Hello again, dear reader, and welcome back once again to the RIPTIDE Wrestling RETROspective this time looking at Point Break 2019. This time we’re looking at Point Break which took place on June 8th, 2019 at the Brighthelm Centre in Brighton.
We begin with a video promo by TK Cooper starting to really show his bitterness towards Brighton Champ Chuck Mambo. After their match at RIPTIDE Rumble, he’s got a real chip on his shoulder about his loss.

Lion Kid vs Mike Bird
A short match to start Point Break with as Lion Kid takes on Mike Bird. As you might expect from a match with Kid, this one features a lot of japes. Whether it be loudly denouncing Bird in a well-spoken way, or using a large Simba teddy as a weapon, the man under the mask raises a giggle or two.
He faces a rather sterner person in Mike Bird, however. He has none of Lion Kid’s high jinks, denouncing him as a sports entertainer (for shame). It’s that kind of heel work that really makes me like Bird. He’s a no nonsense guy in the ring in attitude and with his offensive arsenal. Indeed, he took the majority of the match, grinding Lion Kid down with stiff strikes and submissions.
Despite a late rally, involving the previously mentioned Simba teddy, Bird scored the pin following a pump handle slam. A tidy little opener there.
Before the next match, Jack Sexsmith makes his way out to address the crowd. He drops the bombshell that instead of facing Spike Trivet on the show, he is announcing his retirement. Due to an old football injury, re-injured at a Defiant show, he has been told to never wrestle again. How sad for his career to end so early, but he broke a lot of ground for LGBT wrestlers in the UK.
Chuck Mambo vs Jordon Breaks

The Brighton Champion is up next as Chuck Mambo faces local boy Jordon Breaks at Point Break. Due to Sexsmith’s retirement, and there is no number one contender, the title is not being defended. A true battle of babyfaces, the action in this one comes across as a battle between two men who genuinely like one another. The early going, particularly, matches the previous match for comedy moments. Mambo loudly exclaims whenever Breaks reverses his submission attempts, and it’s utterly charming.
Lots of nice chain wrestling from Breaks here, really showing off his skillset. Whilst not at Zack Sabre Jr’s standard, Jordon Breaks really is an excellent technical wrestler. I believe he works in a hardware store as his day job; I think he should try a go full-time with the wrestling. He has the skillset, and the crowd loves him.
After about fifteen minutes of action, surprisingly dominated by Breaks’ chain wrestling, Mambo takes the win via pinfall with a cradle. A good showing from both men there, and it’s nice to see a face vs face match into the bargain.
Jinny & Session Goth vs The Anti Fun Police vs Chakara & Paul Robinson vs Kurtis Chapman & Lord Gideon Grey
Four teams clash next in a match that is pure mayhem at Point Break. The best moment early on has Jinny tell Robbo that his nose is even bigger than hers. This is the only time I’ve seen Robinson close to breaking character, as he looks a mixture of bemused and genuinely amused. Just an interesting little detail.

Every single person takes a turn in the ring in the early going. Jinny and Session Goth assert themselves best, taking turns going corner to corner with elbows to Lord Gideon Grey. Indeed, Grey takes a bit of a pasting throughout the match and sells it in his own inimitable style. Before too long though, the heels take turns wearing down Session Goth. Chakara and Robinson take particular delight in wearing her down; Kurtis Chapman also takes great delight in rubbing his gum shield in her face. Gross.
It all breaks down into madness once again as the Anti Fun Police enter the ring. Los Federales Santos Jr and Chief Deputy Dunne pick up the on Chapman, drilling him with big moves. This causes a pile in from the other participants, and we’re into the home stretch. A sequence of dives by near enough everyone leads to Jinny being blindsided by Robinson and Chakara. One Widow’s Peak from Chakara later, and Jinny is down for the three count.
Kyle Fletcher vs TK Cooper
TK Cooper starts this one off with a bang as he nails Kyle Fletcher with a Heluva kick at the bell. He follows up with a wicked looking reverse draping DDT for a near fall. Woah, great start to the match there. Cooper’s advantage doesn’t last long as the Aussie nails him with an Asai moonsault. A grim looking lawn dart by Fletcher on the ring apron, to the post, firmly cements his advantage.
The Aussie Arrow wears TK down for a stretch, using his size advantage to keep Cooper grounded. There’s a slightly unfortunate incident as the Kiwi mounts his comeback, as the referee is out of position and causes Cooper to blow a move. He doesn’t look best pleased, either. Lots of back and forth in the middle of the match as the two trade big moves. TK nails his middle rope flip dropkick, Fletcher nails a Liger bomb. TK hits a top rope Spanish Fly, Fletcher scores a Kiwi Crusher.
The finishing sequence of the match is an extended trade-off of even bigger moves between the pair. Pointedly, TK uses a frog splash a la Chuck Mambo to pin Fletcher. That was a fantastic match, though not quite the best of the show. Sorry, Mr. RIPTIDE.
Connor Mills vs Ashmore

Connor Mills faces that rascally hipster Ashmore next in a match that is surprisingly hard hitting. A slow start with a nice exchange of arm drags and wristlocks gives way to a startling move outside the ring. Ashmore drops Mills with a Death Valley Driver onto the bare floor, and, my goodness, that changed the match.
Ashmore takes a large chunk of the match from there, working over Mills’ back – that’s sound psychology there. Indeed, Ashmore stays in control for quite some time, though Mills does sporadically come back. He has difficulty executing his moves due to his back being worked over, however. It’s nice to see people selling properly every once in a while.
A reverse ‘rana to Ashmore sets the finishing sequence in motion. Mills gets overconfident trying to follow up with a springboard from the outside. Ashmore catches him and hits a high backcracker for the pin. That was a very good match, and I very much appreciated the amount of old-school psychology involved. A great showing by both men.
Candy Floss vs Millie McKenzie vs Rob Lias
Rob Lias had made it known on previous shows that he wasn’t happy about having to wrestle women. At Point Break he decided to go with the flow and take on two women at the same time. Whatever work for you Rob, my man.
Fast and furious is the best way to describe the action here. The three wrestlers went full pelt for the duration, unlike a WWE multi-person match where one takes a powder on the outside for a spell. Although he got a few licks in, the draw of the match was seeing Lias get his head kicked in. He took suplexes from Millie, submissions from Candy, and never looked in any danger of winning.
It wouldn’t be Rob Lias to take the actual loss though. Somewhat surprisingly, he was nowhere to be seen as Millie McKenzie tapped out to a Candy Floss Fujiwara armbar. This was slightly too brief, but nonetheless an exciting encounter.
Cara Noir vs PAC
What a beauty of a surprise that was! Cara Noir had been announced, prior to the event, as facing a mystery opponent. Revealing the great PAC as the man in question on the night was a masterstroke. As you can see above, the RIPTIDE fans collectively lost their minds upon the realization of who was heading to the ring. Great stuff.
In truth, their reaction was likely based on two factors. One; it’s PAC. Two; PAC and Cara Noir are going to have an absolute blinder. And have an absolute blinder they did. The in ring acumen displayed by both men is always of an exceptionally high standard. And this was in full evidence during their match. In particular, PAC has become an absolute master at slowing the action all the way down whilst maintaining excitement levels. The Black Swan more than capably complimented this with realistic selling and his own slow burn offense. The highlight of the match for me was PAC executing a huge superplex for a near fall.
The match also had a great story running through it, as Cara was visibly happy when PAC came out. Acting in almost a fan-like manner, he would intermittently offer his hand to The Bastard to shake. Of course, PAC would not be forthcoming. Even crouched on his knees, head woosily wobbling, Noir wanted to shake his opponent’s hand. Even after PAC had scored the win, following the Black Arrow, he wouldn’t shake Cara Noir’s hand. One can only hope that this was the first in a series between the two, and the last match closes with a handshake. But that’s not all…
Cara Noir vs Spike Trivet
Spike Trivet makes his presence felt next as comes out with a microphone in hand. He tells RIPTIDE that he demands to face Noir right now. He also demands that if he wins, in lieu of his match with Jack Sexsmith, he will become number one contender!

This final, surprise match for Point Break is structured like a heel cashing in Money in the Bank. The valiant babyface, Cara Noir, has just had a grueling match and the heel wants to take advantage. Although he manages a touch of offense there’s no way Noir could have beaten Trivet. It soon finishes with Spike hitting a Cross Rhodes onto a steel chair for the win. Yowza!
A shocking ending to an excellent show then. Lots of plates are still spinning to set up future events, which is lovely. RIPTIDE really do have a handle on long-term storytelling, which keeps their product feeling alive.
We’re now up to date with all of RIPTIDE’s show that is available on-demand, folks with Point Break. The RIPTIDE Wrestling RETROspective will return when the Bank Holiday shows are uploaded. I hope you enjoyed it; let me know your thoughts in the comments. I’m outta here!