On Friday, Oct 28th, 2022, NXT aired another episode of Level Up on Peacock in the States & WWE Network everywhere else as we review NXT Level Up for 10/28/22. On this night, we got three matches we got Stacks going one-on-one with Tank Ledger; we got sowomen’sn’s action as ChaU’sU’s Thea Hail is in action against a debuting Jakara Jackson & the main event Trick Williams faces off with Brooks Jansen.

NXT Level Up for 10/28/22
Stacks vs. Tank Ledger
The match starts off with Tank Ledger controlling the arm and works the shoulder as he bounces Stacks around the ring. Stacks lands a shot and goes to a side headlock but gets pushed off and mowed down with a shoulder tackle. Stacks bails to the apron and gets tossed back in the ring.
He rolls to the floor, which lets ToD’Angeloelo talk smack to distract Ledger, which lets Stacks get a boot to the face. He manipulates the fingers in the ropes and sends Ledger to the corner with a whip then we get more finger manipulation, then Stacks gets a back elbow for two and goes back to bending the fingers.
He throws some blows and stomps the hands. He throws a clothesline that Ledge no sells them. He lands some strikes and plants Stacks then hits a splash goes for the hook of the leg but Stacks kicks out.
Ledger tries to hook his hands, but the damage has been done to the fingers which lets Stacks break but Stacks gets a running boot then a basement clothesline gets Stack the win.
Winner: Stacks
Backstage Kelly Kincaid is with Trick Williams who was on the phone with his girl on vacation saying he would take out Brooks Jensen in 2 minutes or less. Kincaid said Carmelo Hayes would not be in his corner tonight but Josh Briggs would be Jensen’sn’s corner. Williadidn’tn’t care and eventually did some dancing with Kincaid.

NXT Level Up for 10/28/22
Thea Hail vs. Jakara Jackson
The match starts off with Thea Hail & Jakara Jackson lock up but nothing happening then we have another lockup, and Jackson gets a takedown but gets caught with a side headlock.
Jackson fights out and shows some power as she plants Hail on her face. Jackson buries a knee to the back and grabs an arm. Hail tries to arm drag her way out, but Jackson maintains the hold.
Hail powers out of the hold and gets a throw, then some forearm strikes followed by a splash in the corner and another.
Hail gets the spinning neckbreaker, followed by a face-plant for the win.
Winner: Thea Hail

NXT Level Up for 10/28/22
Brooks Jansen vs. Trick Williams
We get a lock-up to start this match off that goes on for a bit as they force each other to the maIt’st’s a stalemate, so they talk trash and have another go. Brooks Jensen with a shoulder block and a faceplant. He follows with a headscissors and tries to slide outside to hit a move, but Trick Williams pulls the ring skirt up to trap Jensen.
Williams connects with a running clothesline then he just stomps Jensen down in the corner. Leaping clothesline gets a two count. Jensen lowers his base to avoid a suplex so Williams lands a strike and gets a slam.
He drops an elbow for a two-count and then goes to a cravat. Jensen is able to break and catches a charging Williams with a powerslam then drops Williams with a spinning heel kick and tries the move Williams blocked with the ring skirt earlier, and this time, Jensen goes out a different side of the ring to land the punch.
Jensen off the top but eats a right hand on the way down. Williams connects with a swinging neckbreaker for two Jensen turns a suplex into an inside cradle for two then Jansen plants Williams with the Fame Asser to get the win.
Winner: Brooks Jansen
What did you think of this paweek’sk’s edition of NXT Level Up for 10/28/22? What do you anticipate happening on neweek’sk’s show? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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