This is it folks, my last ever RIPTIDE Wrestling RETROspective With this event, Deep Six 2019, you are all caught up with the happenings down at The Brighthelm Centre in Brighton. It has honestly been a pleasure looking back at their humble beginnings and charting their insane rise as one of Britain’s very top promotions.
Never fear! Just because my RETROspective series with RIPTIDE will be finished, it doesn’t mean that I will stop following their work here at Pro Wrestling Post. Oh no no no! Each and every new show going forward will be covered in full, by myself. Starting with the RIPTIDE Rumble, which is being held on April 12. I will be there personally and will give you all a live review
Now, without further ado, let’s get you all caught up as I bring to you, Deep Six 2019…..(Ain’t that just one of the greatest posters?!)

Deep Six 2019

‘The Keyboard Warrior’ Kurtis Chapman vs Jordan Breaks
The night’s first match pitted the up and coming Breaks versus the ever-entertaining but total bastard Chapman in a thoroughly entertaining match up.
This match was back and forth from the start. And in keeping with the back and forth, the match went from technical to physical strikes and back again. A great way to start the evening and keeping the crowd on their toes.

A move from one of Britain’s best loved wrestlers, Doug Williams, gave Jordan a well deserved and much needed win…..The Chaos Theory. A move that I have so much love for.
2019 is going to be a breakout year for Jordan, mark my words. And Kurtis? If he carries on with this heel gimmick in other promotions, he could be a top contender by the end of this year.
Winner – Jordan Breaks

Brighton Championship #1 Contendership
TK Cooper vs CandyFloss
Following on from the Breaks/Chapman match, this too began at a slow technical pace. TK and CandyFloss were at war with each other over social media in the weeks preceding this show.
But within minutes the fists and feet were flying. this boiled down to a good old fashioned grudge match, with CandyFloss looking the more menacing.

It wasn’t until TK busted out some fantastic aerial manoeuveres that the tide began to turn his way. It’s been a while since Cooper used this amount of top rope moves, and I think it was a case of not injuring himself once again. On the PROGRESS Wrestling tour of the USA in 2017, TK broke his ankle in half while performing a Spanish Fly from the top turnbuckle to the outside and has hardly been ‘up top’ ever since.
CandyFloss, at the finish of this engrossing match, even pulled a ‘Hogan’ as she kicked out of a sick looking piledriver at ONE! Which in turn pissed TK off even more and hit his signature Axe Kick to keep her on the canvas for the three count. Great match!
Winner – TK Cooper

Damon Moser vs Jack Sexsmith
Now here’s a match with some history that’s also weaved itself into RIPTIDE history. Former friends now bitter enemies with a certain Spike Trivet in the middle pulling the strings. Great storytelling from a promotion not even three years old.
Sexsmith, for months, has asked begged and pleaded for a one on one match with Spike, but as seen below, Spike has no interest in a match with Jack. And instead offered Damon instead –
With the heartache of being betrayed by his former friend still fresh in his mind, Jack went on the offensive from the start with a huge running front dropkick to Moser, which sent him outside. They then brawled amongst the crowd, taking advantage of their surroundings.

After re-entering the ring, Damon clawed his way back by targeting the legs of Sexsmith, taking away his base. The assault continued until Jack began his comeback…..And then true to form, Moser’s MVE roots shined through as he kicked Jack straight between the legs! The referee had no choice but to call for the bell and give Jack a DQ victory. Obviously not the way Jack and the RIPTIDE faithful wanted the contest to finish.
Winner – Jack Sexsmith
After the match Moser grabbed the mic and said that he’s still a very dangerous man, and he days of him looking like the weakest member of MVE are over.

Cara Noir vs Ashmore
Ashmore made his debut here against not just a RIPTIDE fan favourite, but a fan favourite all around the UK….Cara Noir….An up hill struggle?
And he didn’t endear himself to the faithful when he interrupted Cara’s elaborate entrance, incensing the Black Swan from the start! And as soon as the bell rang, Noir went for Ashmore like a frenzied rabid dog, a pace that was kept throughout the whole match.

Ashmore really held his own here, matching Cara strike for strike and move for move and the fans ringside saw this and gave him props, but still booed the shit outta him. Gotta love our fans!
It wasn’t until Noir followed Ashmore to the top rope to hit a sick move, that the match changed and finish happened. Ashmore reversed whatever Cara had in mind and hit a huge Hack Knees Backbreaker which had the entire crowd screaming in shock and awe! A quick cover gave Ashmore a win on his debut for RIPTIDE. A very very good match that again, needs to be searched by you folks.
Winner – Ashmore

Chakara/Paul Robinson vs Session Moth Martina/Rocky Mac
How’s about this for a contrast in styles? The tough street fighter-style of Chakara and Robbo versus the upbeat comedy style of Martina and Mac. I for one loved this match and contrasting styles.
Before the match began, Martina asked, no demanded, Valentine’s Day presents (this event took place the day after Valentines’ Day) and back payments of Child Support as Rocky is apparently the father of 20 of Martina’s 84 children – a long-running joke surrounding Martina’s character folks.

As if by magic, some presents dropped from the ceiling for the Session Moth, including a can of BANTS lager (her very own alcoholic beverage for this event) and ‘Close To You’ by The Carpenters began to play by the house band as Rocky began to serenade Martina….It sounds totally bonkers as I’m writing this but trust me, this was comedy gold! It didn’t last long as Robbo had seen enough and attacked Mac as Chakara went for Martina to kick this match off.

As I alluded to above, this match had comedy and violence. We’d had the comedy, now it was time for violence. And who better to dish it out than Chakara and Robinson. They literally went hell for leather against Martina and the debuting Rocky Mac, but it wasn’t all Team Violence, oh no. Rocky is no slouch and can hold his own, especially when Rocky caught Robbo in mid-air and hit a beautiful looking stalling suplex.

The finish was beautiful and sadistic at the same time. Chakara had Rocky in position for a Gory Bomb and Paul hit a double foot stomp onto the prone Mac for the impressive victory
Winners – Chakara & Paul Robinson
After the match, Robbo was jaw jacking to the crowd when a woman slid in and tried to attack him!! Luckily the staff at The Brighthelm were on hand to stop her in its tracks. Later on, it was revealed that the woman in question was the aunt of Vicky Haskins! I’m not sure if it was a shoot or a work, but it was damn entertaining that’s for sure! And then….
The original Yas Queen, Jinny, confronted Paul Robinson for the attack on Jimmy Havoc at the last show and announced that it would be Chakara & Robbo versus Jinny & Jimmy Havoc at the RIPTIDE Rumble, and then floors Paul with a stiff forearm shot

Spike Trivet vs Wild Boar
The penultimate match of the evening worked as a calm down from the previous match, which I think is a bit of a disservice to the two involved. A better placement on the card may have resulted in a better match, but both did the best they could. Even with some fans not quite understanding the ‘Cheer faces, Boo heels’ etiquette
I understand that you pay for your ticket and you can cheer or boo who you want, but when your cheering for someone (in this case Spike) and he actively tells you to shut up, maybe you should do as he says and just enjoy the match. Their input really took away from what Spike and Boar were trying to achieve in the ring.

With that to one side, the match did the desired effect and cooled down the fans. It was a slow-paced affair that, in my opinion, didn’t showcase either man’s talents or live up to the pre-match social media hype
Spike picked up the victory, but unfortunately this match will be remembered for the crowd and not the action. Shame.
Winner – Spike Trivet

Brighton Championship
Chuck Mambo (c) Vs Mark Haskins
Our special guest ring announcer, Kid Lykos, announced before the match began that there had been a change to the main event and asked for both men to come to the ring to explain. Both Brighton Champion Mambo and Mark Haskins (wearing street clothes and walking to the ring with the aid of crutch) accompanied by his wife Vicky came to the ring. Mark explained that he had suffered a calf injury at the hands of Marty Scurll at a recent ROH taping and wouldn’t be able to wrestle this evening. As Chuck turned to the crowd to see their reaction, Haskins raised the crutch and blasted him straight in the back, and carried on assaulting him while on the canvas.

Letting up the assault was possibly the worst thing Haskins could have done, as Chuck fired himself up and took the fight back to the visibly shocked Mark!
The main event is supposed to be the best match of the card, the one thing that the fans go home talking about the most. And yet again RIPTIDE gave us fans a hell of a main event! These men went to war for the Brighton Championship, and made the title look and feel so damn important!

After a cowardly attack, it was only right that the champion came back from it and won the match, and that’s exactly what happened here. Even with Mark’s best work for quite some time, Chuck hit his frog splash finisher to retain the title in a drop-down drag out awesome match!
Winner – And STILLLLLLL Brighton Champion, Chuck Mambo
Post-match, Mambo’s best friend, TK Cooper, came out to congratulate him on retaining the title. But he also warned him to not get to attached to that championship as come the RIPTIDE Rumble on April 12, he will become the new Brighton Champion.

RIPTIDE Wrestling kicked off 2019 with a bang folks! Another great show in the books with lots of storyline progression leading into the RIPTIDE Rumble. You have best friends Chuck and TK vying for the Brighton Championship. Will Jack ever get his hands on Spike? Jinny and Jimmy versus Robbo and Chakara! And that’s not counting the Rumble too!
Yes, my RETROSpective series is finished for RIPTIDE, but damn if the future doesn’t look rosy for the company!
Once again I’d like to thank RIPTIDE Wrestling and as always, your wonderful selves for not only reading this piece but all the fantastic work right here at Pro Wrestling Post. Head on over to Riptide’s on-demand service to watch all of their fantastic content and much much more.