Los Parks win MLW Tag Team Championships | #AndNEW

On episode #117, MLW Fusion, Major League Wrestling crowned new tag team champions. Salina De LaRenta presented her tandem of Los Parks to win the MLW Tag Team Championships. With Filthy Tom Lawlor as the special guest referee of the match. Before the match began, the match with Filthy Tom receiving a referee’s shirt from Los Parks as part of a Christmas gift. Salena leads La Park and Hijo De La Park to the ring. The discussion before the match was about the potential takeover that Salina is said to be a part of. Once Los Parks make their way to the ring, the MLW Tag Team Champion Ross and Marshall Von Erich make their way to the ring.



Before the bell even rings, Lawlor is pushed into the Von Erichs leading to an early distraction. All four men go at it in the middle of the ring. We hear about the history between the Von Erichs and Tom Lawlor. Straps and belts are immediately involved in this match. It’s clearly an anything-goes rule match. Even if they aren’t part of the rules, Lawlor allows the use of anything and everything. Chairs are brought into the ring, and we witness the challengers beating down on the champions. A missed clothesline on Marshall Von Erich leads to a double dropkick by the Von Erichs. The diving tope suicido to the floor leads to the brothers gaining a bit of retribution against the father and son duo.

Los Parks win MLW Tag Team Championships.

As soon as it appears as though the champions have the advantage, Lawlor gets into their face slowing them down. Fans often hear how the Von Erichs are going to get screwed out of the titles. Ross hits a superkick on Hijo De La Park. He then follows up with a Falcon Arrow leading to only a count of two.

As soon as De La Park regains the advantage, a fast count by Lawlor. Marshall is hit with a tope followed by Ross hitting Hijo with one of his own. As soon as Lawlor is about to count three claims a cramp stops him from hitting the mat a third time. Ross clutches in a claw on Hijo but Salina sprays mace in the eyes of one of Marshall. La Park junior is believed to be helping causes another distraction leading to new MLW tag team champions.


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