Welcome to ¡Esto es Lucha! The place to learn all about the different Promociones (promotions) of Lucha Libre! It is also is the place to feel and know about the Lucha Libre culture in Mexico, Puerto Rico and Chile. This weekend, you’ll read in this post about Lucha Libre News in CMLL and IWRG. We’ll talk about the main events of week and news about these promotions, so, let’s go to the Latino world wrestling.

The first bit of Lucha Libre News comes from CMLL. Their next event will be on March 20th. They will celebrate Homenaje Dos Leyendas where CMLL will give an award for the great career in this great sport called Lucha Libre. This year the Luchador selected is Sangre Chicana. The legend will step at Arena Mexico one more time but this time will receive recognition of the crowd.
This Lucha Libre News from CMLL had announced the main event of this event and this match will be between ex-members of Peste Negra Barbaro Cavernario and Felino for the past weeks. They had the opportunity to be different cornermen and they wanted to show who is the best of the best. This rivalry will come to the end in Hair Match. We’ll have a great match with a new star and a legend of CMLL in every corner.
At Viernes Espectacular, CMLL had the first round of their Tag Team tournament called Torneo Nacional Increible de Parejas. This tournament is a Tag Team tournament where each team is formed by a Tecnico and a Rudo. It interesting how they can work together to be in the final match of the tournament in CMLL.
The first phase was between eight teams in quarter-finals. Gilbert El Boricua and Diamante Azul defeated Universo 2000 Jr and Guerrero Maya Jr. Ultimo Guerrero and Bandido defeated Flyer and Hechicero. Caristico and Forastero defeated Titan and Mephisto. In the last match of this phase was Niebla Roja and Felino against Dulce Gardenia and Okumura where Niebla Roja and Felino got the victory.
Semi-final tournament match: Gilbert El Boricua and Diamante Azul vs Ultimo Guerrero and Bandido
The first finalists of the night will seek victory. Even that they have rivalry but this night needs to work together to look at the next step of the tournament. Gilbert and Diamante surprised their opponents when Diamante flew from the ramp to the middle of the ring then Diamante and Gilbert started to punish them. However, Bandido had a reaction with a tremendous Tornillo with the help of Ultimo. Ultimo and Bandido get the victory when Bandido put Diamante in the ring and Ultimo threw Gilbert from the top of the corner.
Semi-final tournament match:
Caristico and Forastero vs Felino and Niebla Roja
Since Felino and Niebla Roja defeated Dulce Gardenia and Okumura, the crowd boo them. Niebla was attacking first but Forastero applied Tope Suicida and Caristico did the same with Felino. Then, Forastero applied a submission to Niebla’s arm and Caristico applied La Casita to Felino and that was simple to get the victory.
Final tournament match:
Caristico and Forastero vs Ultimo Guerrero and Bandido
Guerrero and Bandido immediately didn’t give time to Caristico and Forastero. They wanted the victory and attacked them but Caristico and Forastero applied Tope con Giro to their rivalries. Guerrero and Forastero had great combat one to one. They showed their power with some powerbombs. Arena Mexico crowd was excited and yelled when Bandido and Caristico were faced to face. The audience was divided. Both started to use that they are expert and that is the speed and dives. Caristico seemed to have the victory with Crucifix but Bandido raise his arm. The crowd was exciting and Caristico applied La Mistica and Forastero applied Muscular Bomb and that was enough to past to the final. Caristico and Forastero will wait until the next Friday for knowing their rivals in the tournament final.
Next week’s Lucha Libre News for CMLL wil include a review of the second phase of this tournament and we’ll know the next team to the final match.
On Sunday, February 9th, IWRG had their event called Imperio where the stable El Imperio (Mamba, Chicano, and Tiago) will face STRONGHEARTS (CIMA, T-Hawk, and El Lindaman). Imperio will have a great opportunity at Arena Naucalpan to show if this stable is capable to be in the main events. Also, we’ll have two great matches and one of them will be Mano a mano between Hijo del Medico Asesino vs Fresero Jr, so let’s go to the review.
Single match: Hijo del Medico Asesino vs Fresero Jr
This match was mano a mano or Single match and this was because of these luchadors weeks ago. They showed their courage and savage. Medico hunted Fresero and he punished among the crowd and with chairs. Fresero started to bleed. He hit a spear on him to stop Medico and took advantage to punish Medico. Fresero tears at Medico’s mask and punished with a bottle in Medico’s forehead. One a great moment was Fresero punished to Medico with Spear through the barrel then the ref counted twenty seconds and he declared a draw.
Semi-final Match: Hijo de Canis Lupus, Dragon Bane, and Demonio Infernal vs Fuerza Guerrera NG, Relampago, and Emperador Azteca
This match had a great talent for IWRG. The match started with a lot of kicks, Canis Lupus and Guerrera had a great sequence and the same rhythm did Dragon Bane and Emperador Azteca. Demonio and Relampago had the opportunity to show their skills but Relampago was dominated and Canis Lupus and Dragon Bane entered the ring and they started to dominate their opponents. They punished them IWRG style. This consisted of kicking and hitting their enemies all over the arena. They use a great combination of moves and they didn’t give their opposition an opportunity to react.
Guerrera, Relampago, and Emperador flew with greats dives. Guerrera and Relampago applied Planchas from the top of the corner to the first rows. It was enough for the crowd yelled Esto es Lucha. The match went all over the arena. It was as crazy. The match was a spot fest. Canis Lupus and Fuerza Guerrera would define the match and Canis Lupus defeated Guerrera. The crowd threw money for this great match.
Main event: Imperio (Mamba, Chicano, and Tiago) with Estrella Divina vs STRONGHEARTS (CIMA, T-Hawk, and El Lindaman)
The match started with some funny thing because Mamba the exotic luchador had a face to face with CIMA, CIMA wanted to escape but his partners didn’t want to give relief, out of that CIMA and Mamba showed a good combination of llaveo and contra llaveo. Imperio had an advantage and controlled STRONGHEARTS, their strategy was to hit all against one of STRONGHEARTS. STRONGHEARTS was looking for an error and the moment comes and the match had a chance, STRONGHEARTS did a great combination with different punishments but they didn’t get the third count. STRONGHEARTS with CIMA and El Lindaman made a punishment with a double knee to Tiago’s back and El Lindaman applied Suplex and Tiago was eliminated.
Chicano entered to clean the house and took El Lindaman and made the same punishment to eliminate him. Chicano applied Tope Suicida outside of the ring to T-Hawk. On the ring was the leaders of each stable CIMA and Mamba, they would decide the match, CIMA applied double knee but Estrella Divina distracted him when he tried to kiss CIMA and Mamba took advantage and get the victory. Imperio had their debut and the match.
Next week, we’ll have a great event where Shun Skywalker will have the first singles match at Arena Naucalpan and this match will be Super Nova. The main event Tag Team match comes back to IWRG “the most wanted” Bandido and Fuerza Guerrera NG against Emperador Azteca and Toxin. Esto es Lucha will have the review.
Thanks for reading us and check us out next week as we continue to share all about wrestling in CMLL, Chile and Puerto Rico here on ¡Esto es Lucha! Lucha Libre news!