AJPW Love In Ryogoku Vol 6 | AJPW Saturday Night RetroView

On November 3rd, 2008, All Japan Pro-Wrestling aired the 6th annual Love In Ryogoku with AJPW Love in Ryogoku Vol 6. We had two title matches (Junior Heavyweight & Triple Crown Heavyweight), a Triple Threat Match, single matches & few 6 Man Tag Team Matches.

AJPW Love In Ryogoku Vol 6
Triple Threat Match

Kikutaro vs. Masanobu Fuchi vs. Nobutaka Araya

Kikutaro & Masanobu Fuchi lock up then Fuchi pushes Kikutaro into the ropes and gives a clean break as Nobutaka Araya watches on. Fuchi pushes Kikutaro into the ropes again, but Kikutaro reverses positions with him, but he gives a clean break as well before hitting Araya in the face. Fuchi & Kikutaro trade chops, Araya comes over, but they hit him away.

Irish whip by Fuchi, Fuchi drops down by Kikutaro kicks him then a snapmare by Kikutaro and he delivers the Flashing Elbow then goes for the cover, but he keeps getting back up before the referee can count. The referee gets tired of this and hits a jumping kick onto Kikutaro before stomping him in the back.

Back up, Irish whip by Kikutaro but Fuchi shoulder blocks him down then another shoulder block by Fuchi then Araya tries to charge in but he misses and bounces off the ropes. Fuchi twists on Kikutaro’s ankle as Araya gets onto the top turnbuckle but Fuchi moves Kikutaro away from the corner before Araya can jump. Araya gets back down as Fuchi scoop slams Kikutaro to the mat. Araya goes up top again, but Kikutaro rolls out of the way of the moonsault attempt.

Abdominal stretch by Fuchi onto Kikutaro but Kikutaro reaches the ropes to force a break. Oil Check by Kikutaro onto Fuchi & Fuchi falls out of the ring. Kikutaro kicks Araya in the leg and tell him to go outside the ring but as Araya does so Kikutaro kicks the ropes into Araya’s groin and he accidentally gets the referee as well.

Front facelock by Kikutaro, he takes too long talking, but Araya doesn’t get out of the hold, and Kikutaro pushes him down for a two count. Then a waist lock by Kikutaro gets reversed, but Kikutaro kicks Araya low before hitting a running Oil Check.

Fuchi gets back into the ring and kicks Kikutaro, then an inside cradle, but it gets a two count. He tries a 2nd and gets the same result then he picks up Kikutaro, but now Kikutaro applies an inside cradle for a two count before Araya runs in, but Fuchi puts him in the inside cradle to get the win.

Winner: Masanobu Fuchi (6:01)

AJPW Love In Ryogoku Vol 6
Manabu Soya vs. Seiya Sanada

The match starts off with Manabu Soya & Seiya Sanada circling each other then they trade waist locks then another wristlock by Sanada into a hammerlock, but Soya reverses it. Sanada reverses it back follow by a side headlock takedown, but Soya gets out of it, and both men are back on their feet. They go into a test of strength but Soya gets the better of it but Sanada flips Soya to the mat.

They keep their knuckles locked as Soya gets back to his feet, Soya forces Sanada down, but Sanada keeps a bridge. Soya finally pushes him all the way down, but Sanada bridges up when he goes for a pin. Sanada struggles to get up and eventually rolls out of it, applying a cross-armed submission but Sanada kicks Soya away when Soya gets out of the hold and both men are back up again.

They lock up, Sanada pushes Soya into the ropes but Soya changes positions with him. Soya gives a clean break but Sanada slaps him leading to Soya beating him down to the mat. Soya goes off the ropes but Sanada hits a drop toehold and gives him a modified Oklahoma Stampede for a two-count.

Dropkick by Sanada, snapmare and he goes for a single-leg crab hold but Soya makes it to the ropes. Sanada picks up Soya, scoop slam, and cover, but it gets a two-count.

Modified reverse chinlock by Sanada and he switches it to the Camel Clutch but Soya gets out of it and hits a few elbows, Irish whip, but Sanada hangs onto the ropes when he goes for the dropkick. Sanada applies a crab hold but Soya makes it to the ropes.

Sanada kicks Soya as he gets up, Irish whip by Sanada, reversed, and they collide with neither man going down. They both go off the ropes but the collision leads to no contest Then a 2nd time also had no result but when Sanada goes off a 3rd time, Soya hits a back body drop.

Soya picks up Sanada, Irish whip, and he delivers a jumping lariat. Soya picks up Sanada and goes for a vertical suplex, but Sanada blocks it. Elbows by Sanada before he goes off the ropes but Soya hits a very quick hip toss. Soya picks up Sanada and hits a delayed vertical suplex, cover, but it gets a two-count. Soya goes off the ropes and delivers another lariat then goes for the cover but again it gets a two count.

Soya picks up Sanada and clubs him in the back, Irish whip from the corner but Sanada flips out to the apron and elbows Soya as he comes towards him. Swan dive dropkick by Sanada, cover, but it gets a two-count.

Sanada picks up Soya, Irish whip but it gets reversed but Sanada avoids the boot and hits a dropkick then he goes for a standing moonsault but Soya sits up to avoid it, but Sanada lands on his feet and dropkicks Soya in the back. Sanada locks in the crab hold again, but Soya crawls to the ropes and forces a break.

Sanada picks up Soya and applies a waistlock but it gets reversed but Sanada reverses it back and rolls him up for a two count. Backdrop suplex into a backbreaker by Sanada and he applies the crab hold again and then into a single-leg crab hold but again Soya reaches the ropes. Sanada picks up Soya and goes for the dragon suplex, but Soya gets out of it.

Sanada connects with an elbow, but Soya returns fire, and they trade blows. Sanada goes off the ropes and hits another elbow then he goes off again but this time Soya elbows him back. Rolling elbow by Sanada but Soya hits him back sending Sanada down to the mat.

Soya picks up Sanada and hits a German suplex but Sanada gets a shoulder up. Soya picks up Sanada again and nails the Power Booster for the win.

Winner: Manabu Soya (13:38)

AJPW Love In Ryogoku Vol 6
6 Man Tag Team Match

Gurentai (World Tag Team Champion Taiyo Kea, Nosawa Rongai & Mazada) vs. Osamu Nishimura, Elvis Sharpe & Shane Chung

Taiyo Kea & Osamu Nishimura start this match off with a lock-up then Nishimura pushes Kea into the ropes but he gives a clean break before they lock up again then Kea pushes Nishimura into the corner and he chops Nishimura in the chest. Snapmare by Kea then they trade positions and Kea applies a headscissors. Nishimura gets out of it with a handstand and he gives Kea a clean break.

Nishimura tags in Chung, so Kea makes the tag to Nosawa Rongai then a snap mare by Shane Chung, and he applies a reverse chinlock, but Mazada breaks it up. Mazada & Rongai hits Chung with a quick double team then a cover by Nosawa but the referee is slow to make the count. Snapmare by Rongai and he kicks Chung in the back of the head and then hooks the leg, but it gets a two count.

Rongai throws Chung into his corner and stomps him down, Irish whip, but Chung kicks Rogai when he puts his head down and tags in Elvis Sharpe. Sharpe picks up Rongai and hits a double-armed suplex, cover, but it gets a two count. Sharpe picks up Rongai then a scoop slam then he goes off the ropes but Mazada kicks him from the apron.

Rongai tags in Kea & Kea chops Sharpe in the corner. Irish whip by Kea and he delivers a back elbow then goes for the cover, but it gets a two count. Side Russian leg sweep by Kea & Rongai runs in with a dropkick, then a cover by Kea but it gets another two count. Kea tags in Mazada as Kea kicks Sharpe in the corner, snapmare by Mazada and he elbows Sharpe in the back of the head.

Mazada throws Sharpe out of the ring, and Kea throws him in the railing before chopping him in the chest. Sharpe didn’t like the chops. Kea slides him back in the ring, Irish whip him to the corner, and Mazada delivers a lariat. Irish whip again by Mazada but this time Sharpe hits a back elbow followed by a lariat. Then Sharpe tags in Nishimura, uppercuts by Nishimura, Irish whip from the corner, and he hits another uppercut.

Irish whip by Nishimura, and he applies a sleeper hold to Mazada but Mazada gets to the ropes. Scoop slam by Nishimura then he goes up to the top turnbuckle, but Rongai shakes the ropes, and Nishimura ends up missing. Dropkick by Mazada to Nishimura and he tags in Kea. Irish whip by Kea to the corner and he hits a jumping elbow onto Nishimura followed by a lariat. Cover by Kea but Nishimura kicks out.

Kea picks up Nishimura then an Irish whip then he goes for a back body drop, but Nishimura hits a sunset flip for a two count. Kea rolls up Nishimura in return but also gets a two count then Nishimura bridges up and applies the backslide, but Kea kicks out.

Back up they trade strikes but Nishimura hits an enziguiri and tags in Chung. Chung & Sharpe knocks Rongai & Mazada off the apron, they then hit Kea with double elbows. Olympic Slam by Chung then goes for the cover but it is broken up. Mazada & Rongai give Chung a double flapjack then Kea hits a reverse DDT then Kea goes for the cover but Sharpe breaks it up.

Mazada throws Sharpe out of the ring as Kea picks up Chung and goes for a brainbuster. Chung goes down Kea’s back and goes off the ropes but Kea catches him with TKO to get the win for his team.

Winners: Gurentai (8:05)

AJPW Love In Ryogoku Vol 6
Akebono vs. Ryota Hama

Ryota Hama gets down into a sumo stance and charges Akebono pushing back into the corner. Hama pushes onto Akebono, but the referee forces a break. Hama smacks Akebono in the face before backing off but now it is Akebono that pushes Hama into the corner and hits a running splash.

Akebono picks up Hama and rolls him down to the mat, Hama gets back up but Akebono throws him to the mat again. Irish whip by Akebono from the corner but Hama moves when Akebono charges in, and Hama hits a running splash to the back. Waistlock by Hama and he goes for a suplex, but Akebono hangs onto the top rope to block it.

Club to the back by Akebono and he tosses Hama to the mat again. Elbow drop by Akebono, cover, but it gets a two-count. Akebono picks up Hama, Hama hits a few elbows but Akebono returns fire. Headbutts by Hama and he throws Akebono down to the mat. Elbow drop by Hama then goes for the cover but it only gets a one count.

Hama is up first and he hits a headbutt, Irish whip but it gets reversed and Akebono hits a splash in the corner. Akebono positions under the corner and goes up to the 2nd turnbuckle but Hama recovers and powerbombs Akebono to the mat then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.

Hama goes off the ropes and nails a body press then goes for the cover but Akebono quickly kicks out then back up Hama connects with elbows but Akebono hits him and delivers the 64 then goes for the cover but Hama gets a shoulder up then Akebono goes off the ropes and hits a body press to get the win.

Winner: Akebono (5:05)

AJPW Love In Ryogoku Vol 6
6 Man Tag Team Match

Voodoo Murders (Taru, Nobukazu Hirai & Yasshi) vs. Suwama, Kaz Hayashi & Ryuji Hijikata

Suwama, Kaz Hayashi & Ryuji Hijikata attacks Voodoo Murderers to start the match with Hayashi & Nobukazu Hirai battling in the ring with the other pairs battling outside. Elbows by Hayashi, Irish whip to Hirai and he delivers a dropkick. Hayashi goes off the ropes then Hirai back body drops him over the top rope but Hayashi lands on the apron and guillotines Hirai’s neck on the top rope. Moonsault off the side ropes by Hayashi onto Hirai and he tags in Suwama then a kick to the stomach by Suwama but Hirai chops him back.

Suwama pushes Hirai against the ropes but Hirai pushes him back so Suwama takes him down to the mat. Hirai gets in the mount position, but they roll into the ropes causing the referee to force a break. Back up, double chop by Suwama, but Hirai returns fire. Suwama punches Hirai against the ropes and hits a side headlock takedown, followed by a series of mounted punches.

Hirai rolls out of it and Suwama tags in Hijikata, double Irish whip to Hirai and they deliver a double shoulder block. Hijikata picks up Hirai, Irish whip from the corner and he delivers a high kick. Butterfly suplex by Hijikata then goes for a cover but it gets a two count. Hijikata goes for a high kick but Hirai catches his leg and kicks him low.

Hirai tags in Taru & Taru picks up Hijikata and applies a blatant choke hold then the referee forces him to break it, Taru picks up Hijikata and throws him into the corner. Taru tags in Yasshi who stomps Hijikata down while Hirai chokes him from the apron. Elbows by Yasshi to Hijikata, Irish whip, and he hits an atomic drop. Yasshi goes off the ropes but Hijikata catches him with a big boot and kicks him to the mat.

Hijikata picks up Yasshi & Irish whips him and he knees him in the stomach before kicking him in the back and the chest. Hirai runs in and knocks Hijikata to the mat however and throws him out of the ring where Taru works him over. Taru slides Hijikata back in the ring, Yasshi picks him up and delivers an uppercut. 2 more uppercuts by Yasshi then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.

Yasshi pushes Hijikata back into his corner so that Hirai can choke him then Hirai bites Hijikata in the head until the referee finally notices. Yasshi throws Hijikata into the exposed turnbuckle before stomping him while he is on the mat then Yasshi picks up Hijikata and throws his head into the exposed steel again.

Yasshi tags in Hirai then Hirai picks up Hijikata and slams him to the mat for a two count cover then a another cover but he is just choking him and the referee has to force him off.

Hirai picks up Hijikata and throws him into the exposed turnbuckle again before tagging in Taru & he chokes Hijikata against the ropes and takes his eyes until the referee calls for a break. Snapmare by Taru and he rakes on Hijikata’s face again. Taru picks up Hijikata, Irish whip and Taru kicks Hijikata before delivering a Scissors Kick.

High kick by Taru then goes for the cover but Hijikata gets a shoulder up. Another kick by Taru then he charges Hijikata in the corner but Hijikata kicks him as he charges in and tags in Suwama. Suwama lariats TARU and goes for the Last Ride, but it is broken up.

Suwama beats down Voodoo Murderers with roaring lariats on Voodoo Murders then he picks up Taru and applies the ankle lock. Hirai breaks it up so Suwama tags in Hayashi & Hayashi hits a missile dropkick followed by a running strike in the corner.

Hayashi tries to pick up Taru, but he can’t get him up. Hayashi goes to run off the ropes but he gets tripped from the outside, Yasshi & Hirai both come into the ring, and all three hit strikes on Hayashi in the corner. Yasshi & Taru then hold Hayashi with his legs apart so that Hirai could hit a diving elbow drop then goes for a cover but Suwama breaks it up then the ring is clear of all except Hirai & Hayashi, Hirai picks up Hayashi, and slams him to the mat.

Hirai then goes up to the top turnbuckle and delivers a diving elbow drop then makes a cocky cover, but it gets a two count. Irish whip by Hirai but Hayashi hits a handstand springboard enzuigiri. Hijikata then comes in the ring and kicks Hirai in the chest and Suwama follows with a backdrop suplex then Hayashi hits WA4 onto Hirai but Taru pulls the referee out of the ring.

Suwama goes out after him as does Hijikata in the ring Hayashi goes for the Final Cut but Yasshi breaks it up however, and Hirai grabs a fire extinguisher & he sprays Hayashi with the fire extinguisher before hitting him with it to get the win.

Winners: Voodoo Murders (14:20)

AJPW Love In Ryogoku Vol 6
6 Man Tag Team Match

F4 (Satoshi Kojima, Kai & Hiroshi Yamato) vs. No Limit (Tetsuya Naito & Yujiro) & Hiroyoshi Tenzan

Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan lock up to get this match started but they break cleanly then they trade chops, and Mongolian Chops by Tenzan but Kojima blocks one and hits a running elbow. Tenzan returns the favor, and the two back off. Then they lock up Tenzan pushes Kojima back into his corner, and tags in Yujiro.

Yujiro & Kojima circle each other, then lock up, and Kojima tags in Yamato. Yamato & Yujiro trade elbows, Irish whip by Yujiro, reversed by Yamato, but Yujiro shoulder blocks him down. Yujiro picks up Yamato, but Yamato slides down his back and hits a slap. Irish whip by Yamato, and he delivers a jumping heel kick, then goes for the cover, but it gets a two count.

Yamato tags in Kai and he tells Yujiro to tag in Tetsuya Naito & they lock up then a side headlock by Kai onto Naito, Naito Irish whips out of it, but Kai shoulder blocks him down. Kai goes off the ropes then he avoids Naito’s attack and delivers a dropkick. Naito rolls out of the ring but Kai goes out after him before sliding him back into the ring.

Kai picks up Naito and makes the tag to Kojima then Kojima with a club to the back by Kojima onto Naito and he delivers a DDT then goes for the cover but it gets a two count. Kojima picks up Naito and chops in the chest but Naito returns fire. Kojima gets the better of it as he picks up Naito and knees him in the stomach before stomping him in the back.

Kojima tags in Yamato & stomps to the chest by Yamato and he hits a series of elbows. Scoop slam by Yamato then goes for the cover but it gets a one count. Yamato picks up Naito & hits a snapmare, and he hits a running senton. Yamato picks Naito up around the waist and hits a gutwrench suplex. Back up, Yamato picks up Naito and makes the tag to Kai. Kai kicks Naito in the chest and clubs him in the back, Irish whip by Kai but Naito hits a jumping elbow strike. Yujiro comes in the ring to help his partner, Irish whip to KAI and they hit a hiptoss/dropkick/leg drop/senton combination then a cover by Naito but it gets a two count.

Naito picks up Kai and makes the tag to Tenzan & Tenzan rakes Kai in the face before elbowing him in the head. Punches by Tenzan and he thrusts Kai in the throat before tagging in Yujiro. Yujiro picks up Kai and hits a spinebuster before applying a crab hold, but Kai makes it to the ropes. Yujiro picks up Kai and tags in Naito but Kai fights back but Naito knocks him back with a slap and hits a side slam. Single leg crab hold by Naito but he breaks it up when Yamato runs into the ring.

Naito tags in Tenzan, chops by Tenzan in the corner to Kai and he hits a Mongolian Chop. Irish whip by Tenzan but Kai ducks a lariat and hits an enziguiri & this gives him time to tag in Kojima then Kojima clears out No Limit before chopping Tenzan in the corner.

Irish whip by Kojima, jumping elbow strike, snapmare, and he goes for a diving elbow drop but Tenzan joins him on the top turnbuckle then a superplex by Tenzan but Kojima pops back to his feet. Headbutt by Tenzan and he hits a lariat but Kojima stays on his feet.

Elbows by Kojima and he delivers a Koji Cutter then he knocks No Limit off the apron before taking off his elbow pad, but Tenzan deflects the lariat attempt and nails the TTD. Tenzan applies the Anaconda Vice but Yamato manages to get free and breaks it up. Tenzan picks up Kojima but Kojima levels him with a lariat.

Kojima goes off the ropes but Tenzan catches him with a heel kick and tags in Yujiro. Yujiro pushes Kojima into the corner, and he along with his partners hit running strikes in the corner. Tenzan goes up to the top turnbuckle and goes for a diving headbutt, he slips and misses, but Yujiro covers Kojima anyway for a two count. He is back up though, double Irish whip to Kojima but Kojima hits a lariat on both of them.

Kojima tags in Kai then a Irish whip by Kai to Yujiro to the corner and he hits a step up kick. Irish whip again, reversed but Kai moves when Yujiro charges in and hits a superkick. Kai goes up to the 2nd turnbuckle and hits a double stomp then goes for the cover but it only gets a two count.

Kai picks up Yujiro and applies a waistlock before hitting a pumphandle slam then goes for the cover but it gets a two count. Yujiro goes off the ropes but Kai connects with a lung blower then Kai goes off the ropes, Yujiro catches him but Kai falls back and both wrestlers are slow to recover. Kai makes the tag to Yamato while Yujiro tags in Naito, and Yamato hits an elevated side slam. Spear by Yamato in the corner and he hits a northern lights suplex but it gets a two count.

Waistlock by Yamato then Kai hits a missile dropkick onto Naito & Yamato delivers the German suplex hold for a two count. Kai & Yujiro come in the ring, Yamato grabs Naito and gives him the Giant Swing then Kai dropkicks Naito while he is in mid swing then goes for the cover by Yamato but Yujiro breaks it up. Yujiro is beat down then gets dropkick by F4.

Kai slams Naito to the mat then they suplex Yujiro onto Naito. Kojima and Yamato then suplex Kai onto Naito followed by Kojima being suplex onto Naito as well. Tenzan walks in and kicks Yamato but Yamato grabs Naito and goes off the ropes but Yujiro runs in and he helps Naito slam Yamato to the mat then goes for the cover but Kojima breaks it up.

Kojima hits Tenzan with a lariat but Naito dropkicks him in the knee and Yujiro delivers a lariat. German suplex hold by Naito onto Yamato but it gets a two count. Naito scoop slams Yamato in front of the corner & connects with Stardust Press to get the victory.

Winners: No Limit & Hiroyoshi Tenzan (18:20)

AJPW Love In Ryogoku Vol 6
Junior Heavyweight Title Match

Naomichi Marufuji (c) vs. Shuji Kondo

We get a lock up to start this match but they break cleanly. Shuji Kondo goes for Naomichi Marufuji’s leg but Marufuji spins out of it then a another lock up, Kondo pushes Marufuji into the ropes but after threatening to strike him he gives a clean break they lock up again, Kondo pushes Marufuji into the ropes, Marufuji switches positions with him, he goes for a superkick but Kondo ducks out of the way. Waistlock by Marufuji, reversed by Kondo and they struggle for position. Wristlock by Marufuji but Kondo rolls out of it.

Hammerlock by Marufuji and he gets Kondo down to the mat. Marufuji switches to a side headlock, Kondo struggles to his feet and Irish whips out of it but they collide with no result. Kondo goes off the ropes then Marufuji catches him with a dropkick but Kondo doesn’t go down.

Elbow by Marufuji and he goes off the ropes, Kondo throws him in the air but Marufuji kicks him out of the ring. Marufuji goes off the far ropes, Kondo quickly slides back in the ring and also goes off the far ropes but Marufuji goes off the far ropes again and hits a lariat. Kondo rolls out of the ring again when he gets back on the apron Marufuji charges him but Kondo ducks but Marufuji goes over his back to the floor and attempts a sunset flip powerbomb.

Kondo hangs on however and kicks out of it, Kondo then grabs Marufuji and brings him up to the apron. Superkick by Marufuji but Kondo knocks him back and then press slams him down to the floor. Marufuji eventually gets back into the ring on his own power, Kondo picks him up and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Reverse chinlock by Kondo and he cranks on Marufuji’s neck.

Kondo picks up Marufuji in a press slam position and drops him neck first onto the top rope. Stomps to the back of the head by Kondo and he elbows Marufuji in the back of the neck. Kondo goes back to the neck crank then goes for the cover, but it gets a two count. From a standing position Kondo pulls on Marufuji’s neck but Marufuji gets into the corner.

Kicks to the stomach by Kondo and he elbows Marufuji in the face then Kondo picks up Marufuji, Irish whip, Marufuji tries to kick Kondo as he runs in but Kondo catches it and delivers a lariat. Kondo picks up Marufuji and puts him up onto the top turnbuckle but when he grabs him Marufuji hits a quick vertical suplex.

Marufuji twists Kondo’s head with his feet and delivers a dropkick then goes for the cover but it gets a two count. Marufuji throws Kondo out of the ring before joining him and he throws Kondo into the railing. Marufuji then puts Kondo’s head into the railing door and slams it into him. Marufuji rolls back into the ring, and Kondo gets back in at 9.

Marufuji picks up Kondo puts his head over the bottom rope and then goes onto the apron so he can stand on Kondo’s head. Marufuji gets back into the ring and kicks Kondo in the chest, he picks him up, snap mare, and he drives Kondo’s head to the mat with his foot. Cover, but it gets a two-count.

Marufuji applies a headscissors and drives Kondo into the mat while he keeps the hold applied until Kondo gets a foot on the bottom rope. Kondo rolls out of the ring, but Marufuji quickly follows. He tries to Irish whip Kondo into the railing, but Kondo reverses it, and Marufuji goes into the steel. Kondo gets back up onto the apron, but Marufuji comes flying in with a dropkick to his knee, knocking Kondo back down to the floor. Marufuji goes back outside and kicks Kondo’s leg while it is twisted in the guard rail.

Marufuji returns to the ring, and Kondo eventually follows, but Marufuji grabs his leg and twists on his ankle. Marufuji applies a knee lock but Kondo quickly gets a hand on the bottom rope. Kicks to the leg by Marufuji, Kondo struggles back up, but a kick to the leg grounds him again.

Marufuji picks up Kondo, Irish whip, reversed, but Marufuji kicks Kondo hard in the leg and applies the Figure 4. After fighting for a moment Kondo gets to the ropes to force a break, Marufuji picks up Kondothen he puts his leg over the 2nd rope in the corner, and kicks it as the referee tries to get him back.

Marufuji finally backs up so that the referee can free Kondo, but Marufuji then delivers a jumping elbow. Irish whip by Marufuji to the other corner, but Kondo knocks him back when he charges in and delivers the Lanzarse. Kondo picks up Marufuji and hits a dragon screw leg whip, followed by a Shining Wizard. Cover, but it gets a two-count. Irish whip by Kondo but it gets reversed, Marufuji charges Kondo but Kondo back body drops him over the top rope.

Marufuji lands on the apron however, but Kondo levels him with a lariat, and Marufuji falls to the floor. Marufuji makes it onto the apron at 8, then Kondo tries to suplex him back in the ring, but Marufuji lands on his feet. Marufuji goes off the far ropes, but Kondo catches him and nails a spinning Argentine Backbreaker Slam, then goes for the cover, but it gets a two-count.

Kondo waits for Marufuji to get up and goes for the spear, Marufuji leapfrogs it and jumps off the top turnbuckle, but Kondo catches him and applies a bearhug. Marufuji gets out of it however, delivers a kick and drops Kondo in the corner then hits a leg lariat then he goes for a powerbomb, but Kondo gets out of it with a back body drop.

Kondo picks up Marufuji and goes for a powerbomb, but Marufuji gets out of it and drives Kondo’s head to the mat with his foot. Marufuji waits for Kondo to get to his knee and delivers a superkick then goes for a cover, but it gets a two count.

Marufuji picks up Kondo and applies a standing crossface then hits the Shiranui for a two count cover. Marufuji taunts Kondo with kicks and goes off the ropes then he goes for his misdirection lariat but Kondo ducks it and applies a waistlock.

Marufuji lands on his feet when Kondo goes for a German suplex but Kondo avoids the superkick and hits a backdrop suplex. Marufuji quickly follows with a backdrop suplex of his own, then Kondo hits one, Marufuji hits another, superkick by Marufuji but Kondo floors him with a lariat and both wrestlers are on the mat. Marufuji is up first and they trade tired elbows. Marufuji goes off the ropes but Kondo hits The Original then goes for the cover but it gets a two count.

Kondo picks up Marufuji and hits a crucifix powerbomb then hooks the leg but Marufuji gets a shoulder up. Kondo picks up Marufuji and goes for another powerbomb, Marufuji gets out of it and goes for the Shiranui, but Kondo blocks it and puts Marufuji onto the top turnbuckle. He goes for the inverted superplex but Marufuji blocks it, so instead he jumps back with Kondo’s head against his knee by driving Marufuji’s head into it as they fall to the mat. Crucifix Piledriver by Kondo, cover, but it gets a two count.

Kondo calls for the lariat, he picks up Marufuji and goes off the ropes but Marufuji ducks it. Marufuji goes for a triangle choke and gets it lock in but Kondo doesn’t go out. Marufuji picks up Kondo and hits a trap wrist clutch leg hook backdrop suplex hold for a two count. Marufuji goes to the far apron while Kondo is getting up and delivers a swan dive dropkick to the head.

Marufuji puts Kondo up onto the top turnbuckle and joins him, and he nails the Avalanche Shiranui then hooks the leg, but Kondo gets a shoulder up. Marufuji picks up Kondo and goes for another Shiranui but Kondo catches him and hits a modified neckbreaker.

Both wrestlers get up slowly, Marufuji applies a waist lock to Kondo, but Kondo grabs his head and hits the Original #2 into the turnbuckles. Kondo goes off the ropes and goes for a lariat, Marufuji blocks it & Marufuji kicks the 2nd one but a 3rd lariat hits the mark.

Kondo picks up Marufuji, goes off the ropes and nails a hard lariat, then goes for a cover, but Marufuji barely gets a shoulder up. Kondo picks up Marufuji and puts him onto the top turnbuckle, then he joins him and goes for a crucifix powerbomb, but Marufuji gets out of it and jumps down to the mat then Marufuji connects with a superkick by Marufuji then climbs back up to the top turnbuckle and delivers the Shiranui Kai then goes for the cover but Kondo won’t stay down for the 3 count.

Marufuji calls for the end as he picks up Kondo and goes for the Pole Shift but Kondo gets out of it and takes off Marufuji’s head with a lariat. Both wrestlers are slow to get up, Kondo goes for another lariat, Marufuji gets out of it but Kondo rolls him up for a two-count. Back up, front flip slam by Marufuji but it gets a two as well.

Marufuji superkicks Kondo back into the corner and hits him square in the face with a 2nd & 3rd then goes for the cover but Marufuji, but it gets a two. Kondo comes at Marufuji but Marufuji stuns him with a superkick and plants him with the Pole Shift to get the win.

Winner & STILL Junior Heavyweight Champion: Naomichi Marufuji (37:55)

AJPW Love In Ryogoku Vol 6
[Photo: Vintage Puroresu プロレス]

AJPW Love In Ryogoku Vol 6
Triple Crown Heavyweight Title Match

The Great Muta (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki

The Great Muta rolls out of the ring so Minoru Suzuki rolls out as well on the opposite side. Muta looks under the ring then they both roll back in the ring but Muta rolls right back out and looks under the ring again. Muta rolls back in, but now it is Suzuki that rolls out of the ring. Suzuki returns and does a quick kick to Muta’s leg then goes for another but Muta catches it, waist lock by Muta, and he goes for Suzuki’s leg.

They struggle for position with Muta staying on top and he applies a kneelock. Suzuki reverses it into a leg lock of his own, but Muta gets out of it and rolls out of the ring. Suzuki quickly rolls out after him, and they both return to the ring with Suzuki kicking Muta in the legs. Leg lock by Suzuki, but Muta makes it to the ropes then a dragon screw leg whip by Suzuki, he goes like he is going to do a Shining Wizard, but he slaps Muta instead.

Muta gets mad and throws Suzuki out of the ring then he throws Suzuki into the ring post but Suzuki fights back. Suzuki grabs a chair, but Muta hits a Shining Wizard by knocking the chair back into Suzuki. Muta jabs a spike into Suzuki’s head, busting him open. Muta then grabs the ring bell and hits Suzuki in the head with it before returning to the ring.

Suzuki gets back in as well but Muta stomps Minoru Suzuki in the head. Irish whip by Muta and he applies the sleeper hold. He bites Suzuki in the head while keeping the hold applied and the referee forces him to break. STF by Muta but Suzuki eventually makes it to the ropes and Muta bites him in the head again then a Flashing Elbow by Muta before he goes off the ropes but Suzuki is up and knees him in the stomach. Kicks by Suzuki and he slaps Muta repeatedly in the face.

Mounted punches by Suzuki, but Muta quickly rolls out of the ring. Suzuki goes out after him and slides him back in, he goes for a kick, Muta catches it and goes for a dragon screw but Suzuki blocks it and applies the cross armbreaker until Muta reaches the ropes to break the hold.

Muta rolls out of the ring but Suzuki goes out as well and looks for him. Suzuki grabs a chair and takes it with him until he finds Muta. Suzuki hits Muta repeatedly with the chair until the referee breaks it up and Suzuki gets back in the ring. Muta follows but when he gets on the apron Suzuki applies a hanging triangle choke over the top rope. He finally releases Muta then falls back out of the ring.

Muta grabs a chair and brings it back in the ring with him but Suzuki kicks it into him and grabs it himself. With Suzuki holding the chair Muta kicks it into Suzuki then sets it up and delivers a Shining Wizard off the chair onto Suzuki. Muta grabs the chair again but Suzuki avoids the swing and applies a choke sleeper. Muta still has the chair but drops it and Suzuki hits a Gotch Style Piledriver right onto the chair. Suzuki waits for Muta to get up and re-applies the choke sleeper but Muta gets out of it.

Muta goes for the mist, but Suzuki blocks it with his hand and puts the choke sleeper back on. Then a cover by Suzuki but Muta kicks out. Suzuki applies the sleeper again. Muta struggles to his feet and pushes Suzuki back into the corner. Shining Wizard by Muta, and he dropkicks Suzuki in the knee. Dragon screw leg whip by Muta, and he hits a Shining Wizard, then another one from behind, but when he goes for a 3rd, Suzuki grabs his leg and applies the cross knee lock.

Muta tries to blow mist into Suzuki’s face, but Suzuki ducks it, Suzuki goes off the ropes and goes for a PK, but Muta catches his leg and hits a dragon screw leg whip. Shining Wizard by Muta, then he goes up to the top turnbuckle, but Suzuki is up and applies the sleeper. Sleeper Takedown by Suzuki, but Muta struggles back to his feet.

Suzuki releases the hold, he goes to make a cover, but he gets the mist in the face and then hits Shining Wizard by Muta, follow by a backbreaker. Then he goes up to the top turnbuckle and nails the moonsault, then goes for the cover, but Suzuki kicks out at two.

Suzuki walks around the ring but goes back to his knees, but Muta hits Shining Wizard to put Suzuki away.

Winner: AND STILL Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion: The Great Muta (25:46)