NWA-TNA PPV 30 | NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroView

On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, NWA-TNA presented NWA-TNA PPV 30. In the latest of our NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews. A video package highlighting the tag team title win by Triple X is shown.

NWA-TNA opening video is shown. Mike Tenay and Don West welcome everyone to the show. The lights go off, and a spotlight appears on Raven, who is sitting in the balcony.

NWA-TNA PPV 30 (January 29, 2003) - IMPACT Wrestling
[Photo: IMPACT!]
Raven has the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and says that possession is nine-tenths of the law. Raven puts over the belt, saying it is the greatest prize in the business. Raven names a few people who have worn the belt. Raven believes that Jarrett doesn’t realize the revolution going on in TNA.

Raven knows that people may say he is insane, but they aren’t allowed to judge him. Raven calls the fans cockroaches. Raven will do what it takes to show Jarrett the error of his ways. Raven says that he has something planned for Jarrett which he will never forget. Raven welcomes everyone to the clock work orange house of fun.

Jeff Jarrett from behind nails Raven with a trash can. Jarrett hits Raven, sending him out of the ring and grabs a table from under the ring. Jarrett also hits Raven with a chair and continues his attack with the trash can. Jarrett grabs his belt and nails, Raven, with the belt. Jarrett sets up the table in the ring.

Jarrett places Raven on the table and goes up top with the trash can but Vince Russo runs down and holds Jarrett. Raven recovers and drives Jarrett through the table with a superplex. Jerry Lynn, Ron Killings and AMW run down to save Jarrett. Vince Russo stole the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

Backstage, Goldylocks is with Jorge Estrada. Goldylocks asks Estrada what Mike Sanders wanted to do with him. Estrada says that Sanders offered him a job in S.E.X. Estrada doesn’t know if he is going to join them. Estrada asks Goldylocks what she would do if she was in his position. Mike Tenay and Don West go over what just happened involving Russo, Raven and Jarrett.

A video package highlighting S.E.X. is shown.

Amazing Red vs. Jorge Estrada

Neither man can get the advantage early on, and they both miss moonsault. Estrada rolls Red up and gets a near fall which gets a stand still. Red with a spinning heel kick which sends Estrada to the floor. Red with a moonsault off the apron onto Estrada on the floor. Estrada drops Red across the top rope but misses a slingshot split-legged moonsault.

Red goes up top but is stopped by Estrada, who takes Red down with a hip toss of the top rope and gets a two count. Estrada with a flapjack and rolls through into a half Boston crab, but Red manages to reach the bottom rope quickly. Red with two spinning side kicks and gets a two-count. Red works on Estrada with right hands in the corner.

Estrada with a springboard dropkick knocking Red down on the apron. Estrada follows up with a springboard leg drop and gets a two-count. Estrada works on Red with a series of boots and a running back elbow in the corner. Estrada slows the match down with a sleeper hold. Red elbows out but runs into a clothesline. Estrada goes for a pinfall and gets two count.

Red with the Code Red but Estrada kicks out. Red leaps off the top but Estrada connects with a northern lights suplex and gets a two-count. Estrada goes to the top rope but Red shoves Estrada off and hits The Infrared followed by The Red Star Press goes for a pin-fall; referee Rudy Charles counts the 1-2-3!

Winner: Amazing Red.

After the match, Mike Sanders enters the ring with a microphone and tells Estrada that he doesn’t need the NWA. Sanders needs an answer from Estrada today. Estrada shoves Sanders and this him with a right hand, saying no. Sanders backs off in the corner, and that is when Glen Gilbertti comes in and hits Estrada with a steel chair. Gilbertti is announced as the Director of Talent Development. Gilbertti beats Estrada down with a steel chair.

Backstage, Goldylocks is with Bob Armstrong and asks him what is he going to do. Jeff Jarrett comes over and shoves Armstrong against the wall saying that he wants Russo and Raven tonight.

David Flair vs. Jerry Lynn

Lynn has a burlap sack of his own, and Flair bails out of the ring. Lynn gets Flair in the ring and connects with a dropkick, and a running bulldog goes for a pin-fall gets a two count. Lynn works on Flair delivering a few shots to the chest, and sends Flair into the guardrail Flair manages to crotch Lynn on the guard.

Flair chops away on Lynn and delivers several blows to the back of Lynn. Flair goes for a pin-fall gets a two count using the ropes for leverage. Flair bodyslam Lynn down and goes to the top rope, but Lynn gets up and power slams Flair off the top rope. Lynn with several more right hands and a spinning back elbow Lynn with ten punches in the corner and Flair falls flat on his face.

Lynn, with standing leg drop, goes for a pin-fall and gets a two count. Lynn with an elbow drop to Flair’s knee. Lynn locks in the figure four, and Flair is screaming in agony. Flair’s shoulders drop a few times, but Flair kicks out. Lynn accidentally knocks referee Andrew Thomas down.

Flair has the burlap sack, but Ron Killings comes out and takes the sack away from Flair. Killings hits Lynn as Flair shoved Lynn in the way. Flair goes for a pin-fall; referee Andrew Thomas counts the 1-2-3!

Winner: David Flair

After the match, Ron Killings just walks to the back.

A video package highlighting NWA representative “Bullet” Bob Armstrong’s issues with S.E.X. as of late.

Earlier today, Mike Tenay has a sit-down interview with BG James in the middle of the ring. Tenay asks BG James about his wrestling history. Tenay talks about the wrestling history of his family, and BG James says it was great growing up in a wrestling family. “Not only am I a professional wrestler, but I am a sports entertainer, and damn am I good.”

BG James says he would bet Jeff Jarrett for the belt. BG James says that the real Double J gimmick was Vince McMahon’s idea, and it “sucked.” Tenay brings up DX. BG James says that he was the most entertaining man in the company. BG James believes that his family is jealous of him.

BG James says that HE sold out Madison Square Garden twenty times in a row. Scott Armstrong walks down and gets in his brother BG James’ face; Tenay ends the video.

America’s Most Wanted have a microphone and enters the ring. Chris Harris says that before this started, they were just unknown wrestlers. However, they are now America’s Most Wanted. Harris says that you can’t take away all their effort they have given since day one. Harris continues by saying no one thought they would win the NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships.

Harris mentions they held the belt for sixteen weeks. Harris says that it wasn’t Low Ki and Elix Skipper didn’t beat them, but instead it was Triple X, and it was a 3 on 2 disadvantage. They want their title shot tonight. James Storm again says that they busted their asses and that they are the best tag team going today. Storm also calls out Triple X.

Storm finishes off by saying, “sorry about your damn luck”. BG James and his S.E.X. crew come down to ringside and says that Triple X weren’t able to be here tonight. BG James assumes AMW is “sexually aggravated.” James says they will get some group sex, and S.E.X. beat down AMW.

That is until the Rock N’ Roll Express runs down to the ring with steel chairs and runs S.E.X. off! “Cowboy” James Storm and “Wildcat” Chris Harris AMW turn around. Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson, Rock N’ Roll Express, attack AMW with the steel chairs while BG James rips on the crowd. Security and referees come down and escort the Rock N’ Roll Express out of the ring.

Mike Sanders vs. Ron Killings

Sanders works on Killings with several right hands in the corner but is taken down with a series of hip tosses and arm drags by Killings. Sanders goes for a roll-up but Killings connects with a wheelbarrow slam and gets a near fall. Sanders kicks Killings on the knee and goes to work on the left knee of Killings.

Sanders places Killings in a modified STF hold, but Killings manages to reach the bottom rope to break the hold. Sanders continues to work on the left knee of Killings with a leg lock. Killings comes back with an STO, but Sanders trips Killings down and slams Killings left knee down to the mat a couple of times.

Sanders locks in a half Boston crab, but Killings doesn’t give up as he manages to reach the bottom rope. Killings manages to kick Sanders into a corner, but Sanders dropkicks the left knee of Killings to regain control of the match. Sanders taunts the fans, and when he turns around, Killings takes Sanders out with a missile dropkick off the top rope.

Killings with a series of right hands and a flying forearm smash. Killings takes Sanders down with a back drop and a power slam getting a two count. Killings floats over Sanders but hurts his knee. Killings rolls Sanders up for a near fall; Killings with a heel kick, goes for a pin-fall gets a two count. Jerry Lynn is brawling with David Flair on the floor. Killings knocks Lynn off the apron and is rolled up by Sanders, who picks up the win.

Winner: Mike Sanders

After the match, Jerry Lynn enters the ring and gets in Killings face. Lynn shoves Killings.

Backstage, Goldylocks is with the Rock N’ Roll Express, Mike Sanders, Glenn Gilbertti and BG James. Ricky Morton says that he knew what sports entertainment was all about when they had all the pyro and lights. Morton says that rock n roll is back in the house.

Bob Armstrong comes into the picture and tells them to screw themselves. Armstrong sets up a tag match between Rock N’ Roll Express and America’s Most Wanted for later tonight.

AJ Styles comes out and had a microphone as he stands in the ring. He wants to know what else does he have to do to become an NWA World Champion. Styles is telling the crowd to “zip it” and wants them to listen to him. Styles says that he is NOT with Mortimer Plumtree or Vince Russo.

Styles says that he is the “mack daddy of the X-Division,” but he wants to be an NWA World Champion. Styles goes over all people he has beaten, including Ron Killings, Jeff Jarrett, and Larry Zbyszko. Styles says that is he had ten minutes he could have beaten Zbyszko twice. Styles isn’t leaving until he has the World Championship in his hands.

Raven chimes in and tells Styles that if he wants the title, he needs to talk to him. Raven comes into the ring and says that he doesn’t think Styles is ready to compete for the title. Styles cracks a joke saying, “is that a syringe in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?”

Raven returns by saying, “that is funny coming from someone who looks like Elton John’s life partner.” Raven also says that Styles is wearing a N’Sync starter kit. Styles wants Raven to hand over the NWA World Championship. Styles then tells Raven to head to the back so he can “shoot up some more heroin!”

Raven gets right in Styles’ face and shoves him. Styles returns the shove, and officials run down, breaking up the situation. Jeff Jarrett runs down and attacks both men. Jarrett plants Styles with the Stroke and has regained possession of the NWA World Championship. Raven left the ring and went back to the S.E.X locker room.

Larry Zbyszko walks down to the ring and gets in Styles’ face. Styles doesn’t know what Zbyszko is doing here. Jeremy Borash gives Zbyszko a microphone. Zbyszko says that he sees a lot of himself in AJ Styles. Zbyszko says that twenty-nine years ago he had all the talent but not knowledge.

Zbyszko tells Styles that he can have a wrestling lifestyle with a lot of expensive things. Zbyszko says that Styles needs to go through the school of hard knocks. Zbyszko wants to see if Styles can beat him twice in ten minutes. If Styles can do that, Zbyszko will do everything he can to get Styles a title shot.

Zbyszko double dog dares Styles to do it. Styles doesn’t accept the challenge is slapped by Zbyszko. Styles attacks Zbyszko, and I guess the match begins.

Larry Zbyszko vs. AJ Styles
2 Out of 3 Falls Match

First Fall: Styles beats down Zbyszko in the corner with a series of right hands and a running clothesline. Styles with a bodyslam and a standing Swanton bomb. Styles delivers a stiff kick to the back of Zbyszko. Larry Zbyszko locks in an abdominal stretch and falls back for a pin attempt, but Styles manages to get his shoulders up on the pin fall attempts.

Zbyszko, with another submission, hold working on the leg and neck. Styles kicks Zbyszko off, but Zbyszko comes back and backdrops Styles down, getting a two-count. Zbyszko with a full nelson but Styles reaches the ropes. Zbyszko low blows Styles, and Styles goes to the apron but is dragged back in where Zbyszko scoop slams Styles down.

Zbyszko with a standing figure four using the ropes for leverage. Zbyszko with a back suplex and gets another near fall. Zbyszko locks in a sleeper hold, but Styles gets out of the hold with a top wrist lock but Zbyszko gets a hammerlock set in. Styles reaches the ropes.

Zbyszko takes Styles down with some mat wrestling and places Styles in a modified ankle lock submission it looks like. Styles manages to reach the ropes yet again. Zbyszko with a inside cradle but only gets a two count. Zbyszko with several shots, but Styles springs off the middle rope and plants Zbyszko with a reverse DDT, and goes for a pin-fall.

Winner of the First Fall: AJ Styles

Second Fall: There is under four minutes left in the match at this point. Styles misses a splash in the corner and is dropped with a spine buster by Zbyszko and locks in a Boston crab. Mortimer Plumtree runs down and is cheering on Styles to reach the bottom rope. Styles manages to reach the bottom rope, thanks to Plumtree.

Plumtree hands Styles some brass knuckles, but Zbyszko blocks the punch. Plumtree tries to throw powder into the eyes of Zbyszko but misses. Zbyszko with a neck breaker on Styles and gets a near fall. Styles with a series of forearms and a dropkick, and both men are down. Both men collide in the middle of the ring.

Plumtree has bridged a chair in the corner. Zbyszko sends Styles head first into the chair and Zbyszko rolls Styles up but only gets a two count. Styles didn’t beat Zbyszko twice in 10 minutes.

Winner: Larry Zbyszko.

After the match, Mortimer Plumtree is freaking out because he lost the services of AJ Styles.

Goldylocks is standing in the ring and introduces Percy Pringle. Goldylocks says that its been a few months that Pringle has been around. Goldylocks really sucks up Pringle being a “pioneer” to the business. Goldylocks also asks Pringle about how he was embarrassed by Russo.

Pringle puts over being honored by the Cauliflower Alley Club as being the elite club in the wrestling industry. Pringle says that the name Vince Russo just makes his stomach sour. Pringle also says that Russo never get the honor of being honored by the Cauliflower Alley Club.

Pringle continues by saying that with every drop of blood from his head, he saw Vince Russo and all of his S.E.X. goons. Pringle tells Goldylocks that he isn’t going anywhere. All of a sudden, TONY SCHIAVONE enters the ring. Schiavone looks drastically different. Schiavone says that he really admired Pringle’s career.

Schiavone believes that Pringle kissed Vince Russo’s a** last week. Schiavone insults Pringle’s weight and says that Pringle stooped to a new low. Schiavone has been wondering why he hasn’t had a job in wrestling for two years. He turns to Goldylocks and makes the assumption that Goldylocks has slept her way to her job.

Schiavone says that Goldylocks has been here for five minutes and tells Goldylocks that she is in this business because of her “boobs and butts”. Schiavone calls Goldylocks a “blond bimbo” and says that Goldylocks should he holding something other than a microphone. Mike Tenay says this is enough and enters the ring.

Schiavone asks how Tenay’s family is doing? Tenay says fine. Schiavone thought when TNA came around, he thought this was the perfect time to get back into pro wrestling business. Schiavone talks about doing all the high-profile shows while Tenay was writing for wrestling websites. Schiavone believes that Tenay screwed him over because Tenay thought Schiavone held him down.

Tenay says that he made Schiavone’s job easier. Tenay says that Vince Russo cost both of them their jobs in WCW. Schiavone says that Vince Russo jumped the Titanic before it sank because he knew it was going down. Vince Russo comes down to the ring while Tenay and Schiavone continue to argue. Russo says that Tenay has “BS between his ears”.

Russo says that Tenay represents tradition and Tenay doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Russo tells Tenay that Schiavone doesn’t need Tenay. Russo begins to try and recruit him to S.E.X. Tenay reminds Schiavone of his motto of “anywhere the wind blows”. Schiavone says that Tenay has always been BS.

Schiavone says that there’s a guy down, in Atlanta, GA named Scott Hudson could do Tenay’s job better than him, & he wouldn’t charge them for the plane ticket. Tenay says that Schiavone was always about politics and never about performance as Schiavone leaves with Russo.

A video package highlighting the feud between Sonny Siaki and Kid Kash is shown.

Kid Kash and Trinity vs. Champion Sonny Siaki and Desire

Siaki and Kash start the match. Siaki takes Kash down with a arm drag but Kash comes back with a dropkick. Kash with a overhand chop. Siaki catches Kash’s attempted cross body and botches a Samoan Drop attempt and gets a near fall. Siaki with several chops, but Kash comes back with several of his own.

Kash with a double springboard hurricanrana. Siaki backdrops Kash to the apron but Kash leaps off the top looking for a dive but is met with a clothesline in midair from Siaki. Siaki covers and gets a two count. Siaki misses a kick and Kash nails Siaki with a kick. Kash with a springboard somersault dropkick and Siaki falls to the floor.

Trinity with a top rope moonsault taking Siaki out. Kash covers Siaki back in the ring but Siaki kicks out. Kash attempts a tornado DDT but Siaki takes Kash down with a northern lights suplex. Desire wants a tag, and get it. Kash tags in Trinity to take on Desire. Trinity takes Desire down and goes for a arm bar but lets go.

Trinity with a drop toe hold and a dropkick getting a near fall. Trinity with a few uppercuts and a standing spin kick getting a two count. Desire elbows Trinity and kicks Trinity down getting a two count of her own. Desire drives Trinity down with a delayed vertical suplex and gets a near fall. Siaki enters and drops Trinity across the top rope throat first.

Siaki clotheslines Trinity down and knocks Kash off the apron. Siaki with a snap suplex and tags in Desire. Athena comes down to ringside, gets up on the apron and slaps Desire. Athena hits Desire. and Trinity rolls up Desire referee Andrew Thomas counts the 1-2-3!

Winners: Kid Kash and Trinity.

After the match, Kash, Trinity and Athena celebrate the win.

Tony Schiavone comes back out and asks Tenay if he is done yet? Schiavone asks if Athena is a s*ut and if she is allowed to interfere in every match. Schiavone enters and interviews Siaki and Desire. Schiavone wants to talk about Siaki’s title match against Amazing Red next week.

Before Siaki can say anything, Konnan runs down and attacks Siaki with a kendo stick. Konnan leaves the ring and gets Tenay in his face saying that Tenay is the problem. Konnan will give Tenay a interview. Tenay is confused.

Backstage, Goldylocks is with Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett says he is going to be a marked man as long as he is the champion. Jarrett doesn’t care who Russo puts in front of him. Jarrett says that Russo will regret the day meeting Jeff Jarrett.

Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson (Rock N’ Roll Express) vs. “Cowboy “James Storm and “Wildcat” Chris Harris (America’s Most Wanted)

All four men brawl to start with AMW taking down Morton and Gibson with clotheslines. Storm and Morton start the match off officially. Storm blocks a hip toss but not a knee to the gut. Morton flips and is met with a clothesline. Harris tags in and delivers a running back elbow and running bulldog on Morton. Gibson is taken out with a dropkick.

Gibson tags in takes Harris down with a shoulder block. Harris drives Gibson down with a scoop slam and the same for Morton. Storm with a missile dropkick taking Gibson down. AMW roll and knock Morton down. Double clothesline on Gibson as well. Morton trips Storm down and Storm hits the mat hard. Storm is double-teamed for a few moments.

Storm is sent to the floor and is rammed into the ring steps by Gibson. Storm, with several right hands, backing Morton into a corner, but Morton stops Storm with an atomic drop and a running clothesline. Morton gets a quick two-count and tags in Gibson. Gibson prevents a roll-up by hitting Storm with a right hand.

Gibson, with a back elbow and knocks Harris off the apron. Morton drives a fist down to the chest of Storm off the middle rope. Storm with a sunset flip roll-up but only gets a one count as the referee was distracted by Gibson. Gibson drives down across the left knee of Storm and knees Storm in the groin. Gibson continues to drive his knee onto the ribs of Storm.

Morton enters and slaps Storm in the corner, but Storm comes back with several right hands but misses a splash in the corner. Gibson chokes Storm as the referee is distracted. Storm takes both men down with a diving clothesline after ducking a double clothesline attempt. Storm makes his way to Harris and makes the tag.

Harris, with several left hands cleaning house. AMW hit the Death Sentence on Morton but the referee is distracted. Elix Skipper shows up and hits Storm with a tag team title off the top rope. Morton goes for a pin-fall on Storm referee Scott Armstrong and counts the 1-2-3!

Winners: Rock N’ Roll Express.

After the match, the New Church attack Elix Skipper. Brian Lee on Elix Skipper. Slash with a reverse neck breaker, and Lee drops a knee off the top rope on Skipper. The fans chant “evil” as Skipper bails to the back.

NWA-TNA PPV 30 (January 29, 2003) - IMPACT Wrestling
[Photo: IMPACT!]

Mike Tenay and Don West go over what will be on next week’s NWA-TNA PPV.

Backstage, Tony Schiavone is with Vince Russo and Raven in the S.E.X. locker room. Russo wants to add a match to next weeks show. Russo wants to know if Jarrett is willing to face Raven next week. Raven says screw next week he wants it right now. Jarrett storms the locker room and attacks Raven.

Jarrett hits Raven with a trash can several times as they brawl to the ringside area. Jarrett with a right hand and leaps off the announcers’ table hitting Raven with several right hands. Jarrett hits Raven with a chair. Raven low blows Jarrett and plants, Jarrett, with the Evenflow DDT. Vince Russo is at ringside as well and gets a table from under the ring.

Raven, with a drop-toe, hold sending Jarrett face-first into a steel chair. Russo and Raven have problems getting a table into the ring but eventually manage to get it in the ring. Raven sets up the table and places Jarrett on the top rope. Raven goes for a superplex, but Jarrett blows and drives Raven chest first through the table!

Jarrett hits Raven with the title belt and gets a microphone. Jarrett wants Russo to enter the ring. Russo enters, but AJ Styles slides in and hits Jarrett with a spin kick. Styles drives Jarrett down with the Stroke on the title belt! Styles holds up the NWA World Championship.

Raven and Jarrett are laid out in the ring. Styles has the belt in hand and leaves the ring. Russo gets in Jarrett’s face as NWA-TNA PPV 30 goes off the air.