NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 01/31/23 (Finals of the Champions Series)

On Tuesday January 31st, 2023 NWA aired a live episode of Powerrrr we got the Finals of the Champions Series in this review of NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 01/31/23. We had a No Tables Match, a United States Tag Team Title Match & also a Wedding & also 1/2 of the Women’s Tag Team Champions Kenzie Paige goes 1 on 1 with Charlette Renegade.

Kicking off Powerrr with a graphic for Jay Briscoe before Kyle Davis ran down the Champions Series thus far.

Davis was in the ring with Odinson who explained why he challenged Bully Ray to a No Tables match, saying he didn’t need weapons he was the weapon himself. He then dedicated his match to Odin saying he was doing it for him.

NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 01/31/23
[Photo: NWA]

NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 01/31/23
No Tables Match

Bully Ray vs. Odinson

Before the bell as Bully Ray was celebrating on the middle rope, Odinson attacked and low blows Ray. Ray demanded the referee to ring the bell anyway and rolled up Odinson for a two count. Odinson got some heat after a dropkick but Bully Ray responded with a Bully 2 back suplex.

Both men stood up and traded blows until Odinson hit a belly 2 belly suplex and a pounce for a two count. Odinson went for the F10 but Ray slipped out and shoves Odinson into the referee. Odinson hit an uppercut then grabs a table under the ring and set it up. The referee stood up and turned around to see Ray countering the F10 again and putting Odinson through the table for the DQ.

Winner By DQ: Odinson

Backstage Kyle Davis is with Silas Mason & Pollo Del Mar. Mason claims he was planning on winning the Champions Series and he was going to cash in on NWA World Heavyweight Champion Tyrus but he had something to settle with National Champion Cyon & Austin Idol first.

[Photo: NWA]

NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 01/31/23
United States Tag Team Title Match

The Fixers (c) vs. The Country Gentlemen

AJ Cazana & Jay Bradley started this match off with them trading exchanging holds. The Country Gentlemen used each other as weapons against Wrecking Ball Legursky but Anthony Andrews was unable to slam Legursky. Legursky tried to throw his own partner at Andrews, but Andrews rolled out of the way. Cazana tags in but ate a lariat from Bradley.

The Fixers isolated Cazana in the corner. They got the heat on Cazana for the next few minutes. Legursky missed a headbutt and got hit with one from Cazana, who then tags out to Andrews. Andrews hit a knee and then Bradley hit a gutwrench suplex on Andrews. Cazana dodged a corner charge from Legursky and rolls him up for the win.

Winners: AND NEW United States Tag Team Champions: The Country Gentlemen

Matt Cardona & Mike Knox made their way out to the ring for the contract signing for his match against NWA World Heavyweight Champion Tyrus. Davis then said he had the contract and mentioned Tyrus having problems with it.

Tyrus then said he didn’t have problems with it, Cardona then said he was the one with the problem and that he wanted to pick the stipulations.

Cardona then said that he needed to be NWA World Heavyweight Champion. BLK Jeez then said that if they do a 6 man tag, they’ll let Cardona pick the stipulation so that was made for next week.

NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 01/31/23
Kenzie Paige vs. Charlette Renegade

Match begins with Charlette Renegade hits a delayed fisherman’s suplex for a two count. Kenzie Paige rolls outside and ran around the ring baiting Renegade into a chase but Renegade dodged a leg drop. Renegade hit a lariat but Paige was able to backtrack to the turnbuckle and pull her into the middle turnbuckle followed by a uranage.

Renegade hit a spinebuster after blocking what looked like a cutter from Paige. Paige hit a superkick and then grabs the Women’s Tag Team Title ready to hit Renegade but the referee took the belt away. Paige pulled a small spray bottle out of her top and then sprayed Renegade with it before rolling her up for the win.

Winner: Kenzie Paige

[Photo: NWA]

NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 01/31/23
Mixed Tag Team Match

Women’s Champion Kamille & Thom Latimer vs. Psycho Love

Davis was with Thom Latimer & Women’s Champion Kamille as they announced that there were travel issues for Psycho Love. As they were talking about how they were not able to get there, Psycho Love came out and attacked them from behind.

Psycho Love rolls Latimer & Kamille into the ring as Fodder beat on Latimer with a kendo stick. Love then hit the Botox Injection on Kamille, leaving both laying in the ring.

Winners: No One (Match Never Got Started)

[Photo: NWA]

NWA Powerrr SURRRGE for 01/31/23
Finals Of The Champions Series

Team Tyrus (Samantha Starr, Robyn Renegade, Allysin Kay, Trevor Murdoch, Silas Mason, Carnage & EC3) vs. Team Rock N Roll (Taya Valkyrie, Madi Wrenkowski, La Rosa Negra, Chris Adonis, Alex Taylor, Dak Draper & Mims)

Allysin Kay went for a piledriver but La Rosa Negra hits a TKO and locks on a submission to get Kay to tap out.

La Rosa Negra hit a series of kicks, a fireman’s carry into a face first slam and a Buzzsaw Kick for a two count. Robyn Renegade & Negra go back & forth with a a crucifix pin, so Renegade just settled for it being a submission and Negra taps out.

Madi Wrenkowski comes into the match & hits Reality Check on Renegade to eliminated her from the match. Samantha Starr hits a DDT on Wrenkowski to end her night.

Taya Valkyrie comes into the match & her & Starr go back & forth before Valkyrie connects with Road To Valhalla to eliminated Starr. Valkyrie picked Carnage as her opponent, but EC3 distracted her. Carnage threw her over the top rope for the elimination.

Mims came in & he quicky gets eliminated via Flatliner. Adonis dodges a dropkick and went for the Adonis Lock but fought out. Carnage hits the ropes and Adonis hit a spinebuster to eliminated Carnage.

Murdoch came in the ring, but Adonis took it right to him. Adonis threw Murdoch over the top rope to eliminated Murdoch from the match. Murdoch got upset & pulls Adonis to the floor and beats him up.

Silas Mason came in and hits Adonis with the Thrillride to eliminated Adonis. Alex Taylor hit a big headscissors on Silas who then caught Taylor in a dive off the rope with the Thrillride for the win.

Draper hits a crossbody and then a slingshot into a cradle. Mason caught Draper and hit a slam for a two count. Mason went for the Thrillride but Draper countered into a sunset flip to eliminate Mason.

EC3 went after Draper right away, attacking and beating on Draper. EC3 attempted to throw Draper out, but Draper landed on the apron. EC3 went for a Thesz press, landed without touching Draper, but the ref counted it as a pin anyway. Draper kicked out at two.

EC3 got in the face with Ricky Morton on the floor. EC3 tried to throw Draper out again, but he landed on the apron and then got a jackknife to score the win for Team Rock N Roll.

Winners Of The 2023 Champions Series: Team Rock N Roll (Sole Survivor: Dak Draper) (Team Rock N Roll)

[Photo: NWA]

Sam Temo (Santino Marella) was the minister. Temo said, I am nobody else that you think. He asked for Aron Stevens to read his vows. Stevens read a poem that Lanny Poffo would be ashamed of.

May Valentine claims that Stevens made her believe in love again. Pollo Del Mar objected to the wedding, saying Stevens was going to embarrass her. Chris Silvio, Esq. came out and objected to Jax Dane not headlining the first live NWA Power. Mercurio objected, saying she should marry him.

Natalia Markova objected, saying she was speaking for all women in the world that Stevens was fake. As Markova was saying this, it seemed she fell in love with Mercurio. Stevens pulled out the marriage license but apparently it was not a legal one, because it was the wrong one for someone with a green card.

Valentine said that she was a permanent resident, but Temo said it was the wrong license and they couldn’t get married today. She threw her bouquet at Stevens and tore the set apart with the gifts. Valentine picks up the champagne bottle and broke it over Damage’s head.


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