Global Tag League Night 9 | Pro Wrestling Noah Saturday Night RetroView

On May 4th, 2015, Pro Wrestling Noah presented Global Tag League Night 9 in Tokyo, Japan, inside Korakuen Hall. The show featured nine matches, six-block matches, and the Finals.

Global Tag League Night 9
Block A Match Of The 2015 Global Tag League
TMDK (Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls) (6) vs. Maybach Taniguchi & Maybach #2 (0)

Maybach Taniguchi and Maybach #2 hit a double vertical suplex and a cover, but Mikey Nicholls breaks it up.

Taniguchi and Maybach #2 both go for powerbombs, but both are reversed with back-body drops before TMDK hits an assisted DDT to Taniguchi and a cover by Haste, but it gets two.

Taniguchi & Maybach #2 hit suplexes, but Haste slides away from Taniguchi, and he hits a lariat. Haste picks up Taniguchi, but Taniguchi hits a low blow.

Taniguchi hits a chopslam before Maybach #2 goes up top, hits a moonsault, and then a Maybach Press by Taniguchi gets the win.

Winners: Maybach Taniguchi & Maybach #2 (2) (7:18)

Global Tag League Night 9
Block A Match Of The 2015 Global Tag League
Dangan Yankees (Takashi Sugiura & Masato Tanaka) (6) vs. Daisuke Sekimoto & Kazuki Hashimoto (2)

Daisuke Sekimoto hits a German suplex, and then we get a PK from Daichi Hashimoto and a cover, but Masato Tanaka kicks out.

Sekimoto lariats Hashimoto by accident, and Sugiura hits a German suplex on Sekimoto. Hashimoto is double-teamed in the corner, and Sugiura hits a Frankensteiner.

That diving body press by Tanaka, then a hook of the leg, but it gets a two-count. Tanaka goes off the ropes, but Hashimoto ducks the Sliding D, so we get a Sliding Elbow by Sugiura, and Tanaka hits a brainbuster.

Dangan Yankees both elbow Hashimoto, then a Sliding D by Tanaka connects to get the win.

Winners: Dangan Yankees (8) (11:30)

Global Tag League Night 9
Block A Match Of The 2015 Global Tag League
Suzuki Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Takashi Iizuka) (4) vs. Brave (Naomichi Marufuji & Katsuhiko Nakajima) (6)

Naomichi Marufuji tags in Katsuhiko Nakajima, and he boots Minoru Suzuki in the corner. Ankle is held by Suzuki, but Nakajima gets out of it and kicks both Suzuki & Takashi Iizuka.

Marufuji comes in, and he gets hit with a pair of double superkicks for a two-count. Nakajima grabs Suzuki, and he hits a brainbuster for another two count.

The referee is distracted, giving Iizuka a chance to run in and hit Nakajima with the Iron Finger From Hell, followed by a Gotch-Style Piledriver by Suzuki for the win.

Winners: Suzuki Gun (6) (12:17)

Global Tag League Night 9
Block B Match Of The 2015 Global Tag League
Shelton Benjamin & Brian Breaker (4) vs. Mitsuhiro Kitamiya & Super Crazy (0)

Mitsuhiro Kitamiya elbows Shelton Benjamin and hits a few shoulder blocks, but Benjamin catches him with an ankle hold.

Brian Breaker runs in to help and the action spills out to the floor. Benjamin punches Kitamiya up into the crowd as Breaker does the same with Super Crazy.

Super Crazy gets up on the entryway and hits a moonsault down onto the aisle. Super Crazy & Benjamin return to the ring and Super Crazy hits a heel kick.

Kitamiya spears Benjamin before Breaker runs in but Kitamiya hits a Samoan Drop on him. Kitamiya picks up Benjamin, but Benjamin hits a superkick, and then a Paydirt by Benjamin connects, and that gets the win.

Winners: Shelton Benjamin & Brian Breaker (6) (7:44)

Global Tag League Night 9
Block B Match Of The 2015 Global Tag League
Akitoshi Saito & Quiet Storm (2) vs. Colt Cabana & Chris Hero (6)

Quiet Storm hits a lariat followed by a DDT, but his cover also gets a two, so Storm tags in Akitoshi Saito, but Chris Hero chops both of them.

Saito & Storm attack Hero in the corner, and they hit an iron claw slam/backdrop suplex combination for a two-count.

A roaring elbow by Hero to Saito & Colt Cabana covers him for a two-count. Hero gets distracted by Killer Elite Squad at ringside, allowing Saito & Storm to hit suplexes. Saito goes off the ropes and hits a running Sickle of Death to Cabana & that gets the win.

Winners: Akitoshi Saito & Quiet Storm (4) (9:33)

Global Tag League Night 9
Non-Title Block B Match Of The 2015 Global Tag League
GHC Tag Team Champions Killer Elite Squad (Davey Boy Smith Jr & Lance Archer) (6) vs. Mohammed Bombers (Mohammed Yone & Daisuke Ikeda) (6)

Killer Elite Squad starts off the match attacking Mohammed Bombers, and the action goes out to the floor.

Mohammed Bombers gain control on the floor, and Daisuke Ikeda rolls Davey Boy Smith Jr back in the ring. Smith punches Ikeda, but Ikeda catches him with a kick.

Yone comes in, and Smith is attacked by both in the corner. They put Smith on the top turnbuckle, but Archer runs in and hits a full Nelson slam on Yone. Killer Elite Squad grabs Ikeda, and they hit Killer Bomb for the win.

Winners: GHC Tag Team Champions Killer Elite Squad (8) (1:42) (They will face Dangan Yankees in the Finals)

Global Tag League Night 9
6 Man Tag Team Match
Suzuki Gun (Taka Michinoku & El Desperado & Taichi) vs. Yoshinari Ogawa, Zack Sabre Jr & Atsushi Kotoge

Atsushi Kotoge and Taichi get back into the ring. Kotoge’s headbutts connect, but Taichi pushes him off. Taichi kicks as they trade kicks, leaving both on the mat.

Zack Sabre Jr. and Taka Michinoku are tagged in. ZSJ gives us some uppercuts, and he hits a running elbow. ZSJ holds the leg clutch hold, but Michinoku kicks out at two.

Michinoku applies the Just Facelock, but it is broken up. El Desperado comes in with a chair, but he misses, and Yoshinari Ogawa drops him with a backdrop suplex.

Killswitch by Kotoge to Taichi, and Sabre hits a cross armbreaker takedown on Michinoku, forcing Michinoku to tap out.

Winners By Submission: Yoshinari Ogawa, Zack Sabre Jr & Atsushi Kotoge (12:11)

Global Tag League Night 9
Non-Title Finals Of The 2015 Global Tag League
Block A Winners Dangan Yankees (Takashi Sugiura & Masato Tanaka) vs. Block B Winners Killer Elite Squad (Davey Boy Smith Jr & Lance Archer)

Killer Elite Squad hits an assisted lariat on Sugiura, then a cover, but it gets a two-count. Masato Tanaka knocks Davey Boy Smith Jr out of the ring, and Sugiura hits a German suplex hold on Archer for another two.

Global Tag League Night 9
[Photo: Pro Wrestling NOAH]
Sugiura goes up top, as does Tanaka, but Archer gets his knees up when Tanaka dives off. Smith brings Sugiura down to the mat, and with Archer, they hit a chop block/kick combination for a two-count.

Archer goes up top, but Sugiura rolls out of the way of the moonsault. Sliding D by Tanaka to Archer, then Sugiura picks up Archer and hits Olympic Slam for the win.

Winners Of The 2015 Global Tag League: Dangan Yankees (19:55)

Global Tag League Night 9
Final Standings After Night 9

Block A

1st Place- Dangan Yankees (8 Points) (4-1)
2nd Place- Suzuki Gun, TMDK & Brave (6 Points) (3-2)
Last Place- Maybach Taniguchi & Maybach #2 & Daisuke Sekimoto & Daichi Hashimoto (2 Points) (1-4)

Block B

1st Place- GHC Tag Team Champions Killer Elite Squad (8 Points) (4-1)
2nd Place- Mohammed Bombers, Shelton Benjamin & Brian Breaker & Chris Hero & Colt Cabana (6 Points) (3-2)
3rd Place- Akitoshi Saito & Quiet Storm (4 Points) (2-3)
Last Place- Mitsuhiro Kitamiya & Super Crazy (0 Points) (0-5)