NWA-TNA PPV 64 | NWA-TNA/IMPACT Sunday Night RetroViews

On Wednesday, October 1st, 2003, NWA-TNA PPV 64 when NWA-TNA aired from the TNA Asylum in Nashville, TN

Outside the TNA Asylum, NWA World Heavyweight Champion AJ Styles and Vince Russo arrive at the building. Russo tells Styles that they will break bread with Jeff Jarrett.

America’s Most Wanted vs.  Kid Kash & Abyss. 

Storm and Abyss kick off the match, with Storm showing off his speed to avoid Abyss early on. Abyss misses a strike in the corner, and Storm hammers away on Abyss briefly. Kid Kash tags in to try his luck since Abyss hasn’t accomplished much.

Kash takes Storm down with a drop-toe hold but gets tripped by Storm after walking on his back. Storm takes Kash over with a hip toss and an arm drag. Storm first drops Kid Kash’s throat across the top rope and hits a flying cross body off the top for a two count.

Storm hits a side Russian leg sweep after Harris hits an atomic drop. Storm takes Kid Kash down with a swinging neckbreaker, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count. Kid Kash slaps Storm and tags in Abyss.

Harris is tagged in as well to battle the monster. Abyss tosses Harris into a corner and taunts him. Abyss works over Harris with chops and chokes him in the corner. Abyss misses a splash in the corner, and Harris delivers a flurry of strikes.

AMW works over Abyss, controlling his arm, and Kash slaps his partner to wake him up. Abyss teases, turning on Kash but goes after Harris, hitting a press slam to drop Harris’s chest first to the canvas.

Abyss assists Kash in hitting a standing moonsault and delivers a leg drop for a two-count. Kash backs Harris against the ropes and delivers an overhand chop.

Kash messes up a springboard head scissors, and Harris doesn’t quite catapult Kash into the corner but still has control.

Storm and Abyss get tagged in, and Storm knocks Abyss around with a flurry of strikes. Harris crotches Abyss on the top rope and is met with a right hand from Kash. Kash hits a moonsault off of Abyss’ shoulders!

Storm takes Abyss over with a top rope hurricanrana! Harris spears Kash after Abyss sidesteps him, and Storm hits Abyss with a super kick. A double spear by AMW on Abyss! Kash has a chair and smashes Storm in the face with it.

Harris clotheslines himself and Kash to the floor, allowing Abyss to hit the Black Hole Slam on. Storm goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: Kid Kash & Abyss

After the match, Terry Taylor comes out to tell the referee what happened. Taylor attacks Kash and Abyss. Kash, with a chop block, attacks Taylor. AMW makes the save with steel chairs and Kashand Abyss bailout of the ring.

Backstage, NWA X-Division Champion Michael Shane proclaims that from now on, Shawn Michaels will be known as Michael Shane’s cousin.

There is an in-ring segment between Jeremy Borash and Antonio Perez, the promoter of AAA in Mexico. There is now a working agreement between TNA and AAA.

Michael Shane vs. Jerry Lynn. 

Shane goes on the attack before the bell, but Lynn quickly hits an atomic drop and clothesline. Lynn dropkicks Shane shoulder first into the ring post, and they go to the floor. Shane gets control back in the ring with strikes and rams Lynn into the corner face-first.

Lynn gets a rollup out of the corner, but Shane kicks out at two and pokes Lynn in the eyes. Lynn takes Shane over with a monkey flip. Lynn misses a leg drop across the middle rope and is backdropped to the apron, but Shane dropkicks an upside-down Lynn to the floor.

Chris Sabin makes his way down to ringside with the Super X trophy. Shane drives Lynn down to the canvas with a flapjack. Lynn nearly pins Shane with a rollup, but Shane quickly returns with a clothesline as Sabin watches the action from the ringside.

Lynn takes Shane over with a backdrop and a swinging neckbreaker. Lynn plants Shane with a tornado DDT for a two-count. Shane ducks a clothesline and nails Lynn with a leaping forearm shot.

Lynn spears Shane and hammers away at Shane with their right hand. Lynn goes for a reverse piledriver, but Shane gets out and runs into a big boot. Lynn plants Shane with the TKO, but Shane powers out at two.

Lynn goes for the cradle piledriver, but Shane counters with a slam and goes for a pinfall, getting a two-count.

As Lynn countered, Shane attempted a tornado DDT but settled for a big boot. Lynn crotches Shane across the top rope and hits a springboard dropkick to knock Shane off the ropes to the floor.

Lynn comes off the apron to hit a head scissors on the floor! Lynn tosses Shane shoulder first into the ring steps. Lynn staggers into Sabin and shoves Sabin on the floor.

Lynn drives Shane down with a backbreaker and heads to the top rope. Sabin crotches Lynn on the top rope while the referee is distracted. Shane, with a superkick to Lynn and goes for a pinfall, gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: Michael Shane

Backstage, D’Lo Brown tells Shark Boy and Mad Mikey that he would gladly interfere in their match against Ekmo and Sonny Siaki.

Don Callis enters the scene and says that Brown will not be going into business for himself. When he is done with his match, he can leave the building.

D’Lo Brown vs. Christopher Daniels.

A slow start to the match, with Brown chopping Daniels while controlling his arm. Daniels takes Brown to the canvas and soon attempts a couple of shoulder blocks, which aren’t successful.

They trade arm drags, and they have a standoff. Brown drops Daniels with a back elbow and a spinning heel kick for a two-count. Brown works over Daniels with basic strikes. Daniels is sent over the top to the floor.

Brown baseball slides Daniels into the guardrail and delivers a bodyslam on the floor. The followers of Daniels distract Brown, and that allows Daniels to take Brown out with a cross body on the floor.

Brown sends Daniels into the railing and drops Daniels’ throat first across the guardrail. Daniels rams Brown back into the apron first. Daniels delivers a jawbreaker and follows up with a spear.

Brown stops Daniels with a back elbow and attempts a moonsault, but Daniels gets his knees up. Daniels hits a springboard moonsault, but Brown kicks out at two. Daniels locks in an abdominal stretch and punches Brown in the ribs.

Brown gets out of the hold and nearly pins Daniels with a rollup. Brown drops Daniels with an ace crusher after lifting Daniels into the air. Brown drops Daniels with clotheslines and a backdrop. Brown drives Daniels down with a spine buster, but Daniels powers out at two on the cover.

Brown gets distracted again by the followers and takes all three men out with a slingshot cross body. Brown drops Daniels’ throat first across the top rope and heads to the top rope.

Brown gets distracted by the Red Shirt Security, allowing Daniels to hit the Last Rites and goes for a pinfall to get the 1-2-3!

Winner: Christopher Daniels.

Backstage, Don Callis declines to pay for the security team’s medical expenses since Erik Watts was the guy who made the match.

Mike Tenay has a sit-down interview with Roddy Piper about how WWE and TNA have both closed the doors on Piper.

Piper says that he is wrestling, and it can’t become something else. Tenay asks if there is anything else Piper has to say. At the end of the interview, there are technical difficulties.
Sonny Siaki & Ekmo vs. Shark Boy & Mad Mikey.

Shark Boy and Mikey bring Siaki into the ring with a double suplex and keep Ekmo on the apron, hitting a double swinging leg sweep.

Mikey holds Siaki to allow Shark Boy to hit a missile dropkick. Ekmo drops Shark Boy with a big slam, and Mikey is tossed from the ring. The boy drops Sonny face-first across his knee. Siaki hits a side slam on Shark Boy but only gets a two-count.

Siaki connects with a swinging neckbreaker on Shark Boy, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count. Shark Boy bites Ekmo’s butt and pays for that by having Ekmo run his butt into Shark Boy’s head in the corner.

Siaki hits a splash off the middle rope on Shark Boy, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count. Shark Boy with a neckbreaker to Siaki. Mikey gets the tag and hammers away on Ekmo. Mikey, with a bulldog on Siaki Ekmo, accidentally elbow-drops Siaki.

Shark Boy and Mikey hammer away at Siaki & Ekmo in opposite corners. Ekmo catches Shark Boy in midair and holds Shark Boy in the air to allow Siaki to hit an ace crusher. Ekmo comes off the top rope, hits a big splash, goes for a pinfall, gets the 1-2-3!

Winners: Sonny Siaki & Ekmo.

After the match, D’Lo Brown runs down and attacks Siaki and Ekmo. Brown hits Ekmo with a clothesline. Trinity enters and low-blows Brown, but that doesn’t work, as Brown hits a sit-out spine buster.

Brown gets handcuffed by the Red Shirt Security. Brown is escorted through the crowd and sent outside. Chris Vaughn gets thrown out as well.

Mike Tenay had another interview with NWA World Tag Team Champions Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger, Glenn Gilbertti, and David Young. Swinger says that Tenay doesn’t care about his emergency appendectomy he had, but he will be back in action next week.

David Young confirms that he is the newest member of the group. Gilbertti says Young was just a one-week replacement and needs to take care of the Sandman tonight to earn his spot.

Backstage, Dusty Rhodes and Jeff Jarrett cut a promo about the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, saying they are going to take care of business and Jarrett is going to win the Championship.

David Young vs. The Sandman

Young attacks The Sandman on the floor during his entrance. Young sends Sandman into the ring and hits a top rope flying clothesline for a two count. Young gives The Sandman a bodyslam and taunts the fans.

Young attempts a moonsault, but The Sandman gets his knees up. The Sandman hits a running cannonball in the corner. The Sandman first drops Young across the top rope gut and connects with a leg drop off the top!

The Sandman chops Young on the floor and keeps control of the bout. The Sandman leaps off a chair onto Young against the guardrail. Young delivers a few kicks to The Sandman in the ring to gain momentum.

Young tosses The Sandman into the corner with a suplex, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two count. The Sandman hits a top rope hurricanrana and hits a top rope senton. Splash goes for a pinfall and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner: The Sandman

After the match, Glen Gilbertti attacked The Sandman with a steel chair. They entered the ring to talk to David Young, and Gilbertti embraced Young.

That is until Simon Diamond hit Young across the back with a steel chair. 3LK ran into the ring and attacked the heels to make the save.

Backstage, Vince Russo yells at Jeff Jarrett, telling him to forget the past and take things into the future. Jarrett tells Russo that he will wrap his guitar over Russo’s head tonight.

Father James Mitchell comes out and thanks Shane Douglas for ensuring that Raen is officially done and for giving him the chance to scalp him.

Mitchell is moving on from Douglas but would help him out in the future. They will move on to phase two, along with Vampiro.

Sinn, Slash & Vampiro vs. Konnan, Ron Killings & BG James.

Killings and Slash kicked off the match, with Slash missing an elbow drop after a hip toss. Killings runs into a big boot and is dropped by a right hand. Sinn enters, and Killings hits a scissors kick rather quickly.

Konnan tags in, and Killings hits a dropkick to the back of Sinn. Konnan has a modified hammerlock on but switches to a Boston Crab and tries to get a submission, which he doesn’t.

Konnan takes Sinn down with a neckbreaker, but Sinn is stopped in his corner, and Vampiro tags himself in. Konnan decks Vampiro with a rolling thunder clothesline. James enters the match and hammers away at Vampiro.

Vampiro misses a kick, but a running big boot drops James. Vampiro knocks Killings and Konnan off the apron. Sinn drives James down with a backbreaker, and Slash hits a slingshot leg drop from the apron. Sinn dropkicks James but only gets a two-count.

James stops Slash with a pump handle slam, and both men are down. Vampiro and Killings are tagged in, with Vampiro stopping Killings with a strike, but Killings dropkicks Sinn and Slash. Killings drops Vampiro with a leaping kick a**.

James holds Vampiro in the air. Killings hits another leaping spin kick on Vampiro. Killings hits a front suplex, but Father James Mitchell gets on the apron. Vampiro is tossed his cane from Mitchell and clotheslines Killings, which causes the disqualification.

After the match, Raven runs to the ring and attacks Vampiro and James Mitchell. Raven takes his chain off and wraps it around Mitchell’s neck. Shane Douglas runs into the ring and tries to save Mitchell, but Raven takes Douglas out.

Raven sends Douglas to the floor with a discus clothesline. Raven says he will eliminate James Mitchell’s men one at a time until just Raven and Mitchell left.

[Photo: TNA]

AJ Styles & Vince Russo vs. Jeff Jarrett & Dusty Rhodes.

Rhodes and Styles kick off the main event, with Rhodes causing Styles to bail to the floor. Styles kicks Rhodes on the leg a few times but is tossed down. Rhodes drops Styles with an elbow shot and tags in Jarrett.

Jarrett hits an axe handle from the middle rope to control Styles. Styles attempts a dropkick, but Jarrett holds onto the ropes, causing Styles to drop to the canvas.

Jarrett continues with a swinging neckbreaker, but Russo distracts Jarrett to allow Styles to get control following a dropkick. Styles takes Jarrett over with a snap suplex, goes for a pinfall, and gets a two-count.

Jarrett punches Styles on the apron and scares Russo off the apron. Styles drops Jarrett with a springboard dropkick. Jarrett hits a release German suplex. Jarrett tags in Rhodes, who hits a delayed vertical suplex on Styles.

Rhodes with a few jabs and an elbow strike. Russo enters with a bat but again bails to the floor. Styles stops Rhodes with a chop block and hits Rhodes’ leg with a baseball bat.

Styles splashes down across the leg to keep Rhodes on the canvas. Russo enters and whips Rhodes with a belt.

Rhodes briefly gets his hands on Russo, causing Russo to tag out to Styles. Jarrett backdrops Styles and has Russo on the apron.

Trinity attempts a hurricanrana but is met with a powerbomb by Jarrett. Jarrett kicks Styles down to the mat and goes for the figure four. Russo enters but gets stopped by Jarrett, who locks in the figure four on Russo.

Styles has a baseball bat but is stopped by Jarrett. Jarrett hits Russo on the knee with the baseball and Styles in the midsection. Jarrett has Styles on the middle rope, hitting the Stroke! Rhodes enters illegally and drops an elbow on Styles, leading to the pin.

AJ Styles is flipping out because nobody embarrasses him like that. Styles proceeds to challenge Dusty Rhodes to a one-on-one match. Styles slaps Russo for suggesting that he not do that.

Rhodes wants it to be a title match, which Styles accepts. Jarrett is p*ssed about this and has a confrontation with Rhodes for getting a title shot before him as NWA-TNA PPV 64 goes off the air.