Welcome back to the RIPTIDE Wrestling RETROspective, the column where we review the latest action from RIPTIDE. The company that prides itself on its cinematic video presentation returns with an outdoor evening show from this past August. The first show was reviewed a month or so ago, and it set up the final to crown the first-ever Pride of Brighton champion. Let’s see what happened there, and what else besides…on the Bank Holiday Wrestling Show Two.
Bank Holiday Wrestling, Show Two. Monday, August 26th, 2019. Brighton Open Air Theatre, UK.
Jordynne Grace vs Rob Lias

Rob Lias, he-man staunchly opposed to intergender wrestling, faces off against the imposing figure of Jordynne Grace to kick off the festivities. Lias riles the crowd, and more importantly, Grace up prior to the match by not only sneering at Grace’s gender but also her height. He must have known that he was prodding a bear, surely? The Gob takes a bit of a battering after an initial test of strength/can you reach my hand spot.
The action winds up on the astroturf outside the ring, and Big Momma Pump flattens Lias with a tope. Randomly, she also calls David Starr over, and proceeds to slam onto the prone Lias on the floor. Followed by slamming the referee onto him also. I can’t say that I’ve seen that spot done before, but I definitely enjoyed it. Despite one final, brief rally from Lias, Jordynne Grace gets the win following a cradled suplex/driver. A nice, breezy start to the show.
The OJMO vs Ashmore vs Connor Mills vs Paul Robinson

Four fantastic young wrestlers are in action next as The OJMO, Ashmore, Connor Mills and Paul Robinson square off against one another. The faces and the heels pair up, almost like they were tag teams, to begin with, and it’s Mills and OJMO who seem to have the upper hand. Stereo dives to the outside knock Robbo and Ashmore all the way into the moat that divides the spectators from the ringside area. Mills and OJMO then turn their focus to trying to oust one another as their alliance crumbles.
Robinson re-enters the fray and takes control of both of the Destination: Everywhere lads before Ashmore rejoins him. Naturally, those two can’t stay on the same page, and they soon wind up spitting at and insulting one another. No honour amongst thieves and all that. The match wraps up with some big-time moves: OJMO locks in his Half Crab, Connor Mills hits a 450, Robbo hits a curb stomp. But it’s Ashmore who sneaks in a gets a pin on The OJMO with an incredibly high lungblower. I would have liked the match to have had a couple more minutes building to the finish, but it was very good nonetheless.
The Anti Fun Police vs Session Moth Martina & Rocky Mac (with Dave Benson Phillips)
The feud of the century gets reignited next as the Anti Fun Police meet their nemeses Session Moth and Dave Benson Phillips (and Rocky Mac). There’s some nice comedy bits in this one as befits the lineup. At one point Los Federales accidentally partakes of one of Martina’s cans and stumbles around drunk. He even has a dance off with Session Moth. Later on, they leave the open air theatre and engage in a chase around the maze garden that is adjacent. This sequence is filmed from high above, via drone, and features a bunch of kids doing dances from Fortnite. It all adds to the fun of it.
Back in the ring, things get a touch more serious and the action picks up a fair bit. Rocky Mac shows off his speed and power against Chief Deputy Dunne, and Santos shows off his lucha. Everything builds to the inevitable moment when Dave Benson Phillips can get involved. He does so when the referee is distracted and levels Dunne with a Stone Cold Stunner. Very nice indeed. Martina follows up with the Jaegar Bomb (crucifix bomb) for the pin on the Chief. That was a lot of fun(ah), but these five are always great to watch.
David Starr vs God Gideon Grey

The Independent, union endorsing David Starr faces off squares off against the upper-crust God Gideon Grey next. This match is being contested for Grey’s old Hawaiian shirt for reasons that elude me and is the second comedy match in a row. Jim Cornette is blowing a fuse somewhere, I’m sure, but who cares what he thinks? The match begins with Grey having a modified version of Starr’s multiple nickname introduction. The 104 hour nap man, your favorite wrestler’s worst nightmare, and independently wealthy were my favorites.
Starr gets to show off the more technical side of his repertoire during the match as he outclasses the would-be God. There’s a lot of audible talking which adds to the comedy greatly. The shirt winds up being used a weapon and Grey says that he’s going to hit Starr with it ‘buttons first’. Very funny material there, and excellently played by both wrestlers. Shockingly, it’s God Gideon Grey who has his hand raised at the end. He hits Starr with a low blow behind the referee’s back then strikes with a lariat to get the pin. And, most importantly, he gets to keep custody of the Hawaiian shirt. I loved it.
Escape The Midcard (Chuck Mambo & TK Cooper) vs Money Versus Everybody (Spike Trivet & Damon Moser)

RIPTIDE’s biggest storyline continues next as Escape the Midcard wrestle Money Versus Everybody. If you recall, TK Cooper and Chuck Mambo had a disagreement during show one and have been forced to team here. Spike Trivet is the number one contender to Mambo’s Brighton Championship and is out to prove a point against both men. Damon Moser is also there.
The story of the match is one of ETM not getting along very well at all. The first five or so minutes see TK get worked over by MVE and refuse to tag in his partner. Several times he has ample opportunity to get Mambo involved but elects to continue the fight alone. Once he does tag Chuck in it’s with a hard slap that does not please the champ. He runs wild on the heels, hitting a Meteora among other big moves, and slaps TK back for the next tag. They finally get on the same page and execute some nice double team moves, although there is a miscommunication for a Chuck You/top rope stomp combo that costs them.
Ultimately, it all comes down to which duo operates as a team the best and I’m sad to say that that team is Money Versus Everybody. They employ a divide and conquer strategy, and Trivet keeps Mambo occupied outside as Moser rolls up TK for the win. Post-match, the ETM lads can’t quite bring themselves to shake the other’s hand. TK is the one who leaves the ring first after slapping Chuck’s hand away in disgust. A fantastic story-led match from all four, and one that builds nicely towards the Brighton Weekender (RIPTIDE’s next event).
Cassius vs Kurtis Chapman – Pride of Brighton Final

The first-ever Pride of Brighton Champion will be crowned in the main event as Cassius and Kurtis Chapman vie for the medallion at Bank Holiday Wrestling Show. Chapman takes a sneaky advantage to begin as he hits Cassius with the Pride medal before the bell. Cass’s back is taped due to injuries sustained during his match against Mike Bird on show one. That proves to be the area of focus for the Keyboard Warrior as he goes for the back mercilessly. A surfboard is employed to devastating effect, as are simpler modes attack such as standing on Cassius’s back. Chapman’s a great heel; so arrogant, yet being an absolute geek at the same time – great work.
Cassius plays his role of the prone babyface to perfection too. As Slick Lombardo says on commentary, you can’t help but feel form him as he is constantly battered. It isn’t until around halfway through the match that Cassius is able to mount any offense. He uses fairly rudimentary moves when his comeback does come. This helps to sell the fact that his back is still causing him pain – it’s nice when all the pieces fit together like this. The Neon Explosion’s run on the offensive doesn’t last too long before Chapman gets back on top. That is due to the appearance of God Gideon Grey.
Grey pulls the referee out of the ring as Cassius has a visual pin, and Chapman takes advantage of the distraction. He whacks Cassius across his injured back with one of the keyboards he brings to the ring with him. Following that up with a double stomp from the top rope only get Kurtis a two count and he seems flummoxed. Cassius catches Chapman as he grandstands to the crowd with a draping DDT. Following up with a Mickie James DDT, Cassius gets the win and is crowned the first-ever Pride of Brighton champion. He celebrates amongst the crowd in a truly special scene.
And that’s everything that happened at Bank Holiday Wrestling Show Two. I hope you enjoyed the show and the read. I’ll see you back here for the three Brighton Weekender shows once they’re available for viewing. Cheeeeeeeeeeeers!