Welcome folks to this week’s Quick Hits Recapatory! Each and every week myself, co-editor Brandi Wagner and editor in chief Marc Madison will take turns on giving you loyal readers what we think are the highlights of the week’s WWE Raw and SmackDown Live.
All of us here at Pro Wrestling Post believe that there’s enough negative attention drawn to the WWE and wrestling in general, all over the internet. And because of that, we will only be looking at the positives of the main WWE weekly programming.
This week I, Mark Blake, will be stepping into the breach and giving you the highlights of this week’s RAW and SmackDown Live. And boy did I have a hard task this week…..

A New Side To The Beast – I’m super enjoying seeing Brock show a little bit of personality. Not relying on Paul Heyman for each and every segment can only be a good thing. And Brock’s schtick using the Money In The Bank briefcase as an old school boom-box is entertaining as hell! It reminds me of when Lesnar was feuding with the late great Eddie Guerrero from nearly 15 years ago. Brock came out with a mariachi band while wearing a sombrero, dancing and jiving. Still makes me laugh to this day, just as this new personality is doing right now. Will it last? I doubt it, but let’s just enjoy it while it lasts folks!
Cesaro Versus Ricochet Part II – Coming off from their match last week, Ricochet and Cesaro battled once again. And once again they put on a hell of a showing! Yes, it was only 10 minutes, but in those 10 minutes, they crammed a hell of a lot of action and story. The super quick pace of Richochet against the power of Cesaro. It’s a tale as old as time, and it’s a tale that works still to this day. Richochet walked away with the win this time, leaving both men at one apiece. Maybe next week they’ll have their rubber match with double the time? I’m salivating at 20 minutes of that!
The Push Of The Baron Continues – Wait wait wait! Hear me out! This is a good thing, honestly. How much have us fans been crying out for new talent? For WWE to actually produce some homegrown talent akin to the likes of The Rock, Kurt Angle, John Cena, etc. Look no further than the Lone Wolf peeps. It’s taken him some time but the guy is a bonafide heat magnet. His intro (while not as good as David Starr’s) is designed to anger you. His personality is there to annoy you. His push is warranted and as long as he keeps gaining that heat and looking good on the ring, there’s nothing but good things coming his way.
The Breaking Of The Fourth Wall – There was no-one sitting cross-legged with a mic in their hand here. Nope, this was the inner voice of Uncle Vince McMahon speaking (if you believe the rumors) via Sami Zayn in a new segment. The Electric Chair? Strange name for an interview segment, but I bet you all spoke about it afterward though! The fact that Sami brought up AEW on not only WWE programming but their flagship show? That’s ballsy! Probably in retaliation for the Cody Rhodes spot at Double Or Nothing, but shocking nonetheless. Could this be the beginning of a more edgier product that’s been rumored for some time? Only time will tell…..

Champs Win?! – I don’t know if you realize this but when a champion is in a non-title contest, it usually results in the challenger winning. I have no idea why WWE does this. It makes no logical sense as surely it makes your champions look weak? BUT all that went out the window on SmackDown Live this week as both Kofi Kingston and Bayley won their respective non-title matches against Kevin Owens and Lacey Evans. And more importantly than that, they both looked STRONG too. The cynic in me is saying that they’re only strong ready to lose their titles in the near future. Let’s hope that’s not true and this new age of champions winning and looking strong continues!
Promo City – Kofi and Owens, Daniel Bryan and Rowan and Shane O’Mac all had something in common this week. Yup, their promos were pretty good this week. Usually, I’m rolling my eyes at the amount and length of promos (RAW I’m looking at you!) but the three I mentioned above actually had a purpose and kept the promo time to a bare minimum. Shane having his appreciation night served its purpose of pushing the Roman/Shane feud. DBry and Rowan saving the tag team division and the planet were absolutely fantastic. Kofi dishing justice to KO for hurting Big E last week was justified. Let’s hope this momentum spills over into RAW next week huh?
24/7 For The Win! – I’m unashamedly biased here when I say that the 24/7 title can be something special, and a little hint of that was seen on the show. It was highlighted throughout with R-Truth dodging Drake Maverick, then dodging a few wrestlers a few moments later on. It culminated with him losing the 24/7 title to Elias (hey congrats!) and then regaining the title just as the show was ending. That’s four segments in a show and the last image of the night was Truth celebrating his second reign. Tell me that WWE officials aren’t high on the title. Carry that over to RAW and maybe onto a PPV or two and you’ve got midcarders being highlighted and giving the IWC something less to worry about. C’mon Uncle Vince, you know it makes sense

What I’m Expecting Next Week: I would imagine that the build-up to the Saudi show will continue at a fast pace. Need to get those eyes on the Network to justify it I suppose.
I’m expecting more Brock teasing Kofi and Seth as to who he’ll cash in on. And obviously more Paul Heyman promoting his client to the highest of highs.
Please more Cesaro and Ricochet so they can finish off their rivalry with another match with no funny business and enough time to tell a great story.
More of the top stars of both brands (and Shane) popping up on both shows. Wildcard rule my ass….
But more than anything, even more than those elusive blueberry ice cream Oreo’s appearing over here in the UK…..I’m expecting Bray Wyatt to be live and in person! The Firefly segments have gone as far as they have surely? He needs to show the world that he can back up what he’s been saying.
And that ends another week of the WWE Raw and Smackdown Live Quick Hits Recapatory. What were you’re best bits? Did they match mine? It was a tough tough week for Raw and SmackDown Live that’s for sure. What do YOU think or want to happen next week? Let us know in the comments, or you can drop us a message personally on our social media, which can be found below.
Mark Blake-Facebook – MarkBlakeSmart
Mark Blake Twitter – @Smart_Mark_B
Pro Wrestling Post Facebook – ProWrestlingPST
Pro Wrestling Post Twitter – @ProWrestlingPST
WWE Raw & SmackDown Live Quick Hits Recapatory for 5/23/19
WWE Raw & SmackDown Live Quick Hits Recapatory for 5/15/19
WWE Raw & SmackDown Live Quick Hits Recapatory for 5/8/19
WWE Raw and Smackdown Live Quick Hits Recapatory for 5/1/19
WWE Raw and SmackDown Live Quick Hits Recapatory for 4/24/19
WWE Raw & SmackDown Live Quick Hits Recapatory for 4/17/19
WWE Raw and Smackdown Live Quick Hits Recapatory for 4/10/19
WWE Raw & SmackDown Live Quick Hits Recapatory for 4/3/19
WWE Raw & SmackDown Live Quick Hits Recapatory for 3/27/19
WWE Raw and Smackdown Live Quick Hits Recapatory for 3/20/19