Yesterday, Game Changer Wrestling (GCW) announced that it is bringing back the Acid Cup. A tournament dedicated to the late Trent Acid. Acid was a veteran of the independent scene for a number of years. His memory is commemorated with GCW’s debut on Independent Wrestling TV. With GCW announcing this two night tournament, it begins tonight and concludes tomorrow. Details as to the participants in the tournament will also begin today. This 16-person tournament is set will take place in an empty arena with its location remaining undisclosed.
The previous Acid Cup consisted of two semi-finals matches, and a finals match. The finals matchup was a Fatal Four-Way contest. Those involved in the previous event included DJ Z (who now competes as Joaquin Wilde in WWE NXT), Laredo Kid, and Teddy Hart. However, one name that has remained synonymous with GCW today was the winner of the inaugural event in Bad Boy Joey Janela. The first Acid Cup took place in 2016.
Orange Crush Art began to fundraise for this event to take place. This is just another example of GCW’s aggressive and driven manner to make these events successful. Please use the promo code listed in the tweet below to help the talent involved and aid relief do to the COVID-19 pandemic who have lost wages because of it.
GCW Announces Two-Night The Acid Cup 2 Tournament
Stay tuned here to more developments on this tournament as they become available. This includes an UPDATE to this very news post. Much like society, GCW has decided it will not sit on the sidelines. They intend on moving forward with this announcement and their recent agreement with IWTV. Be sure to check out the GCW debut on IWTV with Acid Cup 2.
If readers and fans of GCW would like to donate please do so at this Indie Gogo Page here.

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