News! News! Get your news! Read all about it right here! Welcome one and all to your weekly irrelevant round-up of the weeks hottest stories in pro wrestling. Pro Wrestling Post Week In Review 6/23/19. As always, I, “Smart” Mark Blake, have scoured the internet to find the biggest and most interesting stories –
R-Truth Regains 24/7 Championship At Drake Maverick’s Wedding

The greatest 24/7 champion in WWE history re-captured the title this past weekend. R-Truth pinned former champion Drake Maverick at Drake’s own wedding. Watch the video below to fully understand what happened:
In claiming this title win, Truth became a six-time 24/7 champion.
Drake legitimately had EC3, Braun Strowman and Jeremy Borash in roles at his wedding. Strowman and Borash were groomsmen while EC3 was his best man.
It was Drake’s idea to have the title change at his wedding.
You have to applaud mid-card talents like Drake and Truth. They truly have ran with the ball since the title was created.
Steve Austin/Dean Ambrose Podcast “I Thought He Hated My Guts”

Recently Jon Moxley (fka Dean Ambrose) spoke about his ill-fated podcast interview with Steve Austin in 2016. Upon hearing Moxley’s remarks, Austin, while talking to AEW President Tony Khan on his own podcast, broke his silence:
“I’ve been carrying a thousand pounds on my back ever since (the podcast). I felt so bad about that interview and I was leading it. I was there to get people over and make them come off like a million bucks. We came off on the wrong street, kept making left turns, and were never on track. He had his reasons and I had mine. For all this time, I felt like shit about that interview. People said, ‘the Stone Cold podcast got canceled (on WWE Network) because of that interview.’ No, I had fulfilled my commitment. Everyone thought there was heat between myself and Dean Ambrose [Jon Moxley]. I didn’t really know Dean well but I respected his talent. His fans are crapping all over me. My fans were wondering what was wrong. That interview is one thing I think about almost every single day. It still haunts me.”
He also said that he has spoken to Jon and he hopes to have him appear again on his podcast:
“I got his number from a mutual friend and we had the best 30-minute conversation, getting back on the same page. There was never any personal animosity with us. I thought he might hate my guts. He never hated my guts. Whoever thought I was picking on Dean or whatever…I think he’s going to come down to Los Angeles and we’ll do another podcast together. This has haunted me for so damn long and when I make someone look the way they’re not supposed to look, that haunts me. I’m looking forward to talking to Jon Moxley.”
Nikki Cross And Killian Dain Get Married (Again?)

Nikki Cross and Killian Dain were married on Friday in Glasgow, Scotland. I say again in the title as it was thought that the two were already married in January of this year. It’s possible that this was a second marriage for those that couldn’t make the ceremony in January. Or they never really married at all. It could have been an engagement ceremony. It doesn’t matter either way! All of us here at PWP wish our very best for the happy couple.
Below are some pictures of the ceremony:
Nikki Bella Discusses Injuries With Jimmy Fallon

Last Thursday night, Nikki and Brie Bella appeared on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, where Nikki spoke in length about her injuries and retirement:
“I really wanted to go back and fight for the tag titles, and you know, I’ve always had my neck issues and after neck surgery, it hasn’t been okay and so I felt like I needed to go get that check-up before we went back for the tag titles. And then it came back, I herniated the disc above where I had surgery. I have all this inflammation around the metal and then I have a cyst on my brain.
So they were like, “You’re done. No more. You’re out.” So I didn’t get a choice.”
She made her mind up about retiring on her last WWE tour of Europe:
“I just feel like I’m too old for that travel. The travel was really, really rough. So I realized like, why am I doing this? Like, I don’t feel good. And I can’t – The girls are doing amazing things over there and I really am ready to hang up the jersey.”
That’s it for today’s Pro Wrestling Post Week In Review for 6/23/19. Some great little nuggets of news if I do say so myself. As always I thank you all for reading not only my work but all the work here at PWP each and every week. It doesn’t go unnoticed. We’ll see you back next week for another edition of Week in Review!
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