It’s time once again for a WCW RetroView. This time around, we’re taking a look back at what many consider one of the last good to great WCW Pay-Per-Views with WCW Spring Stampede 1999. The opening video package is well done, set to a strong rock and roll instrumental; it highlights the show’s two biggest matches.
The show begins with Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan welcoming us to the springtime tradition, Spring Stampede. After a rundown of what’s to come in the show, our first match gets underway.
WCW Spring Stampede 1999
Juventud Guerrera vs Blitzkrieg

Blitzkrieg enters first while ring announcer David Penser announces that the winner gets as WCW Cruiserweight Championship. Hailing from the cosmos, I have to say Blitzkrieg wears a unique mask. Guerrera enters second; it’s mentioned multiple times that he’s gained an edge since losing his mask almost a year ago.
This is your typical, high impact, fast-paced WCW Cruiserweight match. Tenay really focuses on Juventud’s level of experience and how that will play a factor in this match. The highlight of the match is when Blitzkrieg attempts a flying body press from the top turnbuckle to the outside.
Only it ends roughly when Juventud drop kicks him on the way down. The announcers play up how Blitzkrieg’s inexperience was really costing him there. Blitzkrieg gets the best two count of the contest when he counters the Juvi Driver into a roll-up. Juventud gets the win in impressive fashion with a Juvi Driver from the middle turnbuckle.
Winner – Juventud Guerrera
Before the next match we get a video breakdown of chaotic events leading up to match number two.
WCW Spring Stampede 1999
Hardcore Match
Bam Bam Bigelow vs Hak

Hak, a.k.a. The Sandman, enters first, complete with table and Raven’s sister Chastity. Bam Bam Bigelow comes out second with a cart of plunder, as the late Dusty Rhodes would call it. Hak meets him down the entrance ramp and the wild brawl is on.
The first table enters the match after Hak digs it out of the hay on the stage set. He proceeds to jump off a horse carriage, crashing through the “Beast of the East” and the table.
Bigelow takes control as the two make their way back to the ring. In the ring is a mad bag of weapons, including a chair, trash can, cookie sheet and wooden crutch. Bigelow proceeds to hit Hak with almost every weapon.
The two botch some sort of suplex attempt before Hak brings a ladder into the chaos. Hak utilizes the ladder as a weapon before somersaulting from the top turnbuckle onto a ladder prone Bigelow. The chaos eventually leads to Bigelow getting the win via “Greetings from Asbury Park” from the top turnbuckle through a table.
Winner – Bam Bam Bigelow
WCW Spring Stampede 19997
Scotty Riggs vs. Mickey Whipwreck

Riggs comes out first, and it’s American Males Scotty Riggs, not Raven’s Flock, eye patch wearing Riggs. Whipwreck comes out with no music as the announcers mention his recent injuries.
Riggs is ultra-confident to start this match, something Schiavone mentions on commentary. Whipwreck has some crowd support but the crowd is pretty dead during this match. This is definitely a cool-down match after the chaotic nature of the match before.
The crowd even begins chants of boring and Goldberg. As expected Riggs, who comes off as a cheap knock off Rick Rude, gets the win with a flying forearm.
Winner – Scotty Riggs
We get a video package breaking down the beef between Disco and Konnan, which seems to be over a music video.
WCW Spring Stampede 1999
Disco Inferno vs. Konnan

Konnan enters first and receives a solid ovation, not quite nWo Wolfpac Konnan reaction, but solid nonetheless. Disco enters next; crazy to think that Disco was somewhat over with the WCW crowd. Numerous signs are shown in support of Disco.
Maybe it was just the entrance like Fandango, because Disco is met with “Disco sucks” chants from the crowd after the bell rings. Disco plays to the crowd perfectly any time he is in control, and Konnan does a solid job as the good guy in peril.
Nothing too memorable from this match; it’s just a solid performance by two guys who work well together. Konnan gets a close two count after hitting his 187 cradle DDT. In the end, Konnan gets the win after hitting Disco with his owner finisher, the Last Dance.
Winner – Konnan
WCW Spring Stampede 1999
WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match
Rey Mysterio Jr. © vs. Billy Kidman
This is a match between the current WCW Tag Team Champions and members of the Filthy Animals. Kidman comes out first followed by the maskless Rey Mysterio. Tenay quickly mentions how these two have set the standard for WCW’s Cruiserweight division.
Side note: WCW really struck gold with their Cruiserweight division when it was at its peak.
The match begins with both men acrobatically countering each other all across the ring. Kidman gets the first big move with a cross body from the ring to the outside. After that, they use the guardrail in various ways on the outside before heading back into the ring.
Mysterio gets out first close two count after a Thesz Press from the top rope. This really is a great match between two of the staples of the WCW Cruiserweight division. The next highlight is Kidman hitting the running shooting star press from the ring apron on Mysterio on the floor.
Our next close two count comes after Mysterio nails a midair Kidman with a drop kick. As the match goes on Tenay comments about how you can tell fatigue is setting in on the tag champs.
Back and forth these two go, both hitting impressive move after impressive move. Kidman ultimately falls after his last attempt to perform the shooting star press costs him. Mysterio Jr. gets the win with a Frankensteiner from the top turnbuckle.
Winner – Rey Mysterio Jr.
Up next, it could be argued, is the best match of the night between Raven and Saturn versus Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit. But, as always, I don’t go into too much detail when matches involve Benoit.
After the tag match, we cut to a video of Ric Flair the WCW President at the time, stripping Scott Hall of the United States Championship. Flair also announces a United States Championship Tournament will be held to crown the new champion.
Schiavone gives us a breakdown of the tournament results leading up to the next match.
WCW Spring Stampede 1999
United States Championship Match
Scott Steiner vs. Booker T

Steiner makes his way out first to the Wolfpac theme song. Funny how much jumping members did when the nWo was split into two groups. Steiner takes his time making sure to smack talk as many fans as possible.
It’s awesome hearing the old vintage Harlem Heat music. Booker, who is already the Television Champ entering this match, looks like a star right on the cusp of greatness. It takes forever for Steiner to enter the ring because his trash-talking continues with a plethora of ringside fans.
Booker gains the early advantage utilizing his athleticism with a drop kick followed by an arm drag. It doesn’t take long for this match to spill outside the ring, where Steiner continues talking trash to the fans.
Something the announcers continue to mention as Steiner losing his focus. Somehow Steiner isn’t disqualified for hitting Booker T with a chair outside the ring. The crowd appears to begin chanting “steroids” chant while Steiner is in control, something the announcers do not acknowledge.
Steiner once again avoids a disqualification after a blatant low blow. Mike Tenay equates it to the referee being terrified to disqualify Steiner. Booker T battles his way back for one final flurry but takes the loss after Steiner delivers a weapon laced right hand.
Winner – Scott Steiner
We cut to the back for Rey Mysterio. He’s being interviewed by the guys running the WCW website; this is followed by the hype video for the next match.
WCW Spring Stampede 1999
Singles Match
Kevin Nash vs. Goldberg

This match stemmed from the infamous “finger poke of doom” incident. Kevin Nash comes out with Lex Luger and Elizabeth. Schiavone quickly mentions Goldberg’s streak and how Nash ended it in dubious fashion.
At this point in his run, Goldberg enters and is still getting a solid response and “Goldberg” chants. The bell rings, but Nash delays things by grabbing a mic. He proclaims that Wolfpac is in the house.
Nash starts the match with his patented knees in the corner, followed by all the regular moves in his arsenal. Once Goldberg fights back he inadvertently hits the ref with a spear after Nash leap frogs over him. This leads to Luger hitting Goldberg in the back with a chair.
Goldberg eventually takes Luger out before spearing Nash. Da Man finishes off “Big Sexy” with the jackhammer and the crowd absolutely erupts.
Winner – Goldberg
We get a hype video for the main event. Three former world champions in Flair, Sting and Hogan along with DDP, looking for his first World Championship.
WCW Spring Stampede 1999
Four Corners Match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship
Ric Flair © vs. Hollywood Hogan vs. DDP vs. Sting
Macho Man Randy Savage as Special Referee

Savage, who Schiavone and Heenan mention hasn’t been seen in a while, enters with Gorgeous George by his side. Flair, the current champion and President of WCW, enters in his brightly shining red and gold robe.
DDP is next to enter, and it’s weird not seeing him and Savage immediately start fighting. Next, Hollywood Hogan enters with the nWo Wolfpac theme, which is just weird. Sting is the final competitor, and it’s great seeing him in the white and black.
I was not a fan of red and black Wolfpac Sting. The bell rings, and the four begin trading blows. Flair and Hogan spill to the outside early while Sting attempts his first Scorpion Deathlock.
DDP avoids it by getting to the ropes. Up the ramp, Hogan and Flair are in the midst of their usual brawl. Eventually all four return to the ring. But then it’s Sting and DDP’s turn to fight outside the ring.
We get a Hogan Hulk up in the ring after numerous knife-edge chops by Flair. We get our first close call when Sting applies the Scorpion Deathlock on DDP while Hogan hits his leg drop on Flair. Sting has to release to hold to stop the three count.
WCW Spring Stampede 1999 | WCW Sunday Night RetroView
Hogan receives a Figure Four from Flair inside the ring before receiving the same hold DDP around the ring post. This causes the WCW trainer to sprint from the locker room along with Doug Dillinger.
The two assist an injured Hogan to the back. Before reaching the locker room, gray-haired Eric Bischoff meets them midway down the aisle. Back in the ring, Flair angers Sting with repeated knife edge chops.
Sting sends the Nature Boy over the top rope before receiving a clothesline from DDP. It needs to be said that Flair, Sting and DDP have great chemistry together. Sting gets a big reaction after superplexing Flair from the top turnbuckle. We get a stacked sleeper hold followed by a double jaw breaker by Sting to break the hold.
Savage begins the ten count and all three men make it up before ten. This leads to a cool moment, Flair and DDP begin taking turns giving Sting knife edge chops. The Stinger is angered by the chops and hits both men with a double clothesline of his own, the crowd erupts.
We get a close two after a Scorpion Death Drop, but Flair makes the save just in time, Flair captures Sting in the Figure Four, but Sting rolls into the ropes. Savage, instead of breaking the hold, kicks Sting’s hand off the rope before pulling Flair to the middle of the ring.
From here, he lands his vintage elbow drop from the top turnbuckle—Shocking Schiavone to his core. Then, amidst the chaos, DDP hits the Diamond Cutter on Flair to become the Heavyweight Champion for the very first time.
Tenay does a great job playing up the historical significance of DDP’s win.
Winner – Diamond Dallas Page
This was a fun and easy show to watch. WCW gets a lot of flack, as it should, for those final years, but 1999 WCW had a stellar show in this one. Next month, the journey through WCW 1999 as we revisit Slamboree.