NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 11/08/22 (6-Man Tag Match)

On Tuesday, November 8th, 2022, NWA aired another episode of Powerrr as we review NWA Power Surrrge for 11/08/22. Tonight we have 4 matches we got The Hex in tag team action against Women’s Champion Kamille & half of her challengers Kilynn King.

Odinson is in action against Fodder,  and Taya Valkyrie goes 1-on-1 with 1/2 of the #1 Contenders To The Women’s Tag Team Titles, Madi Wrenkowski. In the main event we got 6 Man Tag Team Action as the World Heavyweight Champion Trevor Murdoch teams up with Tyrus & Thom Latimer ahead of their match at Hard Times 3 to take on The Pope, JR Kratos & Doug Williams.

NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 11/08/22
[Photo: NWA]

NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 11/08/22
Tag Team Match

The Hex vs. Women’s Champion Kamille & Kilynn King

Kilynn King & Allysin Kay fight to a standstill but once Marti Belle gets tagged in against the taller King, she promptly knocks her down, and tags back to Kay. Now she faces Kamille who scoops her up in front of Belle and then slams her to the mat for a two-count.

Tag back to King and she gets Kay in a steamroller, then attempts to follow up with a senton that misses the mark. Kay throws her into The Hex’s corner and they isolate King with a double team Hex. Now Belle is in the ring, and King chops at her .

Belle goes for a sleeper, but King turns around and slams her into the corner. King crawls to her corner, but Kay runs over and pulls Kamille from the apron, preventing the hot tag. The Hex takes control, and Kay is just domaining King. She throws her in the corner and rushes at King, who explodes with a back elbow and a 2nd rope dropkick. Now King gets to her corner for a tag to Kamille & she makes a comeback. She gets Belle with an Oklahoma Stampede to cover but Kay breaks up the count. Both teams brawl, but Kay finishes with a uranage on Kamille.

The Hex nail Kamille with double running knees and then attempt Hex Marks the Spot but King comes in and removes Belle from the equation. King hits Belle with a ripcord, and Kamille delivers a spear to Kay for the win.

Winners: Women’s Champion Kamille & Kilynn King

After the match both teams shakes hands.

May Valentine is backstage with Ricky Morton who talks about his son Kerry Morton getting another chance at Homicide’s Junior Heavyweight Title. Ricky states he wants his son to be his own man and do what he does best. He gives props to Homicide, but notes one mistake is all it takes and he can’t wait for Kerry to show off his skills in the ring.

Next, Valentine is with the #1 Contender for the National Title, Dak Draper.  He says this is a tremendous opportunity for him to face Cyon. Draper goes on to say there may be all sorts of tall tales of his exploits down the road, but beating Cyon for the National Title will make him a legend.

[Photo: NWA]

NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 11/08/22
Odinson vs. Fodder

The match begins with a lock-up, but Odinson outpowers Fodder. Fodder gets Odinson in a waist lock, but Odinson responds with a back elbow smash. Odinson signals for the test of strength but nails fodder with two toe kicks then two uppercuts. Odinson sends Fodder to the corner to set up for something, but Fodder sidesteps the attack. Fodder applies a side headlock, but Odinson launches Fodder across the ring.

We get another lock up; then Fodder applies a hammerlock. Fodder transitions into a side headlock, which Odinson counters with a belly-to-back slam. Odinson applies a front face lock, and rains blows on Fodder’s back. Odinson with a vertical suplex and a fireman’s carry. Fodder fights out of the fireman’s carry position, and Odinson drops Fodder with a Lariat for a two count.

Odinson kicks a downed Fodder in the face, and stomps on hiss back. Odinson uses the middle rope to choke Fodder. Odinson applies a rear chin lock and rains body blows on Fodder. Fodder tries a corner clothesline, only to be short-armed by Odinson. Odinson connects with The Pounce to pickup the victory.

Winner: Odinson

Valentine is now with Aron Stevens & Question Mark. Valentine asks Stevens some questions about the Mask vs. Mask Match at Hard Times 3, before Stevens starts talking some smack about JR Kratos.

[Photo: NWA]

NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 11/08/22
Taya Valkyrie vs. Madi Wrenkowski 

Taya Valkyrie opens aggressively, denying Madi Wrenkowski any offence of her own. That makes Wrenkowski bail the ring and take a breather on the outside. As Madi tries to gather her composure, Valkyrie pulls her back into the ring by the hair. Wera Loca stun guns Wrenkowski on the top ropes, but aggravates her shoulder injury in the process.

Madi gets the advantage of the situation by targeting the injured arm and shoulder of Valkyrie. Madi drives back to the mat and covers for a 2 count.  She signals for the Reality Check but Valkyrie counters it with a clothesline. Taya sends Madi to the ropes and nails a Blue Thunder Bomb into a pin, but Wrenkowski kicks out.

Wrenkowski attempts the Reality Check but Valkyrie escapes and then hits a curb stomp for another two count. Taya Valkyrie tries to hit Road To Valhalla but Madi escapes and gets a high DDT take down Valkyrie.  She covers for a near fall. Wrenkowski picker her up again, but Valkyrie chops her and then kicks her in the midsection then delivers the Road To Valhalla for the victory.

Winner: Taya Valkyrie 

Valentine is now with Captain Yuma as he explains to Valentine that he won’t wrestle at the PPV, but he will be there as a doctor. Yuma confirms Cyon was injured recently, with a partial tear of his ACL. However, in Yuma’s medical opinion, Cyon will be ready for Hard Times 3.

Valentine interviewed Hawx Aerie last week, after they secured another chance at the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Luke Hawx feels pretty good winning the spot. He addresses the NWA World Tag Team Champions La Rebelion, and lets them know they’re walking into Louisiana with the NWA World Tag team Titles, but not with the people. PJ states it more emphatically and even busts out some Spanish, saying that La Rebelion is coming to their house.

[Photo: NWA]

NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 11/08/22
6 Man Tag Team Match

World Heavyweight Champion Trevor Murdoch,Tyrus & Thom Latimer vs. The Pope, JR Kratos & Doug Williams

Thom Latimer & The Pope start the match with a handshake, and they’re off to the races.  There’s a stand and switch between both men, but The Pope uses his speed to get the better of Latimer. Latimer pushes Pope into his corner, and Tyrus tags in and overpowers The Pope.  As he tosses Pope to his corner, JR Kratos tags himself in. Tyrus and Kratos have a staredown before Tyrus tags in Trevor Murdoch.

Murdoch and Kratos trade some heavy punches, but it’s Murdoch who takes control with a back elbow. Kratos tags in Doug Williams, who sets about Murdoch with technical wizardry. He gets the NWA World Champion down on the mat with a crossface, but Murdoch fights out and nails a clothesline to take control.

Tag back to Latimer and he stomps Williams’s midsection and lands an elbow drop for a two count. Tyrus gets back into the ring, and it is just pure brute strength from Tyrus to Williams. All 3 men keep Williams isolated in their corner, making him an Ambassador in Peril.

Murdoch and Latimer keep up the offense with a double suplex to cover, then hooks the leg but only gets a 2 count. Back to Latimer who sends Williams to the corner, but he nails him with a 2nd rope European uppercut to create some space.  Williams crawls to his corner and gets the hot tag to Kratos.

Kratos cleans house then lays out Latimer with a powerslam. Then, in a display of brute power, deadlifts Latimer into a suplex.  He floats to a cover, but Aron Stevens runs out and pulls the ref out of the ring before clocking him with the loaded glove. The bell rings as the match is thrown out.

Winners: No Contest

After the match, Kratos chases to Stevens to the back of the studio, but out comes Matt Cardona and The Cardona Family for a sneak attack. Cardona gets a steel chair from the audience and enters the ring, as Murdoch and Tyrus face off against the Cardona Family.  They finally get Cardona and company out of the ring. Murdoch and Tyrus stare down Cardona as he escapes to close out the go-home episode of Powerrr.

Hard Times 3 Card (Nov 12th)

World Heavyweight Title Triple Threat Match
Trevor Murdoch (c) vs. Matt Cardona vs. Tyrus 

Women’s Title Triple Threat Match
Kamille (c) vs. Kilynn King vs. Chelsea Green

National Title Match
Cyon (c) vs. Dak Draper

United States Tag Team Title Match
The Fixers (c) vs. The Spectaculars 

Junior Heavyweight Title Match
Homicide (c) vs. Kerry Morton

EC3 vs. Thom Latimer

Odinson vs. TBD (It was supposed to Nick Aldis but he got suspended due to him leaving NWA at the beginning of next year)

Women’s Tag Team Title Match
Pretty Empowered (c) vs. Madi Wrenkowski & Missa Kate

6 Man Tag Team Hardcore War Match
Mercurio,Jake Dumas & Jax Dane vs. The Pope,JTG & Anthony Mayweather (Pre Show)

NWA World Tag Team Title Match
La Rebeilon (c) vs. Hawx Aerie

MLW National Openweight Title Match
Davey Richards (c) vs. Colby Corino

Mask vs. Mask Match
Question Mark vs. Question Mark II

Television Title Match
AJ Cazana vs. Jordan Clearwater (Pre-Show)

Voodoo Queen Casket Match
Max The Impaler vs. Natalia Markova

WildKat Tag Team Title Match
Slime SZN (c) vs. Miserably Faithful (Pre-Show)

Please share with us what you thought of this past week’s edition of NWA Powerrr in our comment section below.


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