Miranda Gordy discusses music, her father & her greatest achievement

Talent, beauty, intelligence, and strength describe this emerging pro wrestling talent, Miranda Gordy.  Miranda is a second-generation wrestler whose father Wrestling Legend Terry Bam Bam Gordy was the co-founder of the groundbreaking and influential Fabulous Freebirds. As she develops her craft it’s safe to say Miranda enough ability to have her own successful wrestling career.  Miranda has gained much success at SWE Fury which is not only has a great developmental program for talent but is making an international impact in the world of pro wrestling.

Miranda has a lot of her father’s traits.  She’s athletic and strong and is beginning to find her way.  If Miranda stays focused and dedicated to the progression, she will make her own mark in the wrestling business” said James Beard of SWE Fury Talent Relations.

Christopher Annino: What type of music do you enjoy?

Miranda Gordy: “I like all different kinds of music Rock, classic rock, hip hop, pop, and some country. I like classic rock like Lynyrd  Skynyrd, Steve Miller band, Bob Segar, also bands like tool or Deftones. I actually really love Cardi B. Her music is catchy.”

Christopher Annino: Who would you say is your favorite classic pro wrestler?

Miranda Gordy: “My favorite of course is my dad. I probably wouldn’t have been interested in wrestling if it wasn’t for him. My favorites to watch are all of my friends. I like seeing my friends do awesome things and I like to watch their great matches. I enjoy watching the matches of the shows I’m on and I enjoy a lot of the indies.”

Christopher Annino:  What are some of your favorite Hobbies?

Miranda Gordy: “Outside of wrestling I spend my time working out. I also have a horse that I take care of and ride. Now that it is getting warm I will be spending a lot of time gardening.”

Christopher Annino: What would you say has been your best feud?

Miranda Gordy
Photo / Miranda Gordy

Miranda Gordy: “I think my favorite feud has either been against Dillon McQueen at USA Championship or possibly the never-ending feud with Dexter Hardaway. “

Christopher Annino: What is the best advice you ever received?

Miranda Gordy: “It’s hard to say exactly what the best advice I’ve ever received because I received different advice throughout my career,  that I always welcome. Some works for me some not so much but I appreciate all of it.”

Christopher Annino: How are you enjoying your time in SWE?

Miranda Gordy: “I consider SWE my current home promotion. I enjoy working for them. Swe currently has a lot of momentum and I am excited to help them continue to grow. I was very proud to be able to hold the prestigious SWE Women’s title.  To win it from Jazz was just absolutely amazing for me.“

Christopher Annino: What would you say is your greatest achievement?

Miranda Gordy: “I have achieved a lot of great things in my very short time wrestling. At six months in I was able to do a tour in Japan. I’ve also been the Texoma Rose Women’s champion, the SWE women’s champion, the 2 time and current USA Championship Wrestling women’s champion, the XWE women’s champion, the APW women’s Champion. I also recently received a tryout From the WWE.”

Christopher Annino: Would you mind sharing a story about your father?

Miranda Gordy: “I have a lot of good memories with my dad. He used to take us to do all the fun stuff. Fishing, roller skating, we would ride our bikes a lot. I remember him taking us to shows and watching his matches. As kids we believed what was going on. We would get so into it. We would become upset. Looking back it’s funny how heated I would be if the bad guy cheated against my dad.”