On Wednesday, October 23rd, 2002, Mike Tenay welcomes everyone to NWA-TNA for PPV 18. Tenay rundown tonight’s match card Jerry Lynn against. Sonny Siaki. Jeff Jarrett against Scott Hall and NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match between Curt Hennig and the champion, Ron “The Truth“ Killings.
X-Division 5-Way Match Amazing Red vs. Kid Kash vs. Joel Maximo vs. Jose Maximo vs. Elix Skipper.
The winner receives X-Division Championship Match next week on NWA-TNA.
Joel Maximo with a German Suplex on Elix Skipper goes for a pin-fall gets two. Amazing Red off the middle rope Jose Maximo counters with a Sit-out Powerbomb goes for a pin-fall gets two. Before Skipper breaks it up. Joel Maximo with a head scissors take down and German suplex on Skipper goes for a pin-fall gets two. Jose Maximo with a Hurricanrana on Skipper goes for a pin-fall gets two.
Kash with a top rope clothesline on Skipper goes for a pin-fall gets two. Skipper with a gut wrench suplex on Kash. Skipper follows up with a overhead double under hook suplex goes for a pin-fall gets two. Jose Maximo with a tornado DDT on his brother Joel Maximo goes for a pin-fall gets two. Skipper with the Play of the Day on Jose Maximo goes for a pin-fall gets the 1-2-3!
Jose Maximo has been eliminated from the match. Joel Maximo with Maximo Explosion on Skipper goes for a pin-fall gets the 1-2-3! Elix Skipper has been eliminated from the match. Kash with the Money Maker on Joel Maximo goes for a pin-fall gets the 1-2-3! Joel Maximo has been eliminated from the match. We are down to the final two Amazing Red vs. Kid Kash.
Kash with a scoop slam and leg drop on Red early on. Red with a twisting kick to the side of Kash’s head goes for a pin-fall gets two. Red with a spinning reverse tornado DDT off the middle rope goes for a pin-fall gets two. Kash with a springboard moonsault on a standing Red goes for a pin-fall gets two. Kid Kash hits the Bank Roll goes for a pin-fall gets two. Kash with Double springboard cross body goes for a pin-fall gets two. Red with the Infrared off the top rope to Kash goes for the 1-2-3!
Winner: Amazing Red
Red will receive an X-Division Championship Match next week on NWA-TNA.
Backstage, Goldylocks is with Brian Lawler who is peeking through a door leading to the parking lot. Lawler asks if they can do the interview later. Goldylocks wonders what that was all about.
Mike Tenay and Don West go back to last week going over what happened regarding the tag team titles. A video highlighting the Hot Shots attacking Chris Harris and James Storm is shown.
NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
Cassidy O’Reilly and Chase Stevens vs. (c) “Cowboy” James Storm and “Wildcat” Chris Harris
Harris and Storm charge the ring and brawl with the Hot Shots. Ring Announcer Jeremy Borash gets out of the ring. The Hot Shots Storm and Harris are brawling both in the ring and on the floor. Harris and O’Reilly got at it while Storm brawls with Stevens. Storm whips Stevens with a strap while Harris sends O’Reilly into the guard railing. This is a wild brawl right now.
Storm blocks a Springboard Hurricanrana from Stevens by connecting with a power bomb on the floor. Harris and O’Reilly are brawling right behind the announcers. Harris slams O’Reilly head first into the announcers table a few times. Storm and O’Reilly enter the ring as order is restored. Harris enters as well and drives O’Reilly down with a running bulldog.
O’Reilly accidentally knocks Stevens off the apron. Stevens trips Harris as O’Reilly works over Harris. Stevens with a snap suplex on Harris goes for a pin-fall gets two. Hot Shot with a roll through slam on Harris. Harris with several chops on O’Reilly to gain control. Stevens knocks Storm off the apron preventing Harris from making the tag. Harris with a spear on Stevens and is able to tag in Storm.
Storm with a back drop on both Stevens and O’Reilly. Storm drop toe holds O’Reilly into the groin of Stevens in the corner. Harris attempts the Catatonic on O’Reilly but Stevens nails Harris with a super kick. O’Reilly goes for a pin-fall on Harris gets two. Harris knocks Stevens off the top rope to the floor. Storm with the Eight Second Ride on O’Reilly goes for a pin-fall gets the 1-2-3!
WINNERS: AND STILL NWA World Tag Team champions, “Wildcat” Chris Harris & “Cowboy” James Storm.
Mike Tenay mentions that the fans have dubbed the champions “America’s Most Wanted.” Tenay then throws it to a video package on the Jerry Lynn and Sonny Siaki feud over the past several weeks.
Backstage, Goldylocks is with Jerry Lynn. Lynn says that his knee isn’t 100%. Lynn says that he needs to continue because he is a wrestler. Jerry Lynn mentions that wrestlers don’t get a off season. Lynn tells Goldylocks he isn’t going to be a stepping stone for the young guys in TNA. Brian Lawler appears right in front of the camera lens asking the camera guy if he has seen his girlfriend. Lawler looks slightly worried.
Jerry Lynn vs. Sonny Siaki
Lynn is still limping from the injury he suffered a couple of weeks ago. Lynn drags Siaki to the floor and sends Siaki head first into the ring steps. Jerry Lynn kicks Siaki over the railing into the crowd. Lynn leaps over the railing diving onto Siaki. Lynn sends Siaki over the railing back to ringside. Lynn’s knee goes out on a scoop slam attempt. Siaki drops a elbow to the right knee of Lynn.
Siaki with a knee breaker and locks in a single leg Boston crab. Lynn is able to reach the bottom rope after a brief struggle. Lynn backdrops Siaki to the apron and connects with the guillotine leg drop. Siaki takes advantage of Lynn who is holding his knee and wraps Lynn’s injured knee around the ring post a couple of times. Siaki with another knee breaker and goes for another but Lynn slides off and rolls Siaki up gets two.
Lynn with a crucifix pin attempt gets two. Siaki chop blocks the injured knee of Lynn to regain control of the contest. Siaki locks in a grapevine and pushes Lynn’s knee away from his body. Sonny Siaki continues to work on the knee of Lynn locking in several submissions. Siaki slams Lynn’s knee onto the canvas several times. Lynn kicks Siaki away and Siaki goes shoulder-first into the ring post. Siaki stumbles back and Lynn rolls Siaki up with a bridge gets the 1-2-3!
Winner: Jerry Lynn.
After the match, Siaki attacks Lynn with another single leg Boston crab until Scott Armstrong and Rudy Charles run down to the ring help Andrew Thomas pull Siaki off Lynn. Lynn brawls with Siaki for a few moments until Siaki bails to the floor. Scott Armstrong helps Jerry Lynn to the backstage area.
Mike Tenay says that Bob Armstrong has a major announcement for next week. They play a video package showing Curt Hennig and Ron Killings feud over the past couple of weeks. Highlights from last weeks match were shown as well.
Jeremy Borash introduces Curt Hennig and BG James to cut a promo in the ring. Hennig says that he has seen guys in this business try to be like Curt Hennig. Curt Hennig mentions one mark who tried to steal his gimmick, Diamond Dallas Page. Hennig says that Jeff Jarrett has been a Curt Hennig wannabe since day one. Curt Hennig goes back to when Jarrett was a rookie and how he beat Jarrett up in the same building.
Hennig mentions the West Texas Rednecks and how they had a hit. Curt points out that Jeff Jarrett had a guitar and proclaimed he wanted to be a country singer, making him a Curt Hennig wannabe. Hennig says that since he is older he needs to train a little harder. Hennig wants the camera guy to zoom into his face. Curt Hennig says, “I am the guy who took down Brock Lesnar at 35,000 feet”.
Hennig challenges Jeff Jarrett to a match next week. Jeff Jarrett’s music hits. However, Jarrett doesn’t come out. Brian Lawler is seen backstage telling Jarrett for him to go out their by himself because he is waiting for his girlfriend April. Jarrett walks off. BG James cracks a joke about the month April being several months away. James says that Lawler tried to “take out the trash” but he isn’t the trash.
BG James tells Lawler to remember the name BG James. And the G stands for Get it, Got it, Good! Hennig and BG James head to the back. Scott Hall comes out which according to the announcers wasn’t on their format. Hall gets a microphone and does the “Hey Yo” phrase. Scott Hall knows that he isn’t suppose to be out there but says he doesn’t follow the rules.
Hall butchers trying to say “I am sick and tired of trying”. Hall wants Jeff Jarrett right now. Tenay acts shocked despite the fact they are to wrestle anyway. Jarrett makes his way out, and the match is on.
Scott Hall vs. Jeff Jarrett
Hall with several right hands that send Jarrett bailing to the floor. They quickly re-enter the ring where Hall continues his offense with right hands and ramming Jarrett head first into the top turnbuckle. Jarrett manages to get control with several boots in the ring and right hands. Hall catches Jarrett and takes Jarrett down with a fall away slam. Jarrett walks up the entrance ramp but Hall follows him and delivers more right hands.
They battle into the crowd, where Hall hits Jarrett with a trash can a few times. Jarrett returns the favor with a trash can and chair shot. Tenay actually promotes this as a revenge match from all the way back in 1995. Hall with several chair shots to the back of Jarrett. Hall rams Jarrett head first into the announcers table. They get back into the ring, where Hall goes for the Edge, but Jarrett backdrops Hall to the floor.
Hall is holding his left knee. Jarrett leaps off the apron delivering a blow to the back of Hall. Jeff Jarrett sends Hall head first into the ring post. Jarrett jabs a chair into the midsection of Scott Hall. Jeff Jarrett with several right hands in the corner. Jarrett blocks a backdrop and drives Hall down with a face buster. Jeff Jarrett jumps onto Hall as he is hovering over the middle rope.
Jarrett continues his offense with a swinging neck breaker goes for a pin-fall gets two. Jarrett locks in a sleeper hold, and Hall begins to fade. Hall struggles to his feet and blocks a hip toss attempt by driving Jarrett down with a choke slam. Jarrett gets moving first and goes for a pin-fall gets two. Hall with several rights but misses a right hand. Hall ducks a clothesline, and Jarrett clotheslines the referee Rudy Charles.
Jarrett gets a steel chair and hits Hall over the head. Jarrett goes for a pin-fall, but Curt Hennig runs down and attacks Jarrett. The lights go out.. Ron Killings appears backstage with a microphone. Killings thinks he has given Hennig too much credit. Killings taunts Hennig. When the lights go back on, Brian Lawler attacks Hennig. BG James chases Lawler to the back. Hennig blocks the Stroke for Jarrett with a low blow.
Hall with the Edge on Jarrett goes for a pin-fall gets the 1-2-3!
Winner: Scott Hall.
After the match, Scott Hall and Curt Hennig taunt Jeff Jarrett and head to the backstage area. A video hyping up the Brian Lawler BG James feud is shown. Lawler’s attack on James last week is shown.
BG James vs. Brian Lawler
James runs into the ring and is controlled by Lawler early on with several right hands. Lawler misses a running axe handle and falls to the floor. BG James works on Lawler with several right hands on the floor and rams Lawler groin first on the guardrail a few times. Lawler comes back sending BG James head first into the guardrail a few times. Brian Lawler grabs a microphone and asks if anyone has seen his girlfriend.
Lawler hits BG James with the microphone and attempts a pile driver but BG James reverses with a backdrop, that looked very dangerous as BG James landed on Lawler’s head. BG James with a steel chair shot to the back of Lawler and rams Lawler head first into the announcers table. BG James throws Lawler into the guardrail chest first. Lawler throws BG James into the ring steps.
Brian Lawler tries to get a chair, but the same fan from several weeks ago refuses to give it to him. Lawler gets a different chair but BG James nails Lawler over the head with it. Back in the ring, Lawler connects with a super kick and goes up to the top rope. Syxx-Pac and April appear at the top of the entrance ramp and they make out. Lawler is shocked on the top and is shoved off the top. BG James goes for the pin-fall gets the 1-2-3!
Winner: BG James.
After the match, BG James prevents Lawler from getting to the top of the ramp. Lawler is forced to watch and begins to cry. Lawler cries on the shoulder of referee Andrew Thomas. Video hyping up the Syxx-Pac and AJ Styles match from last week and their rematch tonight.
Before the next match, Syxx-Pac has a microphone. Syxx-Pac thinks that is a disgrace when a X-Division Championship match ends in a disqualification. Syxx-Pac threatens Plumtree if he gets involved.
NWA X-Division Championship
No Disqualification Match
AJ Styles with Mortimer Plumtree vs. (c) Syxx-Pac
Styles with a go behind but Pac manages to send Styles to the floor. Syxx-Pac takes Styles out with a somersault dive on the floor. Pac with a standing side kick to continue his offense in the ring. Syxx-Pac also lifts Styles up and slams Styles down chest first. Syxx-Pac also locks in a surfboard submission, but Styles doesn’t give up. Styles with a head scissors that sends Pac to the floor.
Syxx-Pac blocks a baseball slide and drops Styles chest first on the railing. Syxx-Pac throws Styles into the ring steps as well and lifts the ring steps up but Styles avoids them. Styles manages to lift Syxx-Pac up, and Syxx-Pac goes groin first into the ring post. AJ leaps off the top and hits the Spiral Tap, goes for a pin-fall gets a two. Styles drops Syxx-Pac with a springboard reverse DDT moments later goes for a pin-fall gets two.
Syxx-Pac avoids a dropkick and Styles crashes to the canvas. Pac with several standing side kicks. Syxx-Pac blocks a Hurricanrana and plants AJ Styles with a sit down power bomb. Syxx-Pac follows up the Bronco Buster and plays to the crowd. That allows Styles to power bomb Syxx-Pac off the middle rope, goes for a pin-fall, gets two. Syxx-Pac bridges out of the pin and hits the X-Factor.
Plumtree pulls the referee out of the ring. Syxx-Pac grabs Plumtree, and Styles accidentally hits Plumtree. Syxx-Pac takes Styles down with a Northern Lights suplex goes for a pin-fall gets two. Styles with a German suplex goes a pin-fall gets two. Styles with a cross body off the top but Syxx-Pac rolls through gets two. AJ reveres a power bomb attempt and hits the Styles Clash after Lawler hits Syxx-Pac with a beer can.
Styles goes for goes for a pin-fall gets the 1-2-3!
Winner: AND NEW NWA X-Division Champion, AJ Styles.
After the match, Styles and Plumtree celebrate the win. Syxx-Pac raises Styles arm. Lawler re-enters and Styles gives Lawler the belt. Lawler hits Syxx-Pac over the back with the belt to leave Syxx-Pac laying in the ring.
Jorge Estrada with Priscilla vs. Ace Steel
Estrada blocks a head scissors attempt with a slam goes for a pin-fall gets two. A few moments into the match. Estrada with a head scissors out of the corner that sends Steel head first into the middle turnbuckle. Estrada with a vertical suplex and several chops. Steel blocks ahead, scissors hitting a side slam. Steel with a dropkick off the middle rope to the face of Estrada as he was sitting up.
Ace Steel with a suicide dive to the floor taking Estrada out. Steel throws Priscilla down and Estrada comes back with a handspring DDT on the floor. Estrada misses a slingshot split-legged moonsault. Steel with a splash off the top but doesn’t cover Estrada. Steel crotches Estrada on the top rope Superplex Steel goes for a pin-fall gets two. Estrada with several clotheslines and a dropkick. Estrada blocks the Twist of Pain.
Steel with two Northern Lights suplexes goes for a pin-fall gets two.. Priscilla trips Steel as he comes off the ropes and Estrada goes for a pin-fall gets the 1-2-3!
Winner: Jorge Estrada.
After the match, Mortimer Plumtree comes down and confronts Estrada and Priscilla. Steel attacks Estrada as Plumtree slams Priscilla, down and pulls her hair. Plumtree is pulled away by officials. Mike Tenay mentions that the NWA-TNA car driven by Hermie Sadler returns to racing this weekend.
Syxx-Pac says that he actually digs April and she is a “fine piece of ass.” Pac tells Brian Lawler that hey can settle things right now. Syxx-Pac proceeds to challenge Lawler to fight right now. The winner getting to be with April, I guess. Lawler comes out, and he looks like he is going insane. Brian Lawler is crying and tells Syxx-Pac that the fight is over. Lawler doesn’t want April anymore and calls her “used and a piece of trash.”
Brian saw Pac kiss her and that she kissed him back. Lawler continues to cry. Syxx-Pac tells Lawler that she did much more than that. April comes out and tells Lawler right in the microphone and says that Syxx-Pac forced her to do all the things Lawler saw. Syxx-Pac says “You no good lying b*tch”. April swears that she loves Lawler and only Lawler. Lawler runs into the ring and says he is going to kill Syxx-Pac.
They brawl for a few moments until referees and security break up the brawl. Mike Tenay compares NWA-TNA to the Young the Restless while Don West says that the segment previously reminds him of Sex and the City.
Mike Tenay and Don West hype up the rest of the show, but first Don West hypes up next weeks show. West mentions some of the matches that include Brian Lawler taking on Syxx-Pac, AJ Styles defending the X-Division Championship against Amazing Red. Jeff Jarrett will face Curt Hennig and Ron Killings will compete against Scott Hall. Depending on who wins the main event, either of the last matches will be for the NWA-TNA World Championship.
Before the main event, NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Champion Ron Killings raps, insulting the fans.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Curt Hennig vs. (c) Ron “The Truth” Killings
Hennig runs down to the ring and throws his towel at Killings. Curt Hennig with a couple of atomic drops and right hands. Hennig with a rolling neck breaker as well to control Killings. They brawl on the floor where Killings throws Hennig shoulder first into the ring post. Killings with a uppercut against the railing. Ron Killings slams Hennig face-first on the announcers table and delivers several right hands on the table.
Killings attempts a leaping sidekick but Hennig avoids and Killings crotches himself on the guardrail. Hennig clotheslines Killings into the crowd but brings Killings back to ringside. Killings grabs the microphone cord and begins to choke Hennig! They get back into the ring, where Killings continues his offense with a middle rope leg drop which gets a fall. Killings comes off the ropes and connects with a scissors kick.
Killings follows up with a fist drop off the middle rope. Hennig battles back with right hands but Killings rakes Hennig’s eyes. Killings with a go behind elevated slam on Hennig goes for a pin-fall gets two. Hennig stops Killings with a couple of chops in the corner. Killings with a forearm smash coming off the ropes to stop the momentum of Hennig. Killings with a cocky one foot pin gets two.
Hennig locks in an ankle lock, and Killings reaches the ropes quickly. Hennig with a backdrop and sends Killings face-first into the top of the ring post. The masked man comes out and is flipped into the ring. Hennig with a running knee lift and sends the masked man at the top of the ring post. Hennig attempts to rip the mask off, but Killings hits Hennig with brass knuckles behind the referee’s back, goes for a pin-fall, and gets the 1-2-3 as the final match NWA-TNA PPV 18!
Winner: AND STILL NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Ron “The Truth” Killings.
Mr. Wrestling III leaves through the fans. After the match, Ron Killings leaves the ring and casually walks up the ramp. Killings holds the belt high in the air while Hennig is left laying in the ring. Referee Scott Armstrong and ring announcer Jeremy Borash check on Curt Hennig as NWA-TNA PPV 18 goes for the air.