On Wednesday, October 30th, 2002, Mike Tenay and Don West welcome everyone to the “eve of Halloween.” NWA-TNA PPV 19 opens up with Kid Kash and Tony Mamaluke already in the ring to quickly start off with a match!
Kid Kash vs. Tony Mamaluke
Kash, with a springboard sunset flip, goes for a pin-fall gets two. They trade a series of pins, each man getting two. They also trade several arm drags until Mamaluke goes to the floor. Kash connects with a slingshot cross body onto the floor. Kash with a running clothesline in the corner, but Mamaluke drives Kash face-first into the middle turnbuckle with a drop toe hold on a second attempt.
Mamaluke follows up with a reverse neck breaker, goes for a pin-fall, and gets two. They trade a series of right hands until Mamaluke knees, Kash in the corner. Kash takes Mamaluke down with a pump handle backbreaker and locks in a modified cross face. Mamaluke sends Kash to the apron, shoulder blocks Kash to the floor, and nails Kash with a baseball slide dropkick.
Tony goes for a pin-fall and gets two back in the ring. Mamaluke slams Kash face-first into the canvas several times. Kash comes back with a springboard moonsault and goes for a pin-fall and gets two. Mamaluke manages to get an ankle lock submission locked on but Kash powers his way to the ropes and reaches the bottom rope. Kash’s double springboard cross body off the top and several clotheslines goes for a pin-fall gets two.
Mamaluke with a nice Saito suplex where Kash landed right on his neck! With a fisherman buster across the knee, Kash goes for a pin-fall and gets two. Kash comes back with a baseball slide, goes for a pin-fall, gets two, and Mamaluke tries one as well. However, Kash rolls through and plants Mamaluke with the MoneyMaker, goes for a pin-fall, and gets 1-2-3!
Winner: Kid Kash.
Mike Tenay and Don West rundown tonight’s NWA-TNA #19 match card. Jeff Jarrett vs. Curt Hennig in a first-round match to determine the #1 contender to the NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Amazing Red vs. AJ Styles for the NWA-TNA X-Division Championship. NWA World Heavyweight Championship Scott Hall vs. Ron “The Truth” Killings. Tenay mentions he talked to Scott Hall earlier today.
In the interview earlier today, Scott Hall says that he was interested in the company because the guys in the company will not quit, and he likes that attitude. Tenay brings up Hall’s inability to win the “big one.” Hall would like to be the NWA-TNA World Champion. Scott Hall wants to be the guy running the show. Hall also says that Ron Killings is talented and really good, “but so am I”. Tenay wishes Hall luck tonight.
Before the next match, Ron Killings insults the fans by rapping. “If I suck, you swallow” when the fans chant “You Suck” at him—cutting a promo on Syxx-Pac, Curt Hennig, BG James, and Scott Hall. Killings doesn’t believe that Jeff Jarrett is Mr. Wrestling III’s masked man who attacks him on a weekly basis. Killings botches the Hall line of “Don’t sing it, just bring it.”
Instead, he said, “Don’t bring, don’t sing it, just bring it.” Scott Hall comes out for the title match and doesn’t get that great of a response. Hall says that Killings needs to stop being a stooge of Jeff Jarrett. Hall also says that Killings needs to be worried about him and not some masked guy.
NWA-TNA PPV 19 NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Scott Hall vs. (c) Ron “The Truth” Killings
Hall throws the toothpick at Killings and gets a good laugh out of it. Scott Hall works on the left shoulder of Killings with several shoulder blocks and a slam. Hall locks in an arm submission and slaps the back of Killings head. Hall with a abdominal stretch and lifts up the leg of Killings. Scott Hall briefly locks in a chin lock as well. Killings with several right hands to drop Hall down to a knee.
Ron Killings avoids a clothes connects with a spinning heel kick and plants Hall down with a power slam. Killings also hits a flying forearm smash, goes for a pin-fall, and gets two. Ron Killings connects with the scissors kick coming off the ropes, goes for a pin-fall, gets two—fans chanting “Overrated” chant at Killings. Killings comes off the top rope and hits a top rope leg drop goes for a pin-fall gets two.
Ron Killings kicks Hall in the chest to avoid a backdrop. Killings drives Hall down with a reverse Russian leg sweep and goes for a pin-fall gets two. Ron Killings misses a leaping sidekick, and Hall drops Killings with a chokeslam. Hall with a discus right hand and a fall-away slam. Scott Hall crotches Killings on the top and drives Killings down with a back suplex. Hall signals for the end, but the Mr. Wrestling III masked man runs down, and Hall hits the masked man with a right hand. Killings with a front sit-out suplex goes for a pin-fall gets 1-2-3!
WINNER: AND STILL NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Ron “The Truth” Killings.
They play a video showing the feud between Curt Hennig and Jeff Jarrett, but there isn’t any sound. So, Jeff Jarrett comes out to cut a promo on Curt Hennig. Jarrett mentions that he was going to earn his way to become the champion. He has to win three matches to get to Killings and win the championship. Jarrett promises that he will do just that.
Jarrett mentions the Mr. Wrestling III masked man. Jarrett declares a bounty on the masked man. Curt Hennig is out on the entrance ramp, and his music hits too late. Hennig goes over the previous gimmicks of Jeff Jarrett. Hennig is curious as to why Jarrett and Mr. Wrestling III are never in the same place. Hennig knows that the masked man is Jarrett. Hennig is going to kick Jarrett’s butt here tonight.
NWA World Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match
The Hot Shots Cassidy O’Reilly and Chase Stevens vs. Chris Michaels and Rick Michaels vs. (c) “Wildcat” Chris Harris and “Cowboy” James Storm
The Hot Shots Cassidy O’Reilly and Chase Stevens vs. Chris Michaels and Rick Michaels hug each other in the ring as the NWA World Tag Team champions “Wildcat” Chris Harris and “Cowboy” James Storm storm the ring. Harris and Storm brawl with the Hot Shots on the floor until Chris Michaels and Rick Michaels comer over and help double team Storm and Harris.
O’Reilly hip tosses Storm on the concrete floor. Rick Michaels sends Storm into the guardrail as Chris Michaels drives Harris down with a sit-out spinning slam in the ring. The champions continue to be double-teamed. Rick Michaels clotheslines Storm as O’Reilly lifts him up in the air. Storm and Rick Michaels appear to be the legal man as order is restored. However, storm manages to nail Rick Michaels with a superkick.
Chris Harris enters and cleans house with right hands and lariats. Harris with a running bulldog on Stevens as well. Rick Michaels plants Harris with a float over DDT and goes for a pin-fall gets two. O’Reilly hits a handspring back elbow on Rick Michaels, which signals the end of the partnership between the Hot Shots and Chris Michaels & Rick Michaels double-teaming on Storm and Harris.
Hot Shot with a double team rolling leg slam on Chris Michaels. O’Reilly hits a top rope frog splash on Storm. Chris Michaels with a facebuster onto his knee and neck breaker on Harris. Chris Michaels leaps off the top, hitting an elbow drop on Harris, goes for a pin-fall, and gets two. Storm sets Rick Michaels up, and Harris knocks O’Reilly off the top to the floor. Harris leaps off and connects with a leg drop on Rick Michaels. Storm goes for a pin-fall gets the 1-2-3!
WINNER: AND STILL NWA World Tag Team champions, “Wildcat’ Chris Harris and “Cowboy” James Storm.
After the match, the lights go out as soon as the match ends. When the lights come, bacon, Brian Lee, and Slash are in the ring, and they attack everyone in the ring. They attack The Hot Shots Cassidy O’Reilly and Chase Stevens, Chris Michaels & Rick Michaels, NWA World Tag Team champions, “Wildcat” Chris Harris, and “Cowboy” James Storm Bruce Mitchell says, “take the garbage out.”
Brian Lee with a snap suplex on Storm on the entranceway. Lee brings Storm to the side of the ramp and chokeslams Storm off the ramp through the table on the floor! Lee brings Harris to another table, and Slash goes up to the top of the balcony. Slash leaps off and crashes onto Harris through the table! James Mitchell says that the New Church have come back to TNA like a plagued.
Mitchell says that the New Church will do what they want, to whom they want, for as long as they want to do it. Mitchell says nothing can be done to stop them. Bruce Mitchell doesn’t care about the rules in TNA. Mitchell is the messiah of the New Church, and they only listen to him. Mitchell “says prepare for the apocalypse.”
Mike Tenay talked to “Bullet” Bob Armstrong about rule changes in title matches. Armstrong says that if the champion gets disqualified or counted out, they will lose the championship. Although Armstrong does say he has gotten complaints about giving title shots for Killings’ NWA World Heavyweight Championship, Armstrong believes he is being fair by introducing a tournament.
Armstrong says that their will be a clear-cut winner in title matches and that Don Harris will be the referee for the tournament matches. Don West goes over the tournament matches Curt Hennig vs. Jeff Jarrett, Sonny Siaki vs. Jerry Lynn, Syxx-Pac vs. Brian Lawler, Ron Harris vs. BG James tonight, on NWA-TNA PPV #19. Syxx-Pac has suffered a hip injury, so the Brian Lawler vs. Syxx-Pac #1 Contenders tournament will not happen tonight.
That match will take place at a later date when Syxx-Pac is ready to wrestle in the #1 Contenders qualifying tournament match
BG James vs. Ron Harris
#1 Contenders Qualifying Tournament Match
Ron Harris works on BG James with several right hands in the corner. BG James comes back with several right jabs, but Don Harris prevents BG James from hitting a right hand, just has he did with his brother Ron Harris. Ron Harris leaps onto BG James as he hovers over the middle rope. Ron Harris with several elbow drops. They cut backstage Jeff Jarrett, and Curt Hennig are brawling Hennig has been busted open.
Meanwhile, back in the ring BG James with a forearm smash and knee drop off the ropes goes for a pin-fall and gets two. BG James gets in referee Don Harris’ face over his three count. Ron Harris knocks BG James down with his right hand. They cut again backstage Hennig is getting attended to; they are wrapping gauze around Hennig’s head to try and stop the blooding.
Goldylocks is trying to get more help for Hennig. BG James works on Ron Harris will a closed right fists in the corner. Referee Don Harris pulls BG James off the middle rope by his tights Ron Harris with running right big boot out of the corner, to BG James’ face. NWA representative “Bullet” Bob Armstrong comes down to ringside and told Don Harris he wasn’t doing his job as the referee. Don Harris said he was doing his job as the referee.
Armstrong is just protecting his son’s butts. Armstrong sends Don Harris to the backstage. Don Harris nails Armstrong with a right hand on the ramp. Ron Harris was watching what happened between NWA representative “Bullet” Bob Armstrong and his brother Don Harris at ringside. Armstrong tells Ron Harris to get back in the ring, finish the match, or he’s suspending both Ron and Don Harris. Referee Andrew Thomas is the referee; now BG James with a School Boy gets the 1-2-3 during NWA-TNA PPV 19!
Winner: BG James.
A video recapping the feud between Ace Steel and Jorge Estrada is shown. Before the next match, Mortimer Plumtree has a microphone. Plumtree says that he will not wrestle with a woman. Mortimer has gotten the services of someone “who is more of a woman than Priscilla.” Miss TNA Bruce makes his way out to the entrance ramp.
Ace Steel and Miss TNA Bruce with Mortimer Plumtree vs. Jorge Estrada and Priscilla
Steel attacks Estrada as he was distracted by Plumtree. Bruce chases Priscilla on the floor until Estrada leaps off the top rope and dives onto Miss TNA Bruce. Estrada with several right hands on the floor. Estrada with a head scissors takedown in the ring on Steel. Steel manages to reclaim the advantage with right hands.
Steel and Miss TNA Bruce connect with a double-team elevated dropkick/sit-out spine buster which saw Miss TNA Bruce come off the top rope with a dropkick, goes for a pin-fall, gets two on Estrada. Miss TNA Bruce continues with a scoop slam, goes for a pin-fall, and gets two. Estrada comes back with a springboard cross body off the middle rope goes for a pin-fall, and gets two.
Steel enters and controls Estrada with a vertical suplex. Double team backdrop on Estrada goes for a pin-fall gets two Steel misses a top rope diving head butt, and Estrada goes to his corner to tag in Priscilla, but Plumtree yanks Priscilla off the apron. Estrada manages to take both men down with a cross body off the top rope, goes for a pin-fall, and gets two. Jose Estrada knocks Miss TNA Bruce to the floor, and Priscilla trips Steel up in the ring.
Estrada, with a rolling fireman’s carry and springboard moonsault, goes for a pin-fall gets two on Steel. Jose Estrada goes up, but Miss TNA Bruce wiggles the ropes, and Estrada crashes to the mat. Steel sets Estrada up and hits the Twist of Cain. Steel tags in Miss TNA Bruce goes for a pin-fall on Estrada gets 1-2-3!
Winner: Ace Steel and Miss TNA Bruce.
Jeff Jarrett vs. Curt Hennig
#1 Contenders Qualifying Tournament Match
Curt Hennig has blood-soaked gauze around his head. Jeff Jarrett comes from behind and hits Hennig with a steel chair. Jarrett throws Hennig into the ring, hits the Stroke, goes for a pin-fall, and gets the 1-2-3!
Winner: Jeff Jarrett.
After the match, Jarrett taunts Hennig and Jarrett attacks referees and security guys with a chair. Hennig is unable to do anything as he has lost too much blood. Backstage, Goldylocks is with Jerry Lynn discussing his match with Sonny Siaki. Lynn says he needs to focus and not overthink about getting revenge on Siaki. Jerry Lynn mentions that he has been a World Champion before but puts over the NWA World Championship. Lynn is focused on taking that next step to be the NWA World Champion.
They play a video from last week’s match between Jerry Lynn, and Sonny Siaki is shown. Siaki working on Lynn’s knee is heavily mentioned, as is the post-match beat down after losing the match.
Backstage, Goldylocks is with Sonny Siaki. Goldylocks mocks Siaki for not being able to beat Jerry Lynn last week. Siaki says he has stamina and makes a few sexual references. Sonny Siaki says that he didn’t give Lynn everything he had last week. Siaki says that he is the biggest bully on the block.
Sonny Siaki vs. Jerry Lynn
#1 Contenders Qualifying Tournament Match.
Siaki tries to get to the right knee of Lynn, but Lynn manages to sidestep Siaki as he shows that his knee appears to be healthy. Siaki works on Lynn in the corner with a few shoulder blocks, but Lynn battles back with right hands and a head scissors takedown. Lynn follows up with a middle rope bulldog, goes for a pin-fall, and gets two. Lynn with a baseball slide to the floor and a running somersault dive off the apron onto Siaki.
On the floor, Siaki sends Lynn back first into the guardrail. Lynn rams Siaki face-first into the ring steps, rolls Siaki back into the ring, goes for a pin-fall gets two. Siaki with a flapjack that sends Lynn throat first across the top rope. Siaki, with a short-arm clothesline and a leg drop, goes for a pin-fall and gets two. With right hands and boots in the corner, Lynn manages to roll Siaki up out of the corner, goes for a pin-fall, and gets two.
Siaki reverses a scoop slam with a reverse DDT and goes for a pin-fall gets two. Lynn blocks a clothesline, rolls Siaki up, and goes for a pin-fall to get two. Siaki, with a spinning neck breaker, goes for a pin-fall and gets two. Sonny Siaki works on the neck of Lynn with a chin lock. Siaki takes Lynn down with a vertical suplex, goes for a pin-fall, and gets two. Lynn crotches Siaki on the top rope and takes Siaki down with a superplex.
Lynn takes Siaki over with a backdrop and a clothesline. Jerry Lynn comes off the ropes and connects with a tornado DDT goes for a pin-fall and gets two. Jerry Lynn plants Siaki with the TKO, goes for a pin-fall, and gets two. Lynn attempts the cradle pile driver, but Siaki backdrops Lynn down. Siaki follows up with a scoop slam into an ace crusher, goes for a pin-fall, and gets two.
Lynn reverses a neck breaker and sends Siaki into the ropes, but Siaki plows over the referee. Lynn goes behind Siaki and is met with a low blow. Siaki goes to the floor to get a chair and misses a shot in the ring. Lynn hits Siaki with a spinning leg lariat that sends the chair into the face of Siaki, but there isn’t a referee to count the pinfall. Moments later, Siaki goes for a pin-fall and gets 1-2-3 during NWA-TNA PPV 19!
Winner: Sonny Siaki
Sakai had his feet on the ropes for leverage to advance in the tournament. After the match, Siaki was up on the middle rope celebrating his win; Lynn dropkicked Siaki over the top rope to the floor. Lynn & Siaki brawl to the top of the ramp. Jerry Lynn tossed Siaki off the ramp onto the guardrail. Lynn yelled down at Siaki, proclaiming TNA to be his playground.
A video recapping the feud between Brian Lawler and Syxx-Pac. Backstage, Goldylocks conducts an interview with Brian Lawler with his girlfriend, April. Brian Lawler with his girlfriend April come to the ring. Lawler was going to make an announcement in the ring he didn’t know him, and his girlfriend April go to the back. Why did NWA-TNA even give Brian Lawler time on NWA-TNA PPV 19 if he wasn’t going to make his announcement in the first place?
Main Event
NWA X-Division Championship Match Amazing Red vs. (c) AJ Styles
Styles with a wrist lock early on, they trade a series of arm drags until Styles nails Red with a standing leg kick. Styles takes Red down for a pin, but Red reverses into one of his own. AJ Styles goes for a springboard off the middle rope, but Red dropkicks Styles to the floor. Red attempts a Hurricanrana off the apron to the floor, but Styles blocks it. Amazing Red is placed back in the ring and dives over the top hitting a somersault dive onto Styles!
Red goes for a pin-fall and gets two. Amazing Red dropkicks Styles in the corner, but Styles comes back with a gut wrench ace crusher goes for a pin-fall gets two. Styles with a swinging neck breaker coming off the ropes and spikes Red down with an excellent brain buster goes for a pin-fall gets two. Red reverses another vertical suplex attempt into the Code Red goes for a pin-fall gets two.
Amazing Red charges into a back elbow in the corner, and Styles his a springboard reverse DDT goes for a pin-fall gets two. Red avoids a kick and plants Styles with the tornado; DDT goes for a pin-fall and gets two. Styles rolls through a pin attempt and goes for the Styles Clash, but Red battles out; however, Styles still hits a thunderous sit-down powerbomb, goes for a pin-fall, gets two.
Today in #IMPACTHistory: AJ Styles defeated Amazing Red in a CLASSIC to retain the X-Division Championship. (NWA-TNA PPV #19) pic.twitter.com/YEyuknV2AN
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) October 30, 2020
AJ Styles with a brutal kick to Red’s back. Styles ducks a clothesline and connects with a superkick, goes for a pin-fall gets two. Red with several right hands to stop Styles offense. Amazing Red with the Red Star Press following a kick to Styles’ knee goes for a pin-fall gets two. Red attempts a Hurricanrana, but Styles goes for the Styles Clash, which Red reverses into a snap Hurricanrana and goes for a pin-fall gets two.
Styles with a sit-down dominator to stop Red’s momentum. Styles went for the cover, but Red popped his left shoulder up. Red with several kicks in the corner and hits a spinning kick goes for a pin-fall gets two. Plumtree grabs the foot of Red as he is sent into the ropes. Styles hits a lariat and goes to the top rope. Red manages to get up and crotches Styles on the top rope.
Red attempts a Hurricanrana, but Styles blocks attempting a Styles Clash. However, Red manages to regain position and connects with a top rope Hurricanrana, but Styles rolls through Sunset Flip off the middle rope and gets the 1-2-3!
WINNER: AND STILL NWA X-Division Champion, AJ Styles!
After the match, NWA X-Division Champion AJ Styles and Mortimer Plumtree celebrate in the ring. Mike Tenay asked Don West to preview next week’s NWA-TNA PPV. Kid Kash vs. Joel Maximo vs. Jose Maximo vs.Ace Steel vs. Tony Mamaluke Table #1 Contenders Elimination Match, the winner gets an NWA X-Division Championship Match, Jorge Estrada vs. Bruce IF Estrada wins Priscilla becomes Miss TNA, NWA X-Division Championship Match Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles, Grudge Match Jeff Jarrett vs. Curt Hennig, #1 Contenders tournament qualifying match BG James vs. Sonny Siaki. NWA-TNA PPV 19 goes off the air.