Mad Kingdom Presented By DEFY Wrestling – Review

If you are a fan of Professional Wrestling, there was no better place to be on Saturday night than Washington Hall in Seattle. The folks at DEFY put together an incredible card. This card especially stands out when you take into consideration that nearly half of their card consists of our Canadian friends only a couple of hours north who are unable to cross the border due to the pandemic, including the reigning DEFY Champion Randy Meyers.

On top of that, Eddie Kingston was unable to make it, and the Bollywood Boy’s couldn’t get their work visa’s set up in time to cross the border. Walking into this show, the audience was anxious to see how the team at DEFY would be able to adjust to such adversity. Here is the review for Mad Kingdom Presented By DEFY Wrestling.

Once you see what happened below, you will see for yourself that the talent behind the scenes at DEFY is as amazing as the talent they put in the ring!

Jordan Oliver vs. Ethan HD

The night started with an outstanding match between two incredible talents. Jordan Oliver is a relative newcomer to the local scene. He’s been tearing up the independent scene on the east coast and has done so well for himself it was only a matter of time before he was bound to be brought into the house of DEFY. He faced off against a DEFY veteran and a former holder of the DEFY tag team championship belt as one-half of the Amerikan Gunz.

These two had some great moment in the ring together, and it is clear when talent meats talent, the magic happens. They opened the night with a brutal competition with a great deal of technical work and some impressive moves. By the time the match came to its conclusion, Ethan HD managed to squeak out a win against his gifted opponent. Something tells me this won’t be the last time we see this extraordinary young man at Washington Hall.

Mad Kingdom Presented By DEFY Wrestling
Rebel Kel vs. Danika De La Rouge

This wasn’t technically a match. There is a lot of bad blood between these two. Danika rained on Rebels parade last month, and Rebel called her nemesis out. Danika obliged! Rather than a match, we had a brutal display of spite and venom. These two went at one another and barely set foot in the ring.

There were three referees’ trying to pull these two wrestlers apart, and nothing could stop these two from going at one another. There were chairs and even a taser. They weren’t trying to pin one another or make the other tap out as they were going for the jugular. They fought on the stage in the balcony, and eventually, the referees were able to get the upper hand and pull these two athletes apart. There was not definitive winner as this wasn’t technically a match. It was more of a mutual assassination attempt!

Titus Alexander vs. Christopher Daniels (a.k.a. The Fallen Angel)

DEFY has invested in a new talent of late, Titus Alexander, and rightfully so. This wrestler is a star on the rise, and one day we will be talking about that time he worked for DEFY. Facing off against the new talent was none other than Christopher Daniels. He has been a welcome guest at DEFY on several occasions, and his presence at Washington Hall will never grow old.

These two had a spectacular match. Watching someone relatively new to the business go up against a luminous veteran like Mr. Daniels and hold their own is the mark of a brilliant talent. These two wrestlers went to the edge and fought a clean match. Christopher Daniels barely prevailed against his opponent and sang the praises of Titus Alexander, calling him a “Future Franchise.” After seeing this match, there is little doubt of Christopher Daniels oracular talents!

Mad Kingdom Presented By DEFY Wrestling
Midnight Heat vs. Wayne Chhun (Cody Chhun and Nick Wayne)

If there was any doubt that Cody Chhun and Nick Wayne are DEFY favorites, all one need do is listen to the crowd explode the moment they emerge from behind the curtain. You want to know who isn’t liked? The current reigning usurpers… sorry, DEFY Tag Team Champions Midnight Heat. Eddie Pearle and Ricky Gibson seem to be at peace with their standing at Washington Hall, and there is little doubt these two plan to hold onto these title belts with a death grip. They agreed to the match only under one condition… If Midnight Heat won, whomever they pinned must leave DEFY.

It was a contentious match. Cody and Nick took control of the match in the beginning; however, it didn’t take long before Midnight Heat began using their less than savory tactics including, but not limited to distracting the referee, using the ropes for leverage, binding an opponent to a turnbuckle with duct tape and utilizing about every move from the book of low blows. In the end, Ricky and Eddie managed to pin Cody Chhun. It was a solemn moment, and based on how the house reacted, Midnight Heat quickly retreated to the locker room, leaving Nick and Cody their moment to bask in the admiration of the crowd.

Cook Brothers vs. Guillermo Rosas and Leon Negro

This match consists of two tag teams no doubt building up their momentum to make a run at the DEFY Tag Team Championship titles. First to come out were Bryan and Kevin Cook, the Cook brothers, a dynamic duo hailing from the obscure and desolate community of Toledo, Washington, a.k.a. the Appalachia of Washington State. Facing off against the boys with the amazing hair are two talents who are no stranger to DEFY. Guillermo Rosas and the Sexy Lucha Leon Negro are beyond over in Washington Hall. Leon Negro, with his sexy dancing and Guillermo coming out to his signature, awakens the DEFYANCE like you wouldn’t believe.

This match saw Guillermo and Leon take control very quickly. The Cook Brothers tried to take it back and seemed to fumble with every move. It looked like Rosas and Negro were going to take this match quickly; however, one should never underestimate the Brothers Cook. They always tend to turn things around right about the time you expect to see their asses get handed to them. They managed to turn the match around and take the win. Say what you will about the Cook Brothers, but they could be contenders for the championship belt.

Mad Kingdom Presented By DEFY Wrestling
Photo / Phillip Jones

Mad Kingdom Presented By DEFY Wrestling
Jon Moxley vs. Schaff

Schaff came out with a chair and the microphone and threw himself a pity party about how he is the least respected wrestler in the business. He was particularly distraught that Eddie Kingston couldn’t make the show and face off against the baddest MFer in the business. Instead, he sat in the chair, allowing the crowd to bask in his glory and bear witness. Not content to let Schaff wallow in his contemptuous pity party DEFY came up with an alternative for Eddie Kingston, and what a replacement they found. JON MOXLEY!

When Jon Moxley emerged from behind the curtains, the crowd erupted in a building shaking frenzy of excitement and cheers. There is only one other time the house responded like this, and that was about two years ago when the Young Bucks made a surprise appearance. There was no doubt the folks at DEFY had done a great job at the eleventh hour in having to replace a spotlight talent.

Within seconds of making his way into the ring, Moxley and Schaff broke out into a brutal frenzy of blows.

They took it into the crowd, onto the stage, into the balcony, into the merch tables, and through multiple rows of chairs.

They were relentless and unyielding. Schaff managed to find a bag of thumbtacks just sitting around and dumped the entire bag into the ring. Sadly, this was a move he regrated as Moxley managed to take control and slammed Schaff into the prickly tacks. There was much carnage in this match, mostly chairs. The action was so spread out there was hardly a fan who didn’t have to fling themselves out of the way to escape certain death.

There were several near falls throughout the duration of this match. In the end, it was Jon Moxley who triumphed in this match, pinning Schaff for the three counts. No one was more pleased with his win than the entire audience at Washington Hall. The cheers were deafening, and you could feel the floors shake from the crowd jumping and stomping! It was an incredible finish to a memorable night that will no doubt be an evening reminisced upon for years to come.

No description available.
Photo / Phillip Jones

DEFY is a professional wrestling promotion based in Seattle, Washington. Their next show at Washington Hall will be Friday, October 29th, for DEFY MARAUDERS. However, they will be hosting two other shows in the month of October. On October 8th, they will be doing DEFY DANGEROUS in Portland, Oregon, and another show on October 14th, DEFY HELLBENT in Los Angeles, California. If it isn’t already apparent, DEFY is taking over the West Coast!


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