits a flurry of kicks and then a big boot in the corner.

Kenta slingshots himself to the apron and comes flying back into the ring with a springboard missile dropkick then goes for a cover but Kanemaru kicks out then some more kicks by Kenta as Kanemaru tries acting badass by not selling them but Kenta knocks him to the mat with a boot to the face.

Kenta picks Kanemaru up but Kanemaru tries to sneak in a suplex but Kenta lands on his feet.  Back kick by Kenta then he goes up top and goes for a hurricanrana but Kanemaru catches him with a powerbomb for a two count.

Now it is Kanemaru that goes up top, frog splash then goes for the cover but Kenta kicks out then Kanemaru goes back up top as Kenta struggles to his feet then he hits Deep Impact then goes for the cover but it only gets a two count. Kanemaru goes up a 3rd time and goes for a moonsault but Kenta rolls out of the way.

Kenta gets up first and hits a quick fisherman’s buster then both men are slow to get up but Kenta recovers first and hits a German suplex for a two count then a scoop slam by Kenta and he knees Kanemaru in the head. Kenta goes to the top turnbuckle and jumps off but Kanemaru gets a boot up. Kanemaru goes to the top rope but when he dives off Kenta catches him on his shoulders and goes for the Go 2 Sleep but Kanemaru slides off his shoulders but Kenta still manages to nail a Tiger Suplex for a two count.

Strike combination by Kenta but when he bounces off the ropes he is dropkick in the knee then a brainbuster by Kanemaru but Kenta jumps right back up and nails a Busaiku Knee then both men are now laid out but Kenta is up first then he picks up Kanemaru then they trade shots before Kenta goes for a suplex twice but Kanemaru reverses it into a brainbuster then hooks the leg but Kenta barely kicks out.

Scoop slam by Kanemaru, he nails a moonsault then goes for the pin but again it gets two then another brainbuster by Kanemaru then goes for the pin but Kenta won’t stay down.  Kanemaru puts Kenta up on the top turnbuckle and goes for a superplex but Kenta reverses it with a spinning avalanche-style fisherman’s buster then goes a cover by Kenta but Kanemaru kicks out.

Kenta connects with a powerbomb into the corner turnbuckle then he tosses Kanemaru over his shoulder then picks up Kanemaru and hits a sit-down powerbomb then goes for the pin but it gets a two count. Kenta begins his strike combination but Kanemaru avoids him when he charges for the knee kick and rolls him up for a two-count.

Both men get back to their feet but Kenta bounces off the far ropes and hits Busaiku Knee but Kanemaru gets right back up however Kenta hits him with a jumping high kick then goes for the cover but Kanemaru kicks out after that Kenta picks up Kanemaru & puts him on his shoulders and hits Go 2 Sleep then hooks the leg but Kanemaru refuses to be pinned.

Kenta gets Kanemaru back on his feet as he hits a back chop/high kick combination then he bounces off the side ropes and delivers 1 final Busaiku Knee gets Kenta the win.

Winner: AND NEW Junior Heavyweight Champion: Kenta (20:31)

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[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005
GHC Tag Team Titles Match

Minoru Suzuki & Naomichi Marufuji (c) vs. Jun Akiyama & Makoto Hashi 

Naomichi Marufuji & Makoto Hashi start things off with Hashi charges at Marufuji and clotheslines him to the mat. Hashi hits Minoru Suzuki as well but when he turns around he is caught in an Irish whip by Marufuji. Hashi reverses the Irish whip though and immediately goes for Goriman’s Driver but Marufuji gets out of it and dropkicks him in the knee.

Dropkick to the head by Marufuji, Hashi fires back and goes for a German suplex but Marufuji lands on his feet and hits a dropkick. Marufuji charges Hashi, but Hashi back body drops him out to the apron. Marufuji lands on his feet, though but Hashi hits a clothesline and knocks Marufuji to the outside.

Hashi then ascends the top turnbuckle and hits a diving headbutt all the way down to the floor after tossing Marufuji back in the ring then goes for a cover by Hashi but it only gets a two count.

Hashi tags in Jun Akiyama and he tells Marufuji to tag in Suzuki as they tease a lock up Akiyama goes for a single leg Suzuki grabs him, Akiyama gets Suzuki into the ropes and gives a clean break then a kick to the stomach by Suzuki then he gets Akiyama into the ropes and slaps him in the face.  Back in the center of the ring, punches by Akiyama, he gets Suzuki against the ropes and knees him in the stomach.

Akiyama goes for an Irish whip, but Suzuki grabs a hold of the ropes and switches positions with Akiyama then some chops to the chest by Suzuki & he goes for an Irish whip but Akiyama grabs the ropes and Suzuki releases his hold then they lock up then a kick by Suzuki and he applies a hammerlock before Suzuki tags in Marufuji & he kicks Akiyama in the corner.

Chops by Marufuji, but Akiyama slowly comes out of the corner, showing that the chops have no effect on him. Marufuji tries forearm shots as well, but when he bounces off the ropes he gets a boot to the face. Akiyama tags Hashi back in, Irish whip by Hashi and he hits a rough chop then goes for the cover, but Marufuji kicks out.

Chop by Hashi and he gets Marufuji in the corner then after a series of Mongolian Chops and stomps, Hashi picks up Marufuji and chops him again then Marufuji returns with a spinning heel kick and goes to tag in his partner Suzuki but Hashi goes after Suzuki and they fight outside the ring.

Hashi knocks Suzuki down with a pair of headbutts but when he gets back on the apron, Marufuji jumps over him from inside the ring and attempts to powerbomb him down to the floor.  Hashi hangs onto the top rope momentarily, but Suzuki gets back in the ring and kicks his hands loose, sending Hashi hard to the floor.

Marufuji and Suzuki then go after Akiyama, dragging him to halfway up the ramp. Akiyama fights back against both men, but Suzuki hits a DDT on the ramp. Marufuji return to the ring and Hashi slowly crawls back in as he recovers from the powerbomb.  Marufuji covers him, but Hashi kicks out.  Elbow to the head by Marufuji and he tags in Suzuki then a knee to the stomach by Suzuki and he kicks Hashi hard in the back then a cocky cover and Hashi kicks out.

Suzuki rips on the bandages on Hashi’s head and applies a camel clutch. Marufuji then enters the ring, bounces off the ropes, and dropkicks Hashi in the face then some kicks by Suzuki on the downed Hashi, Hashi hits a series of slaps to Suzuki’s face but Suzuki returns with slaps of his own which knocks Hashi back down but Hashi doesn’t stay down however, strikes by Suzuki and he knees Hashi in the stomach. Suzuki tags in Marufuji, and they kick Hashi in the chest while he is draped over the 2nd rope.

Hashi is kicked back into the ring then goes for the cover but it only gets a two count.  Marufuji goes for a modified sleeper and locks it in. Hashi rakes Marufuji’s eyes to get out of it then goes for the cover but Marufuji but it gets two. Hashi punches both Marufuji & Suzuki in an attempt to get back to his corner but he is knock back down and Marufuji tags in Suzuki.  Kicks by Suzuki in the corner and he tosses Hashi in the middle of the ring.

They trade slaps again but Suzuki gets the better of it and slaps down in the corner.  Dropkick by Suzuki and he puts Hashi in the tree of woe in his corner and tags in Marufuji.  Marufuji enters the ring with a double springboard dropkick to Hashi.  Marufuji takes Hashi off the corner and scoop slams him in the middle of the ring.  Marufuji goes up top and nails a frog splash, cover, but it only gets a two count.

Suplex attempt by Marufuji, but Hashi blocks it and hits a brainbuster as Hashi fights off Marufuji and tags in Akiyama & Irish whip by Akiyama but Suzuki hits Akiyama from the apron, but Akiyama turns around and knocks him to the floor. Marufuji charges Akiyama, but Akiyama back bodydrops Marufuji over the top rope down onto Suzuki.

Marufuji gets back up on the apron, Akiyama tries to suplex him back in, but Marufuji lands on his feet but a spinning kick attempt by Marufuji is avoided, Akiyama goes for a back suplex, but again Marufuji lands on his feet and dropkicks Akiyama in the knee. Another dropkick, and Marufuji tags in Suzuki. Knee strike by Akiyama and they engage in a slap fight.

Knee to the stomach by Akiyama and he goes for an exploder but Suzuki gets out of it then a another slap by Akiyama, Suzuki returns fire but Akiyama tags in Hashi.  Headbutt by Hashi to Suzuki and he hits a series of chops. Suzuki roars back with a straight punch to the stomach and kicks Hashi hard in the chest. Hashi eventually catches Suzuki’s leg and goes for a suplex but Suzuki reverses it into an Octopus Hold.

Akiyama eventually breaks it up, and Hashi hits an enziguiri. Hashi tags in Akiyama as Suzuki tags in Marufuji, and Marufuji greets Akiyama with a dropkick then a elbow strike by Marufuji in the corner, but Akiyama comes back with a big back body drop.  Powerbomb by Akiyama, cover, but Marufuji kicks out.  Akiyama applies a grounded front face lock but Suzuki runs in and breaks it up.

Hashi comes in to headbutt Suzuki, tosses him through the ropes, and hits a reverse DDT on the apron. In the ring, Marufuji puts Akiyama on the top turnbuckle and goes for a hurricanrana, Akiyama tosses him off but when he comes off the top he is caught with a dropkick.  Marufuji goes for Shiranui, Akiyama throws Marufuji off, Marufuji goes for a roll up but Akiyama rolls through and hits a running knee to the face.

Exploder by Akiyama, Hashi comes off the top with a diving headbutt then goes for a cover but Hashi is not legal man. Akiyama comes back in then grabs Marufuji, and tags in Hashi.  Scoop slam by Akiyama on Marufuji, Hashi hits another diving headbutt, cover, but it gets a two count. Irish whip by Hashi to the corner and he hits a corner kneel kick then a Gory Thunder by Hashi then hooks the leg but Suzuki breaks it up.

Hashi gets pumped as he hits a clothesline and nails a sit down fisherman’s brainbuster then goes for the cover but Marufuji barely kicks out.  Hashi picks Marufuji back up and puts him on the top turnbuckle.  Back suplex attempt by Hashi from the top but Marufuji lands on his feet and hits an overhead kick. Shiranui by Marufuji, but he is too hurt to cover.

Marufuji finally gets back up, puts Hashi on the top turnbuckle and joins him up there but Akiyama comes back in and back suplexes Marufuji from the top turnbuckle to the mat.  Hashi then comes off the top with a diving headbutt then goes for the cover but Suzuki breaks it up.  Akiyama & Suzuki trade slaps then Suzuki applies a sleeper hold to Akiyama, but Hashi frees him. Akiyama kicks Marufuji in the head but Marufuji hits a Savate Kick and nails a Shiranui by running up Suzuki’s body.

Hashi tries to fight off both men, but he is overwhelmed then we get simultaneous slap/Savate Kick by Marufuji & Suzuki & Suzuki hits Gotch Style Piledriver then Marufuji comes off the top with a dropkick to the head cover but Akiyama barely breaks it up.

They get rid of Akiyama, and Suzuki puts Hashi up on the top turnbuckle. Marufuji then climbs up top and while Suzuki holds back Akiyama, Marufuji hits an avalanche-style Shiranui gets the win.

Winners: AND STILL GHC Tag Team Champions: Minoru Suzuki & Naomichi Marufuji (24:55)

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[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005
GHC Heavyweight Title Match
Takeshi Rikio (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

Waistlock by Hiroshi Tanahashi, but its reversed into an arm wrench by Rikio, Tanahashi reverses that, but Rikio applies a hammerlock. Tanahashi gets out of it however and they men face off again then they lock up, arm wrench by Tanahashi, reversed by Rikio, Rikio pushes Tanahashi into the corner. Tanahashi reverses positions with Rikio though and slaps him in the face.

They lock up again, kick by Rikio and he pounds Tanahashi in the face but Tanahashi fires back, Irish whip by Rikio, and he shoulder blocks Tanahashi to the mat.  Irish whip by Rikio, Tanahashi goes for a flying crossbody, Rikio catches him but Tanahashi falls on him and both men get back up quickly then another lock up, Rikio pushes Tanahashi into the ropes, Tanahashi reverses positions with him and kicks him in the stomach. He goes for the Dragon Sleeper, but Rikio quickly grabs the ropes.

Irish whip by Tanahashi, he goes for a sleeper again but Rikio reverses it with a back body drop.  Tanahashi bounces right back up, but Rikio shoulder blocks him down then a slap by Rikio, and he applies a sleeper of his own. Rikio then applies Tanahashi’s Dragon Sleeper.  Tanahashi edges to the ropes and grabs them & that breaks the hold.

Irish whip by Rikio from the corner and he hits a running clothesline then a another Irish whip and again he hits a clothesline. Rikio goes up top and hits a flying crossbody then goes for a cover but it only gets two then a vertical suplex by Rikio then goes for the cover but Tanahashi kicks out.

Tanahashi follows him out with an tope suicida then Tanahashi goes for a 2nd tope but his leg hits the ropes and he barely reaches Rikio.  Tanahashi goes in the ring and goes a 3rd tope suicida but he overshots it & lands on the guardrail. Tanahashi gets up first and tosses Rikio back in the ring. Tanahashi goes up top and hits a missile dropkick then picks Rikio up and delivers 3 rolling German suplexes, the 3rd of which gets a two count.

Tanahashi goes for the Dragon Suplex, Rikio elbows out of it but Tanahashi applies the Dragon Sleeper instead but Rikio eventually squirms to the ropes and Tanahashi breaks the hold.  They trade shots back on their feet, Tanahashi misses a high kick but rolls up Rikio for a two count.  Tanahashi goes off the ropes, but Rikio catches him as they struggle for position, Rikio gets Tanahashi up on his shoulders but Tanahashi goes down his back.

Slaps by Tanahashi and he nails the Sling Blade then goes for the cover but Rikio kicks out. Tanahashi goes off the ropes but Rikio takes his head off with a clothesline then once they get back up they traded strikes but Rikio gets the better of it with a series of slaps then a powerbomb by Rikio then goes for a cover but it only gets a two count.

Rikio goes for the Muso, but Tanahashi reverses it into a roll up for a two count. Rikio hits a charging headbutt on Tanahashi and slaps him more in the corner then a clothesline by Rikio back in the middle of the ring then goes for the cover but Tanahashi kicks out. Rikio picks Tanahashi back up & nails Muso to score the win.

Winner: AND STILL GHC Heavyweight Champion: Takeshi Rikio (17:11)

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[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005
Genichiro Tenryu vs. Yoshinari Ogawa

Yoshinari Ogawa asks for a handshake but Genichiro Tenryu will have none of it as a kick to the gut by Ogawa then Tenryu returns with chops, Ogawa tries to fight back but is no match for Tenryu then a Irish whip by Tenryu and he chops Ogawa down hard. Irish whip by Tenryu and he hits a clothesline then Ogawa rolls out of the ring, while Tenryu waits on the inside. Tenryu gets tired of waiting and comes out, and Ogawa quickly slides back in.

Tenryu joins him, arm wrench by Ogawa, reversed by Tenryu then Ogawa flips around for a bit and reverses it into an armbar.  Tenryu pokes Ogawa in the eyes & hits a chop, slaps on a side headlock, Ogawa Irish whips out of it but Tenryu shoulder blocks him down. Ogawa quickly dropkicks Tenryu in the knee and slams his leg into the ring post. Ogawa applies a modified figure 4 around the goal post, but has to release it due to the referee yelling at him.

Ogawa grabs the steps and puts them against the ring so he can walk up into the ring instead of sliding between the ropes then some punches by Ogawa to the down Tenryu and he works his leg over in the corner.  Tenryu rakes his face to get Ogawa to release the hold, but Ogawa continues striking him in his injured leg.  Ogawa charges but Tenryu hits him with a chop and works him over in the corner. Irish whip, Tenryu goes for a clothesline, but Ogawa kicks him as he is charging in.

After another kick to the head, Ogawa rams Tenryu’s head into the turnbuckle and then charges him across the ring to the other turnbuckle. Ogawa ducks a chop attempt by Tenryu and nails a DDT before Ogawa applies a submission hold but Tenryu reaches the ropes.  Tenryu chops Ogawa once he gets up and hits an enziguiri. Now it is Tenryu that stretches Ogawa, but Ogawa reaches the ropes. Tenryu doesn’t release it though and pulls him back in the middle of the ring.

Ogawa makes it to the ropes a second time, but again he is pulled back.  Tenryu releases the hold and kicks Ogawa in the head.  Another kick to the head by Tenryu and he re applies the stretch submission.  Ogawa gets to the ropes and Tenryu kicks him out to the apron.  Ogawa slowly gets up & pokes Tenryu in the eyes and headscissors him over the top rope down to the floor.  Tenryu tumbles all the way over the guardrail while Ogawa goes to get a table.

Ogawa places the table against the apron and drags over Tenryu for a back suplex but Tenryu doesn’t budge and throws Ogawa into the table. Tenryu tosses Ogawa back in the ring and kicks him around some more then a Irish whip by Tenryu as he hits a clothesline then goes for the cover but Ogawa kicks out at two. Tenryu suplexes Ogawa then a another cover, but another two count.

Tenryu goes for a powerbomb, but Ogawa reverses it and hits an enziguiri & after slamming Tenryu into the turnbuckle, Ogawa hits a backdrop suplex. Ogawa kicks Tenryu in the head the same way that Tenryu had done to him as he hits a backdrop suplex hold, but Tenryu kicks out.

Tenryu hits a chop, and Ogawa tries to hit back but Tenryu levels him with a short-range lariat.  Tenryu picks Ogawa up with, an Irish whip, he hits a lariat, but Ogawa kicks out again. Tenryu hits 53 Year Old, but it gets another two.  Irish whip by Tenryu & he hits another lariat to get the win.

Winner: Genichiro Tenryu (10:27)

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[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005
Kensuke Sasaki vs. Kenta Kobashi

The match starts off with a lock-up to start this match off and Kensuke Sasaki quickly hits a backdrop suplex then Sasaki kicks Kenta Kobashi while he is on the mat but Kobashi gets back to his feet anyway. They trade chops, a side headlock by Sasaki but Kobashi hits a backdrop suplex of his own. Sasaki fires back with a lariat and both men roll out of the ring on opposite sides after glaring at each other from across the ring & both men get back in to face off.

Sasaki asks for a test of strength, they struggle for the advantage and Sasaki flips Kobashi to the mat then they lock up, Kobashi gets Sasaki into the ropes and knees Sasaki in the stomach.  Chop by Kobashi, Irish whip, and he knees Sasaki again on the other side.  Kobashi holds Sasaki so he can chop him the chest, hits two chops on Sasaki while he is down, cover, but it gets two.  Reverse chinlock by Kobashi is applied, he drags Sasaki’s head so that it is over the apron and hits a diving chop to the chest.

Kobashi then pulls Sasaki out of the ring and hits a quick DDT then Kobashi goes back in the ring but soon comes flying back out with a pescado down on Sasaki & after rolling Sasaki back in the ring, Kobashi hits a chop and applies a front facelock. Sasaki gets Kobashi into the corner and gives Kobashi a headbutt and a series of strikes.  Sasaki puts Kobashi on the top turnbuckle and hits a Frankensteiner. Sasaki goes up top and hits a flying clothesline, cover, but it only gets a two count.

Kobashi rolls out of the ring while Sasaki goes up top once again and dives down onto Kobashi.  Sasaki tosses Kobashi back into the ring, cover, but it gets a two count.  Chop by Sasaki once Kobashi stands back up, Irish whip, and he hits a bulldog then goes for the cover but Kobashi immediately kicks out then a Kick by Sasaki but Kobashi responds with chops.  Sasaki dares him to keep chopping him, Kobashi obliges and then Kobashi asks Sasaki to chop him & no we get a  chop battle.

Kobashi that knocks Sasaki down first.  Both men stay down for a moment, Kobashi gets back up first, but Sasaki powerslams him when he charges.  Sasaki walks around the ring holding his chest before going to the top rope but Kobashi joins him and nails a superplex. but Sasaki doesn’t sell it though and charges Kobashi but Kobashi nails a head droppingly half nelson suplex. Kobashi hits another half nelson suplex after that.

Sasaki rolls out to the apron, Sasaki tries to give him a Northern Lights Bomb from the apron to the floor but Kobashi chops him off the apron to the floor.  Kobashi gets on the apron and chops down on Sasaki but Sasaki reaches up, grabs him, and proceeds to hit a Northern Lights Bomb to the floor. Sasaki gets back in first, and Kobashi barely makes it back in before the 20 count.

Sasaki picks Kobashi up and goes for the Tiger Suplex as Kobashi tries to grab the top rope, but he is unable to get a grasp on it and Sasaki hits the move for a two count.  Sasaki bounces off the ropes and hits a lariat, cover, but again it gets a two count. Sasaki picks up Kobashi and tries to slam him to the mat but Kobashi reverses it, bounces up, and nails a lariat. Both men are back up, and Sasaki judo throws Kobashi down.

The Strangle Hold Gamma is applied by Sasaki but he releases the hold and stands Kobashi up. Sasaki bounces off the ropes and goes for a lariat but Kobashi gets his arm up to block it. Sasaki goes for a Northern Lights Bomb but Kobashi reverses it into one of his own.

Sasaki pops up though and hits the Northern Lights Bomb but Kobashi doesn’t sell it and the two hit each other with lariats at the same time & that knocks them both down. Sasaki clotheslines Kobashi in the back, but Kobashi grabs him and hits a sleeper suplex then a short lariat for Kobashi then goes for a cover but Sasaki kicks out.

Kobashi picks up Sasaki & hits a scoop slam, then hits moonsault but again he gets a two count. Then Kobashi picks up Sasaki; Sasaki tries to hit a lariat but Kobashi blocks it and hits a series of rolling back chops & with Sasaki reeling, Kobashi bounces off the ropes and delivers 1 last lariat gets Kobashi the win.

Winner: Kenta Kobashi (23:38)

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[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Pro Wrestling NOAH Destiny 2005
Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Toshiaki Kawada

The match starts off with a lock-up then Toshiaki Kawada gets Mitsuharu Misawa into the ropes and gives a clean break then they lock up again, and Kawada again gets Misawa into the ropes then. Misawa switches positions with him, though and he also gives a clean break then a kick to the stomach by Kawada, Misawa goes to punch Kawada, but Kawada jumps back. With a 3rd lock up, Kawada pushes Misawa into the ropes but this time hits a chop. Misawa fires back with an elbow, and they trade strikes.

They go head to head as their strike battle continues. Kawada hits a running boot to the head, but Misawa replies with a running elbow smash but Kawada grabs Misawa’s arm and connects squarely with a heel kick.

Kawada applies a half Boston Crab and then releases it in order to apply a modified surfboard then a kick to the chest by Kawada then Misawa hits a series of forearms, Kawada hits a boot to the face, but Misawa floors him with a running elbow shot.  Misawa picks Kawada up  & hits Tiger Driver, but it only gets a two-count.

Misawa goes up top and hits a Tiger Body Press then goes for the cover but again it gets two. A reverse chinlock is applied by Misawa, but Kawada gets a foot on the ropes then a elbow to the back of the head by Misawa, Kawada fires back with slaps, scoop slam and he kicks Misawa repeatedly in the head. Misawa rolls to the outside, and Kawada goes out as well.  Kawada moves one of the protective mats and goes to powerbomb Misawa on the concrete, but Misawa hits him with a series of forearms and nails a Tiger Driver on the concrete.

Misawa gets back in first, then Kawada eventually follows, then a cover by Misawa, but it gets a two-count. Misawa goes up to the 2nd rope and hits a dropkick to Kawada’s head, then another cover, but Kawada kicks out. Misawa goes for a Tiger Suplex, but Kawada grabs the ropes, so Misawa applies a sleeper hold, but Kawada reaches the ropes, Misawa picks him back up, Irish whip to the corner, but Kawada collapses before he gets there. Misawa charges Kawada when he gets up, but Kawada boots him in the face.

Misawa charges again, again he tastes boot, Kawada bounces off the ropes and 1 last big boot knocks Misawa to the mat then Misawa bounces back up but Kawada knocks him back down with a Gamengiri. Kawada hits a running boot in the corner and knees Misawa repeatedly in the head. Knees to the chest by Kawada and he kicks Misawa again in the head. Misawa rolls out to the apron and Kawada follows.

Slap by Kawada on the apron, Misawa fires back with elbow shots and goes for a Tiger Driver but Kawada blocks it so Misawa hits another elbow smash instead.  Misawa dives down on Kawada from the apron but Kawada forearms in the face as he is falling. Kawada drags Misawa most the way up the large rampway and scoop slams him onto it then Kawada goes for a powerbomb but Misawa tries to fight out of it but Kawada hits an enziguiri.

Kawada picks Misawa up and this time delivers the powerbomb on the ramp.  Kawada goes back to the ring but when the count gets to around 10 he runs back out and grabs Misawa bringing him back to the ring with him.  Knee drop by Kawada then goes for the cover but Misawa kicks out.  Kawada kicks Misawa in the legs and finishes with a spinning heel kick.

Clothesline by Kawada then goes for the cover but it gets two. Kawada goes for a powerbomb, Misawa blocks it, Kawada kicks Misawa in the head but Misawa comes back with his own elbow strikes then they trade stiff strikes but Kawada knocks Misawa back down with a kick to the chest.  Kawada picks Misawa up and goes for a suplex and finally hits it after Misawa tries to fight it off.  Stretch Plum by Kawada then goes for the cover, but it only gets a two count.

Kawada hits a release German suplex, Misawa jumps back up, Kawada hits another release German suplex, again Misawa doesn’t sell it and charges Kawada with elbows but Kawada knocks Misawa to the mat for good with a rolling front kick. Kawada goes for a vertical suplex but Misawa won’t go over but Kawada hits another Gamengiri then makes the pin but Misawa barely kicks out.  Brainbuster by Kawada then another cover but again Misawa kicks out.

Kawada picks Misawa up, hits a powerbomb then goes for the pin but it only gets a two count.  Kawada sits Misawa up and bounces off the ropes but Misawa ducks the front kick but Kawada kicks him in the back.  Kawada then picks Misawa up and hits the Ganso Bomb then goes for a cover, but Misawa still won’t stay down. Kawada grabs Misawa again and goes for another powerbomb, but Misawa hurricanrana out off it.

They traded shots but Misawa ducks the Gamengiri then a forearm shot by Misawa and he knocks Kawada down with a running elbow smash then goes for the but it only gets two.  Misawa goes for the Emerald Frosion, Kawada slides down his back, but Misawa elbows him back down.  Misawa goes for it again, again Kawada goes down his back then another forearm by Misawa before he goes for it a 3rd time and finally hits Emerald Flowsion then goes for the pin but Kawada kicks out.

Misawa goes for a Tiger Driver but Kawada goes to his knees, but Misawa hits a rolling kick then a release Tiger Suplex by Misawa then he grabs Kawada and hits Tiger Driver ’91 then goes for the cover but it only gets a two count.  Misawa picks Kawada up but Kawada hits a forearm shot but Misawa knocks him back down with an elbow smash.

Kawada breaks up the pinfall attempt at one, and they exchange strikes Misawa with some elbows and Kawada connects with kicks, but Misawa wins the dual and elbows Kawada down, but it gets a two count. Kawada slowly gets to his feet, and Misawa elbows him again.

After a series of elbow strikes that leaves Kawada reeling, Misawa hits another running elbow smash and gets the job done.

Winner: Mitsuharu Misawa (27:04)