The First Navigation 2014 Night 1 | Pro Wrestling Noah Saturday Night RetroView

On January 12th, 2014, Pro Wrestling Noah aired the first night of The First Navigation 2014 tour. We had six matches on tap (they aired four on Samurai TV), with the main event being a Six-Man Tag Team Match.

Genba Hirayanagi defeated Hitoshi Kumano (11:35) (Match didn’t air)

Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Yoshinari Ogawa defeated Mitsuhiro Kitamiya (13:05) (Match didn’t air)

The First Navigation 2014 Night 1
Brave (Taiji Ishimori & Katsuhiko Nakajima) vs. No Mercy (Yoshihiro Takayama & Hajime Ohara)

Hajime Ohara picks up Taiji Ishimori and hits a backbreaker. Ohara picks up Ishimori and hits a vertical suplex. Single leg crab hold by Ohara but Katsuhiko Nakajima breaks it up.

Ohara picks up Ishimori and hits a suplex and a cover, but it gets a two-count. Ohara goes off the ropes, but Ishimori ducks his attack, and Ohara applies Muy Bien.

Nakajima quickly breaks it up before Yoshihiro Takayama picks up Ishimori and slams him in front of the corner.

Ohara goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving elbow drop to Ishimori’s back, then a cover, but it gets a two count.

Ohara picks up Ishimori and throws him into the corner. Ohara gets a running start, but Ishimori kicks Ohara back. Ishimori hits a reverse STO into the turnbuckles and makes the tag to Nakajima.

Nakajima waits for Ohara to get up and hits a big boot in the corner, followed by a one-armed suplex. Nakajima goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick for a two-count.

Nakajima picks up Ohara and applies a sleeper, then an Irish whip by Nakajima, but it’s reversed, but Ohara hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

Ohara tags in Takayama & Takayama picks up Nakajima and hits a scoop slam. Takayama picks up Nakajima, and he hits a backdrop suplex, then a cover, but Nakajima gets a shoulder up.

Takayama stomps Nakajima in the back and hits a few elbows, followed by a series of knees all to the back.

Takayama grabs Nakajima and applies a waist lock, but Nakajima elbows out of it. Kicks by Nakajima, but Takayama hits a hard knee to the midsection.

Takayama tags in Ohara while Nakajima tags in Ishimori. Kick to the face by Ishimori, he charges Ohara in the corner and hits a double knee strike.

Slam in front of the corner by Ishimori, and he hits a double stomp, then a hook of the leg, but it gets a two count.

Ishimori goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving double knee strike and a cover, but it only gets a two-count. Ishimori picks up Ohara, but Ohara elbows him off.

Kick by Ohara, and he hits a swinging side slam onto his knee. Cover, but Ishimori kicks out. Ohara picks up Ishimori, an Irish whip, but Ishimori hits a handspring into a cutter.

Nakajima comes in the ring and they throw Ohara into the corner. Strikes by Ishimori and Nakajima & Nakajima hits a backdrop suplex.

Ishimori picks up Ohara and hits a double knee to Ohara’s chest, then a cover, but Takayama breaks it up.

Ishimori picks up Ohara and slams him in front of the corner. He goes up to the top rope, but Ohara rolls out of the way of the 450 Splash.

Ohara hits a tilt a whirl sit out side powerslam, cover but it gets a two-count. Ohara picks up Ishimori and, gets him on his shoulders, and hits a backbreaker, but Nakajima breaks it up.

Ohara picks up Ishimori and goes for Muy Bien, but Ishimori rolls him up with a Front Cradle for the win.

Winners: Brave (16:17)

The First Navigation 2014 Night 1
Daisuke Harada vs. Kenta

Kenta goes up to the top rope and hits a diving double stomp, then a cover, but it gets a two-count. Kenta goes up to the apron and hits a springboard missile dropkick.

Big boot by Kenta in the corner, and he follows up with a dropkick. Kenta picks up Daisuke Harada & puts Harada on his shoulders, but Harada slides off.

Elbow by Kenta, and they trade elbows. Then Kenta goes off the ropes, but Harada knees him in the face and hits a German suplex hold for a two-count.

Harada picks up Kenta, but Kenta gets into the ropes. Harada goes off the ropes and elbows Kenta in the back of the head, but Kenta hits a power slam. Kenta picks up Harada, but Harada elbows out of the Go 2 Sleep.

Elbows by Harada, then he goes off the ropes, but Kenta catches him with a lariat. Cover, but it gets a two-count, so Harada gets up and hits Kenta as they trade slaps, which Kenta gets the better of.

Harada gets back up, and they trade slaps again, with Kenta winning the battle. Back up, they trade slaps again.

Kenta slaps Harada to the mat and covers him, but it gets a two count. Lariat by Kenta, then a cover, but again, it gets a two-count. Kenta picks up Harada and puts him on his shoulders, and hits Go 2 Sleep to get the win.

Winner: Kenta (15:19)

The First Navigation 2014 Night 1
TMDK (Mikey Nicholls & Shane Haste) vs. Strong BJ (Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayshi)

Shane Haste uppercuts Yuji Okabayshi. Irish whip by Haste, but Okabayshi shoulder blocks Haste to the mat and tags in Daisuke Sekimoto. Sekimoto throws Haste into the corner, and Haste collapses onto the mat.

Sekimoto puts Haste up on his shoulders in an Argentine Backbreaker and Okabayshi puts Mikey Nicholls into one as well.

Nicholls gets away from Okabayshi and breaks up Sekimoto’s move, but Okabayshi throws Nicholls out of the ring.

The First Navigation 2014 Night 1
[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]
Double lariat by Strong BJ onto Haste, and they hit a double backdrop suplex, then a cover, but Haste kicks out.

Sekimoto applies a Scorpion Deathlock to Haste, but Nicholls breaks it up. Okabayshi throws Nicholls out of the ring again & they pick up Haste but Haste elbows them both off.

Sekimoto kicks Haste, then an Irish whip to the corner, and Okabayshi hits a lariat. Sekimoto follows with a lariat of his own then Okabayshi slams Haste to the mat.

Sekimoto hits a diving body press off the top turnbuckle, then a cover, but it gets a two-count. Sekimoto goes off the ropes and hits a lariat, but Haste comes back with an uppercut.

Haste grabs Sekimoto and hits a Death Valley Bomb and a cover, but it gets a two-count. Haste goes up to the top turnbuckle, but Sekimoto rolls out of the way of the Phoenix Splash.

Sekimoto goes off the ropes and levels Haste with a lariat and then a cover, but Haste barely gets a shoulder up. Sekimoto grabs Haste and hits the German suplex to score the win.

Winners: Strong BJ (16:10)

The First Navigation 2014 Night 1
6 Man Tag Team Match
Brave (Naomichi Marufuji, Mohammed Yone & Atsushi Kotoge) vs. Takeshi Morishima, Maybach Taniguchi & Kenou

Atsushi Kotoge goes off the ropes and hits a swinging leg kick then cover but it also gets two. Kotoge picks up Kenou and goes for Killswitch, but Kenou gets out of it and kicks Kotoge in the chest.

Headbutt by Kotoge, then he goes off the ropes, but Taniguchi hits him from the apron. Kenou tags in Morishima, and Morishima hits Kotoge in the chest with a kendo stick then a cover by Morishima but Kotoge kicks out.

Morishima goes for a lariat, but Kotoge catches him with a backslide for a two-count. Kicks by Kotoge to the head, then a cover, but again, it gets two.

Kotoge picks up Morishima and goes for the Killswitch, but Morishima elbows out of it. Headbutts by Kotoge, then he goes off the ropes, but Morishima catches him with a lariat. Cover but it only gets a two count.

Kenou and Taniguchi come into the ring, and Taniguchi hits a chokeslam onto Kotoge. Morishima follows with a lariat and a cover, but the pin is broken up.

Mohammed Yone & Naomichi Marufuji Irish whip Morishima, but he knocks them both down with a double lariat. Morishima picks up Kotoge and plants him with the backdrop suplex to get the win.

Winners:  Takeshi Morishima, Maybach Taniguchi & Kenou (22:09)