GCW presents EFFY’s Big Gay Brunch

Let me tell you when Tampa fell through earlier this year I was distraught. Sure, a lot of that came from not being able to go to the Collective as scheduled. The biggest pain, however, was not being able to have the GCW presents EFFY’s Big Gay Brunch as intended. Seriously, I had plans for that show. I was going to show up in my silk sleeping cap and pajama bottoms as if I’d just rolled out of bed. It was going to be great…until the pandemic happened.

Rescheduling the Collective to Indianapolis, however, was the saving grace. Sure, we wouldn’t have that Tampa springtime vibe, but so what? Who says we can’t generate that same energy in the middle of October? Knowing that we’d have the Big Gay Brunch somehow makes this year that much less of a bust for me. Take everything, but please don’t take my EFFY.

You may be up all night after For the Culture, but please get up early enough to catch EFFY’s Big Gay Brunch on FITE.tv at 11 am EST on FITE.tv. You can rest assured that this is going to start your Saturday off in the wildest, gayest, and most wonderful manner. Just take a look at what’s up for the show:

Collective 2020 Preview: GCW presents EFFY’s Big Gay Brunch

For those who may be wondering, yes I will be attending the Brunch in satin sleeping cap and pajama bottoms. Look for me!

Cassandro vs Sonny Kiss


LET’S GO SONNY! I’m absolutely biased here as a Sonny Kiss fan, but I’m also looking forward to seeing Cassandro El Exotico in a live match for the first time. I’ve done some looking around on YouTube to see what kind of strategy we can expect here from Cassandro going up against Sonny. I expect this one to be magical. 🙂

GCW presents EFFY’s Big Gay Brunch
Dark Sheik vs Still Life with Apricots and Pears


One great thing about the Big Gay Brunch is how so many of us are being introduced to new names. This will be my first time seeing Dark Sheik in action and I’m very much ready for this! As a CHIKARA fan, I’m very familiar with how amazing Still Life is in the ring. In singles competition, I think Still Life shines the most, as they’re not bound by the strict demeanor of their creator BLANK. That’ll be the case here as Still Life takes on Dark Sheik. With no BLANK around, this is Still Life’s time to shine.

Sea Stars vs. AC Mack & Ashton Starr

GCW presents EFFY's Big

Oh MAN if there’s anyone I want to see put AC Mack in his place it’s the Sea Stars. Ashley Vox and Delmi Exo won’t be the ones to stand for his foolishness, I assure you. But this isn’t just AC Mack we’re talking here; he’s got company. Ashton Starr (another one I’ll be seeing for the first time live) just may be the tag partner Mack needs for this match. That remains to be seen, but I’m Team Sea Stars all the way here.

Matthew Justice, Manders, AJ Gray, & Mance Warner vs. MV Young, Billy Dixon, Josh Wavra, & O’Shay Edwards


Calling it now – if the Twink Gauntlet is the most outrageous match of the show, then this eight-man tag will be the wildest. I ride hard for SGC and I’m loving the perfect matchup here of four of EFFY’s fellow Second Gear members versus a mix of brutality and technicality. I first fell head over heels for Josh Wavra’s style upon seeing him tag with Xavier Faraday as Oreo Speedwagon last December at Pizza Party Wrestling’s Pie Hard. Again, the CHIKARA alumni presence in this show stands out and I love it. Especially when it’s with a team like this – Josh’s tagging with a great team. If it were any other team I’d say the SGC has this one wrapped up, but the balance of talent on both sides lets me know I need to sit back and watch this one because it can tip either way.

GCW presents EFFY’s Big Gay Brunch
The Twink Gauntlet


What on earth are we gonna see in the Twink Gauntlet? I don’t dare make any wild guesses but I can tell you for certain who we’ll be seeing! So far the announced entrant names include Molly McCoy, Tyler Klein, Calvin Couture, and Juicy Jimmy. However, now I’m hearing Tony Deppen will be at the Brunch exploring his options as well! What does this mean for the Twink Gauntlet, anyway? I mean, sure, Deppen definitely counts as a twink, right? Does that mean he’s invoking his twink option to enter the Gauntlet? Deppen has a history with gauntlets, you know…just watch the Discovery Gauntlet in the first season of Uncharted Territory and you’ll know what I mean. If that’s the case…then I think I know who takes the Twink Gauntlet before we even have a winner announced…

EFFY vs. Priscilla Kelly

GCW presents EFFY's Big

“Too Hot for TV” is putting it mildly! Only FITE.tv would have the balls to air the kind of things we’re likely to see on Saturday afternoon; everybody else would have this match airing after dark for sure. Priscilla Kelly’s been on a damn good run lately; she had a killer match with Chris Dickinson at Beyond Wrestling’s Wear Sunscreen last month. We’ve seen what she can do up against the Dirty Daddy, but I think we all know that it’s a different ball game going up against Daddy himself. I expect to see some absolutely scandalous shit go down in this match, too. Get your GIF makers ready!

This is gonna be the show that starts the party right back up again on Saturday morning, so don’t miss out! Watch all of EFFY’s Big Gay Brunch at 11 am EST only on FITE.TV, and if you’ll be there in attendance look for me! Anybody who’s attending this wild and gay soiree is definitely someone I want to meet!