Welcome to ¡Esto es Lucha! The place to learn all about the different Promociones (promotions) of lucha libre! It is also the place to learn about lucha libre news and culture in Mexico, Puerto Rico and Chile. You’ll have in this post about CMLL, IWRG, and CNL’s weekly programs. We will also learn about some events and luchadors about these promotions. We’ll talk about the main events of week and news about CMLL. IWRG has other intensive matches and the last, we’ll talk about the great event of CNL called Batalla Real. So, let’s go to the lucha and enjoy it.
This past Monday at Arena Puebla, CMLL presented a main event called rematch. It was a four against four match. Some weeks ago in the same arena, we enjoyed this match, on one side was NGD (Sanson, Cuatrero, and Forastero) and Mistico. On the other side was Guerreros Laguneros (Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia, and Gran Guerrero) and Soberano Jr. Arena Puebla treated us to this match once more. NGD and Mistico dominated the first and second falls. This team works so well together. The most interesting part of this match was the rivalry between Mistico and Soberano Jr. They forget their friendship and they were professionals and they tried to show who is better. NGD and Mistico got the first fall with Catapulta and pinned to Gran, Ultimo, and Euforia. The second fall was intense and the match went out of the ring and among the crowd. But, the last moments of the second fall, Los Guerreros applied technical submission to NGD. When NGD was on the verge of losing, the referee was distracted. Mistico took off his mask and threw it to Soberano, causing the referee to call for the disqualification. In the end, Soberano asked for a singles match with Mistico.
Last Tuesday at Arena Mexico was Nuevos Valores or New Values. That day had a main event singles match between Caristico and El Terrible from Los Ingobernables. The match showed the most ingobernable side of Terrible. This man attacked and punished Caristico in the ringside area and with the barrier. His principal goal was to work on the injured arm of Caristico. The first fall went to Terrible when he hit the Styles Clash. Caristico won the second fall with a great topes. The last fall was more intense and the crowd was excited. In the last moments, Terrible tried everything but he couldn’t get the win, so he took off Caristico’s mask and Caristico got the victory.

Friday Spectacular or Viernes Espectaculares, this past Friday at Arena Mexico, CMLL had the main event between Ciber and Ultimo Guerrero where these guys were supported with different partners. Ciber, The Chris, and El Valiente and the other corner were Ultimo Guerrero, Barbaro Cavernario, and Diamante Azul. This match was to increase the rivalry between Ciber and Ultimo but this time they didn’t wrestle very well. They will have to grow their energy and courage, because this rivalry CMLL will book like the main event to Aniversario event, but they will need to grow too much. I like so much El Valiente, it’s the second time that I saw him as rude and he does everything well. The victory was Guerrero’s team when in the second fall Ciber was disqualified and the last fall Diamante and Cavernario defeated to Chris and Valiente.

In the same week, CMLL has confirmed the names of the participants of rest of world to Grand Prix 2019. The last week, we announced about Mexico Team, now it’s time to know about their opponents. This team will be represented by the USA and Puerto Rico, also ROH and The Crash will send their participants. The names are Matt Taven, Kenny King, Jay Briscoe, Mark Briscoe, Big Daddy, Luke Hawx, Oraculo, and Mecha Wolf. This great event will be 30th, August where the most of the participants have placed at Arena Mexico, so, this will be great opportunity to grow in Aztec grounds or also, they will show all their skills to charm to the Mexican crowd.

AAA has announced, their next main event of the year and this is Heroes Inmortales XIII. Then that they showed us a great event in Triplemania, we have all our hopes to follow the great levels of matches. Until now, We don’t have any matches but will be their all roster. This event will be in Puebla, 19th, October. So, you need to follow Esto es Lucha to know more about this show.
The last 18th, August, IWRG had a great card and this time we’ll talk about the last matches. These matches were intensive, if you don’t know this promotion, their style is a mix between highflyer and technical classic. So, let’s go and enjoy it.
Image/ twitter.com/ @LUCHALIBREIWRG
Semifinal was Los Traumas (I and II) and Eterno against Dragon Bane, Imposible, and The Tiger. Los Traumas are IWRG and The Crash roster. Eterno has grown in IWRG and he also had opportunities in AAA. Dragon Bane is the new idol of IWRG, he also has participated with AAA and IMPACT. Imposible and Aramis are the IWRG Tag Team Champions and the last one is The Tiger, this guy is great, he is Laredo’s friend. He has worked in North of Mexico and now he has had great opportunities in Mexico Center. The match was IWRG classic, Los Rudos or Traumas, and Eterno, they punished their opponents in all Arena, the showed us their rudo side in all senses. They followed to punish them in the ring and they had shown all their control above them. But, the next was when the tecnicos showed their abilities. Dragon Bane was the one that stood out, this kid is awesome really awesome, I don’t lie when saying that he and Aramis are the future of Lucha Libre. Imposible flew with a plancha from the top of the corner to the first row where Trauma was there. Dragon Bane applied a somersault to Eterno. The Tiger and Trauma I had to decide who the team will get the victory. Trauma I took advantage with his experience and he applied a Canadian Destroyer. Good team and this time, Traumas and Eterno defeated them.
The main event was Blue Demon Jr, the debut Marshe Rockett, and Hijo de Canis Lupus against El Mesias, Mascara Año 2000 Jr, and Demonio Infernal. In this match was interesting the rivalry between Demon and Mesias. Since Demon won Wagner’s hair, his rivalries have grown and now, he is the next goal of the indy circuit. Since Tecnicos placed the ring, Mesias took Demon, he punished him in all Arena. Strategy rudo was to attack all against one tecnico. But, Demon with head scissors, he changed all and Canis Lupus applied a tope to Demonio Infernal. With these, the things changes and Tecnicos were hit and strike to Rudos. Another rivalry was between Canis Lupus and Demonio Infernal, they showed all their fury among the crowd. Demonio Infernal applied a great tope to Canis Lupus. Marshe applied a Pescadito to Mascara. Mesias and Demon were in the middle of the ring, Mesias applied a low blow but that was enough to defeat Demon. Demon took advantage when he hit Mesias with a chain. Tecnicos, this time got the victory and after the match, Mesias and Demon want a single match.

Last week, CNL had their huge event Batalla Real where they gave us four championships matches and the main event was like Royal Rumble where the winner will have the opportunity to face CNL Champion. All these great matches and this event was Club Chocolate, so, let’s go to the results.
The first match of the event was for Metropolitano Championship, where Francis put on the line against S2S (with Drako and Herco). The first minutes Drako has an interference when he carried to S2S and threw him to Francis from the ring to the floor., that was enough and the referee expelled them to the match. The match was a good match. Francis tried to retain his belt with Piledriver but S2S woke up. S2S pretend an injured then Drako and Herco tried to hit Francis but they couldn’t. S2S took advantage a applied two times double knee from the corner. And New… S2S is the new Metropolitano Champion.
The next match was for the Tag Team Championships in triple way dance between The champs The Chilean Empire (Al Cold and Eddie Vergara), Mala Influencia (Billy Rocka and Ignacio Hernandez) and Pedro Pablo and Alessandro. Great match, great speed and in every moment was spots. This match was dynamic and good rhythm, all the teams with the same goal to get the gold. And the six men had the opportunity to show the best of them. Great match with good sequences. The incredible was Ignacio applied a somersault to Pedro and Alessandro then Eddie Vergara threw Billy Rocka to them from the ramp, it was awesome and the crowd was excited. But, that wasn’t enough. Eddie Vergara climbed to the second floor and he flew with a plancha over them. That was f..king awesome. The Chilean Empire pinned Pedro Pablo to retain the belts. Awesome match.
The next match was The Last Woman Standing for the CNL Woman Champion between Engel and Alexandra. They have waited to some weeks for this moment and they showed it. This rivalry has passed the line and now, they showed it why. The match was in all the Club. Engel handcuffs to Alexandra in the corner and hit her with a belt. Engel applied to Alexandra a DDT on a chair. The most awesome moment was when Alexandra applied to Engel a suplex from the top of the corner over four chairs then Alexandra applied DDT over the chairs. Alexandra was so smart, she ties Engel with the ropes. And… Alexandra is the New CNL Women Champion.
Semifinal is for CNL Championship. Engranaje Jack the champ against Ariel Levy. This match was power against power. Engranaje showed his strength and he looked so dynamic and with good speed. Engranaje hit Ariel’s head and Ariel started to blood. Ariel changed the strategy and he started to punish the Engranaje’s leg on the corner while he was bleeding. Engranaje applied Camel clutch and Sharpshooter, almost get the victory. Then of different moves, Engranaje pinned to Ariel and the referee count three but… The referee didn’t see that Ariel touched the rope with his boot. Engranaje is still champ… after the match appeared Nuevo Orden Vengano (Boris Muller and Richard Sanchez). The champ has a new challenge.
The main event was Batalla Real or Royal Rumble. The rules are similar like Royal Rumble the last in the ring will have an opportunity for the CNL Championship. This year had thirty luchadors. This match was excited to see all the participants and you’re excited to know who will have that opportunity to the gold. After one hour, the last ones were Francis and Ariel Levy. After they changed hits, Ariel was distracted and Francis eliminated him and yes. Francis is the winner of Batalla Real 2019. He celebrated with the crowd.

Thanks for reading us and check us out next week as we continue to share all about wrestling in Mexico, Chile and Puerto Rico here on ¡Esto es Lucha! Lucha Libre news!