Wardlow – This is WAR

Within the last decade, Michael Wardlow began to develop his skillset in the ring. With a background in Ju-Jit-Su and Boxing, Wardlow’s time in wrestling is quite brief.

However, his combat background put him in a prime position right away. Several of today’s combat athletes have transitioned nicely into the world of wrestling. His MMA background has put Wardlow’s wrestling career with a solid foundation.

At the age of 27, Wardlow’s career began in his native Ohio. His first match in 2014 was as part of a six-man tag team matchup.

He teamed with Draviko and Bryan Bowers in a winning effort at the IWC Winner Takes It All event. With American Revolution Wrestling, Wardlow exchanged wins and losses with Nickie Valentino.

His first year competing in professional wrestling only saw him compete once. As it was just to get his feet wet in the ring.

Wardlow: Three-time IWC Heavyweight Champion

As time passed Wardlow began to compete for other promotions such as the International Wrestling Cartel.

IWC was a longstanding promotion where Wardlow had competed. In fact, it was up until last year where he was competing there for the promotion. He has stepped in the ring with former Ring of Honor World Television Champion Shane Taylor and WWE’s Joaquin Wilde.

One of the most notable things about Wardlow is his deceptive agility. He defeated RJ City to capture the IWC Heavyweight champion.

Wardlow was a three-time IWC Heavyweight Champion. Wardlow’s success in the IWC also saw him capture the IWC Super Indy Championship. He has also captured the Revenge Pro Wrestling World Championship.

At 6’2, 250 ibs, Wardlow certainly has a presence about him. His size and stature certainly had value.

As a member of Team LaBar, Wardlow teamed with The Fraternity’s Channing Decker and Trent Gibson along with Chris LeRusso, Dennis Jackson and Justin LaBar. His relationship with Gibson and Decker also created opportunities for him North of the border.

Wardlow competed for Decker’s Greektown Wrestling. On the first occasion, he faced the Wrestling Machine Tyson Dux. In his next match, he competed as part of a ten-man battle royal.

Wardlow: A New Opportunity Awaits

Wardlow was gaining notoriety in his short time in the ring. One such location where Wardlow and a current AEW talent crossed paths as part of Northeast Wrestling’s Iron City Homecoming.

It was there were Darby Allin captured the NEW Championship. On the same card, Wardlow faced the Neon Ninja Facade. Another promotion that Wardlow competed regularly in last year was Warrior Wrestling out of Chicago, Illinois.

His matches there proved to be quite significant. He stepped into the ring with the likes of Moose, Brian Cage, Austin Aries, and Wrecking Ball Legursky. Each of these matches tested his versatility in the ring.

By stepping into the ring with each of these talents, it also would put him into a prime opportunity in AEW. In the week’s leading up to his debut, vignettes began to air his impending arrival. They initially began on the All-Out pay per view event.

On the November 13th edition of Dynamite, Wardlow attacked Cody. In the process, he became the muscle behind the ultimate antagonist in MJF.

His debut match would be against Cody in a steel cage match. In a field that is just as important to give, as it was to succeed. For Wardlow, he faced the Executive Vice-President in Cody. Their match was one fans and legends were discussing after it was done.

 Wardlow: A Career-Defining Match Awaits

“Well, I got to tell you and I didn’t want to say this to him, I’ve been proud of Cody all along. Tonight, I’m really proud of him.

He crawled into that ring with a monster, he was in for the fight of his life.

Wardlow is untested, he didn’t know anything about him. You lock a man in a cage, he’s going to get violent a lot of times and he’s going to overachieve.”

“Cody Rhodes stepped up to the plate, he didn’t get a single, double, or a home run, he had a grand slam.

Nothing but proud of him, can’t believe what an excellent job he did overcoming all that adversity. Man, I just feel good tonight.”

– Arn Anderson about Cody’s match with Wardlow.

While there was no denying Cody’s performance it was that of his opposition that can not be ignored either.

Wardlow has all the attributes to a serious threat for the company. As it stands at the moment, Wardlow is firmly the muscle behind MJF.

However, that isn’t to say this will be how he is portrayed as his career in AEW unfolds. As Mr. Mayhem, he is firmly slated to be a challenger that will protect his allies.

Wardlow’s future is quite bright. With only a few years under his belt, there is no telling what he will do.