Yesterday, Matt Jackson shared an Instagram post regarding The Young Bucks’ recent Twitter departure.
According to Matt, the decision came down to a multitude of factors. One of the reasons stated was that it took time away from families. He believed that they sacrificed enough in regard to his and brother Nick’s professional wrestling careers. Matt went on to state that he believed their time spent on Twitter stifled their creativity. Finally, Matt believed that recent breaks from Twitter helped their mental health, providing him and his brother with a sense of healing.
While The Young Bucks can still be found on Instagram, it’s unknown whether they will return to Twitter. Earlier this week, the All Elite Wrestling EVPs left the latter social media platform without explanation. While Matt deleted all his tweets, Nick deactivated his account altogether. Their father, Matthew Lee Massie, offered his own thoughts on the matter. According to Massie, this Twitter departure was “a well deserved break from the toxicity.”

Sutter’s Synopsis:
Given what’s been discovered, regarding social media and its impact on one’s mental health, it should come as no surprise that popular wrestlers such as The Young Bucks would leave Twitter.
There’s no denying the positives of social media, including the ability to easily consume content and news. This doesn’t even begin to touch on the ability to easily communicate with friends and family members. With that said, social media has been known to negatively impact one’s mood. Social media can reinforce one’s sense of loneliness and resentment. For example, one may see a post from a friend or follower that celebrates an accomplishment. Perhaps the user seeing said post will feel as though they need to match up, but for one reason or another, cannot. This is just one way that social media can be detrimental to one’s life.
While it’s easy to say that some people should be nicer and more professional on social media, others that use platforms wisely should exercise caution. It can be difficult, but stepping away for an extended period can provide a sense of relief. After a few weeks – perhaps longer, depending on the situation – one may feel as though they’re ready to return to the platform they left. This may or may not be the case for The Young Bucks, but if a break is what they need, it can make a world of difference.