Navigation 2015 Day 6 | Pro Wrestling NOAH Saturday Night RetroView

On January 25th, 2015, Pro Wrestling Noah aired the 6th night of the 1st Navigation tour with Navigation 2015.

We had six matches on tap, with one title match, the Junior Heavyweight & the Semi-Main Event as a 10 Man Tag Team Elimination Match involving Brave & TMDK facing off against Suzuki Gun.

Navigation 2015
Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Zack Sabre Jr

Katsuhiko Nakajima & Zack Sabre Jr jockey around to start this match before they start trading submission holds until Nakajima gets in the ropes before we see a takedown by ZSJ, and he goes for Nakajima’s arm, but Nakajima gets to the ropes again.

Kick to the back by Nakajima, and he kicks ZSJ again before ZSJ stomps down on Nakajima’s arm and applies a wristlock, but Nakajima reverses it, then a big boot by Nakajima connects then boots ZSJ out of the ring.

Nakajima goes on the apron and goes for a kick, but ZSJ ducks it and kicks Nakajima in the ropes before hitting a leg sweep. ZSJ kicks Nakajima in the arm and takes him to the mat by twisting on Nakajima’s fingers.

ZSJ stomps down on Nakajima’s arm again, then some kicks, but Nakajima kicks him away.

PK by ZSJ, but it gets a two count, then a wristlock by ZSJ, but Nakajima hits a dragon screw leg whip. Big boot by Nakajima, then goes up top and hits a missile dropkick.

Nakajima goes for a backdrop suplex, but ZSJ blocks it, then a jumping kick by ZSJ in the corner, and he kicks Nakajima in the arm.

ZSJ kicks Nakajima in the arm, but Nakajima kicks ZSJ in the chest. Then we see a superkick by Nakajima, but ZSJ hits a tornado DDT. ZSJ gets Nakajima’s arm, but Nakajima lands in the ropes and breaks the hold.

Nakajima drop toeholds ZSJ into the corner, and he hits the backdrop suplex, then a cover, but ZSJ gets a shoulder up. PK by Nakajima, then another cover, but it gets two again.

Kicks by Nakajima then picks up ZSJ and he hits a brainbuster for another two count.

ZSJ wiggles away from Nakajima and hits a cross-arm breaker takedown before Nakajima connects with a cutback, but this time, ZSJ gets out of the cradle and re-applies the cross-arm breaker.

He has a hold of Nakajima’s arm still, but the time limit expires

Winner: No One (Time Limit Draw) (15:00)

Navigation 2015
Non Title Match

Cho Kibou Gun (c) (Kenou & Hajime Ohara) vs. Yoshinari Ogawa & Hitoshi Kumano

Kenou & Hitoshi Kumano trade elbows, and Kenou rakes Kumano in the eyes before Kenou throws Kumano into Hajime Ohara’s boot and tags him in.

Ohara hits a scoop slam on Kenou and applies a single-leg crab hold. Then Kumano gets to the ropes. Ohara grabs him, but Kumano blocks the suplex and hits a vertical suplex of his own.

He makes the hottest tag to Yoshinari Ogawa & Ogawa hits a neckbreaker to Ohara, followed by a drop toehold to Kenou. Ohara rakes Ogawa in the eyes and hits a jumping kick.

Spinning backbreaker by Ohara, and he applies Muy Bien, but Kumano breaks it up. Ohara tags in Kenou, and he hits a jumping knee on Ogawa in the corner.

Ankle hold by Kenou to Ogawa, but Ogawa gets to the ropes Ogawa moves when Kenou charges in and Kenou goes into the ring post. Ogawa tags in Kumano and Kumano hits an elbow.

Dropkick by Kumano and he hits a vertical suplex then Kumano goes off the ropes but Kenou moves the referee in the way so he gets hit instead.

Kenou gets a kendo stick but he hits Ohara by accident. Ogawa hits both Kenou & Ohara with the kendo stick, then a fisherman suplex by Kumano to Kenou, but it gets a two count.

Kumano picks up Kenou, but Kenou kicks him in the ribs. Ohara runs in and hits Kumano in the corner, and Kenou hits a diving double stomp to Kumano for a two-count. Keno picks up Kumano, and he hits Shubou for the win.

Winners: Cho Kibou Gun (10:38)

Navigation 2015
6 Man Tag Team Match

Cho Kibou Gun (Takeshi Morishima, Maybach Taniguchi & Mitsuhiro Kitamiya) vs. Quiet Storm, Jonah Rock & Buffalo

Mitsuhiro Kitamiya throws Buffalo out of the ring then Maybach Taniguchi rolls him back in and Kitamiya hits a back elbow. Kitamiya shoulders Buffalo in the corner and tags in Taniguchi.

Taniguchi kicks Buffalo in the corner but Buffalo hits a vertical suplex then Taniguchi stomps Buffalo and tags in Takeshi Morishima. Morishima throws Buffalo in the corner and stomps him down.

Running butt smash by Morishima while Taniguchi brings in his metal pole before Kenou hits Buffalo with a kendo stick then Taniguchi uses his stick followed by a Morishima body press. Morishima hits a lariat on Buffalo then cover but it gets a two count.

Morishima picks up Buffalo but Buffalo avoids Morishima’s charge and hits a backdrop suplex. Buffalo tags in Jonah Rock then some headbutts by Rock to Morishima & Rock kicks Morishima in the head.

Rock hits a body avalanche in the corner followed by a crossbody for a two count.

Rock goes off the ropes but Morishima hits a hip attack and tags in Taniguchi before Rock kicks Taniguchi back but Taniguchi hits a spinebuster for a two count.

Eye rake by Taniguchi, but Rock hits a shoulder block. Then Rock tags in Quiet Storm & a kick by Taniguchi to Storm, but Storm hits a vertical suplex.

Lariat by Storm but Taniguchi kicks him back. Suplex by Storm, but the pin attempt is broken up. Storm goes off the ropes, but Taniguchi hits a power slam and tags in Kitamiya.

Storm & Kitamiya trade elbows and Kitamiya hits a suplex before Taniguchi lariats Storm in the corner, as does Morishima. Spear by Kitamiya to Storm, then a cover, but it gets a two-count.

Kitamiya slams Storm to the mat, but Storm hits a fisherman buster for a two-count. Brainbuster by Storm, but the pin attempt gets broken up, and then Storm hits the 50cm Arm. Lariat gets the job done.

Winners: Quiet Storm, Jonah Rock & Buffalo (9:14)

Navigation 2015
6 Man Tag Team Match

Suzuki Gun (Takashi Iizuka, Taka Michinoku & El Desperado) vs. No Mercy (Takashi Sugiura, Akitoshi Saito & Genba Hirayanagi)

Genba Hirayanagi hits a missile dropkick and makes the tag to Takashi Sugiura & he spears Takashi Iizuka, but Taka Michinoku & El Desperado run in to help.

That didn’t work and Sugiura knees Iizuka in the stomach. Then a big boot by Sugiura connects then hits a running knee. Running knee by Sugiura, and he elbows Iizuka & Iizuka hits an atomic drop.

Iizuka tags in Michinoku & Sugiura hits a big boot to Michinoku, then Sugiura tags in Saito & he kicks everyone. Hirayanagi is tagged in & Hirayanagi goes up top, but he is knocked off to the mat.

Hirayanagi is attacked by everyone in the corner, then a boot by Michinoku, and he gets a two. Spinebuster by Desperado & Michinoku kicks Hirayanagi in the head for a two count. Michinoku goes for a Michinoku Driver, but Hirayanagi rolls him up for the win.

Winners: No Mercy (10:16)

Navigation 2015
[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Navigation 2015
10-Man Tag Team Elimination Match
TMDK (Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls) & Brave (Naomichi Marufuji, Mohammed Yone & Taiji Ishimori) vs. Suzuki Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Lance Archer, Davey Boy Smith Jr, Shelton Benjamin & Taichi)

Both teams brawl to start this match off with Minoru Suzuki being attacked by TMDK & Brave then Mohammed Yone tries to throw Suzuki over the top rope but Suzuki Gun help prevent it.

Yone tags in Mikey Nicholls & he tries to dump Suzuki over the top rope but again it is blocked. Nicholls tags in Shane Haste & Haste uppercuts Suzuki in the corner.

He also can’t dump Suzuki over and Taiji Ishimori is tagged in then Suzuki applies a front necklock to Ishimori and tags in Shelton Benjamin.

Scoop slams by Benjamin and he tags in Lance Archer. Lariat by Archer and he hits a body slam. Archer tags in Taichi & Taichi lariats Ishimori in the corner.

Suzuki applies an armbar over the top rope to Ishimori & Davey Boy Smith Jr stomps on him. Scoop slam by Smith and they keep up attacking Ishimori until he finally gets away and tags in Yone.

Yone elbows Suzuki and they trade blows. Kick to the back by Suzuki and he tags in Archer. Shoulder block by Archer and he tags Suzuki back in.

Yone tries to dump Suzuki out of the ring but Suzuki applies a sleeper then we get a Gotch Style Piledriver by Suzuki on Yone to eliminated Yone.

Suzuki chops Ishimori in the corner and tags in Benjamin & we get a dropkick by Ishimori then he gets on Benjamin’s shoulders and hits a hurricanrana.

Ishimori goes for another one, but Benjamin catches him and hits a powerbomb to eliminate Ishimori.

Haste elbows Benjamin, but he is hit from the floor before a suplex by Benjamin to Haste connects, then dumps Haste out of the ring.

Suzuki twists Haste’s neck in the guardrail until rolling him back in, then a cover by Benjamin, but it gets two. Killer Elite Squad shoulder block Haste & Smith hits a leg drop.

Vertical suplex by Smith, then Benjamin comes in, and he trades elbows with Haste. Jumping kick by Haste, and he tags in Naomichi Marufuji & kicks Benjamin back, and he hits a lariat.

Kick combination by Marufuji before Benjamin puts Marufuji on the top turnbuckle and joins him, and Benjamin hits an avalanche belly-to-belly suplex.

Benjamin charges Marufuji, but Marufuji pulls down the top rope, and Benjamin tumbles out of the ring. Shelton Benjamin is eliminated.

Taichi & Suzuki run in and stomp Marufuji and everyone attacks Marufuji in the corner.

Taichi & Marufuji trade superkick attempts, but Marufuji sneaks in a backslide to end Taichi’s night.

Suzuki stomps on Marufuji and applies a leg submission hold, then tags in Archer & Archer hits a backbody drop. Smith is next, and he hits a double-arm suplex.

Stretch hold by Smith, Marufuji tries to fight back, but Suzuki is tagged in & he hits a PK, but it gets a two count.

Marufuji & Suzuki trade chops before Suzuki Gun runs in and clears the ring, but Marufuji superkicks Suzuki out to the apron. Suzuki applies a sleeper over the top rope and pulls him onto the apron with him.

Superkick by Marufuji on the apron and another one, but Suzuki catches one and applies a kneelock. Marufuji flops down to the floor.

Haste and Suzuki trade strikes in the ring, but Suzuki applies an armbar. Smith goes for a powerbomb but Haste punches out of it.

Jumping heel kick by Haste and he dropkicks Archer. Irish whip by Haste to Smith but Archer comes back and they drop Haste with Killer Bomb to eliminated him.

Nicholls knocks down Smith and hits a sliding lariat, then a cover, but it gets a two-count.

Smith & Nicholls trade elbows, but Smith hits a jumping knee and tags in Archer.

Assisted lariat to Smith, but the cover gets another two count before Nicholls fights off Archer and lariats Smith in the corner.

Suzuki runs in and applies a sleeper to Nicholls before he throws him to Smith, and with Archer, they hit Killer Bomb for the win.

Winners: Suzuki Gun (21:57) Sole Survivors: Minoru Suzuki, Davey Boy Smith Jr & Lance Archer 

Navigation 2015
[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]

Navigation 2015
Junior Heavyweight Title Match
Atsushi Kotoge (c) vs. Daisuke Harada

Daisuke Harada hits a backdrop suplex, followed by an elbow to the chest by Harada, and he hits a brainbuster onto his knee for a two-count.

Harada puts Kotoge on the top turnbuckle and joins him, but Kotoge knocks him off, and Harada hits a jumping elbow.

Harada gets Kotoge on his shoulders and hits an avalanche Death Valley Bomb. Then Harada picks up Kotoge, but Kotoge superkicks him as he charges in.

Another superkick by Kotoge then goes up top and hits a front flip Killswitch before Kotoge & Harada trade elbows and slaps until they both fall to the mat.

Running kick by Kotoge, then goes for a Killswitch, but Harada gets out of it. German suplex hold by Harada, but it gets a two count.

Henkei Knee Upper by Harada, and he hits a roaring elbow. Harada hits Turn Over Knee to Kotoge and then hooks the leg, but Kotoge barely kicks out.

Harada picks up Kotoge and goes for a suplex, but Kotoge headbutts out of it before another headbutt by Kotoge connects, and he hits a tilt-a-whirl DDT.

Kotoge picks up Harada as Harada tries to roll away, but Kotoge hits a Onsoku Leg Shot to the back of the head.

Spike Killswitch by Kotoge, then a cover, but Harada kicks out. Kotoge drags Harada to his feet again and hits a modified overhead Killswitch to get the win.

Winner: AND STILL Junior Heavyweight Champion: Atsushi Kotoge (21:20)