The measure of strength is not what a person can handle physically; it is what a person can handle mentally. A person who is pure in heart and has a sound spiritual foundation can do fantastic things. Because of Brian’s in-ring athletic ability, heart, and kindness, he is pro wrestling’s superman. Brian Blair grew up in a kind, loving family; however, they did not have much and would be considered poor. Brian was a huge wrestling fan as a kid. Some of his favorite wrestlers were Jack Brisco, Jerry Brisco, and Eddie Graham.
As a kid, he idolized Superman. “I watched superman, and I always wanted to be like him. He was strong, was able to leap tall buildings, and he always helped people,” said Brian.
One day when he was about ten years old, Brian’s parents took him to church. The pastor talked about the power of prayer and that God will answer your prayers if you’re a good and righteous person. That night Brian patiently waited for his bedtime so he could say his prayers. “I went down on my hands and knees and prayed to be superman. I was looking in the mirror, and nothing was happening, so I shared this experience with a friend of mine, and he told me that Superman wasn’t real. It upset me a little bit, but it’s funny how I became a pro wrestler instead. Maybe I didn’t have a cape, but I could run the ropes like a speeding bullet,” said Brian.
When both of his parents divorced, he was with his mother primarily. They were surviving off of powdered milk and food coupons “when I was eleven or so, my mother wanted me to go to the grocery store. She handed me these coupons; she said, give it to the clerk, and they will give you a voucher. So I had gotten in line, and there were some kids from school there. I noticed that the bullies were teasing me behind my back, so as soon as I got the food, I ran home. The next day in school, there was writing on the school wall about me. They were calling me terrible names. I ran home and didn’t want to go to school anymore. One of the teachers talked me into going back to school. He told me I can be what I wanted to be,” said Brian.

That speech would later affect his dream of becoming a professional wrestler. Brian started competing in sports in junior high school and won city championships as a heavyweight against Reddick Ronald. In high school, he lettered nine times in various sports such as football, baseball, track, and field. To this day, he holds the record for most letters in Hillsborough County history which is in Tampa, Florida. By the age of 16 years, old Blair moved out of his house and did odd jobs to survive. After high school, Blair attended The University of Louisville on a football scholarship. There he minored in Business and Political Science. During his time, he would go to Florida Championship Wrestling’s training center nicknamed “The Dungeon” and would train with world-famous Hiro Matsuda, who was also the most feared.
“Hiro Matsuda was really difficult. They call it the dungeon on 106 Albany Street for a reason. He would wrestle me, then I would puke my guts out, and I kept coming back for three days; on the third day, I wasn’t able to throw up. Hiro Matsuda leaned over and said, what’s a matter, boy you no, throw up today? I told him I haven’t eaten since the first time I threw up. Three summers, I trained, and only three of us made it. Paul Orndorff, Hulk Hogan and Myself,” said Brian.
Brian Blair’s first match was with Florida Championship wrestling was him and Skip Young against Ivan Koloff and Pat Paterson. “They threw me out of the ring and pinning Skip,” Brian added.

Brian’s first title was with “Bulldog” Bob Brown together; they won National Wrestling Alliance Central States Tag Team Championship. During his over 20 year career in wrestling, Brian would win such awards and championships as Cauliflower Alley Club, another honoree (2002), Championship Wrestling from Florida NWA Florida Heavyweight Championship (2 times), NWA Florida Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Steve Keirn (1) and Cyborg (1), NWA Southern Heavyweight Championship (Florida version) (1 time).
He also captured the NWA Big Time Wrestling & NWA American Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Al Madril, National Wrestling Alliance World Junior Heavyweight Champion (1 time), NWA Tri-State NWA Tri-State Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 time), National Wrestling League NWL Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Paul Orndorff, Pro Wrestling Illustrated PWI ranked him # 357 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the “PWI Years” in 2003, Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards Most Underrated Wrestler (1984).

In 1985 he and Jumping Jim Brunzell teamed up and called themselves the Killer Bee’s (see their official site here); they were a great one-two punch of non-stop, fast-paced action. In WrestleMania III, they faced Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik, which they lost by disqualification because of the interference of Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Needless to say, the Killer Bee’s disbanded in 1993; they managed to win The Universal Wrestling Federation UWF World Tag Team Championship.
After officially retiring from professional wrestling in 2001, Brian Blair went to politics; he became County Commissioner, District 6 for his hometown of Hillsborough County. The county itself is over Million two hundred thousand people. “I enjoy helping people. Politics is a very dirty game. It’s hard for an honest politician to stay in politics,” explained Brian.
One great concept that Brian had was that of the senior zone. It was designed to warn other drivers and to be cautious of senior citizens exiting or entering their parking lots.
“A senior zone slows down traffic without the need for a traffic light. We found that here in Florida, senior citizens prefer having traffic lights near certain entrances or exits of lots. The traffic lights we originally were looking at were expensive. I worked with a traffic engineer, and we came up with senior signs that are posted with flashing caution lights and reduce speed limit written on the pavement. The cost of this whole project would have been the same cost of a traffic light. It reduced accidents a great deal, and just like all citizens, the senior citizen’s safety is a high priority in our community,” said Brian.
The senior zone was voted the number one the most innovation award got picked for the most innovated project of the year in 2008.
“Always be humble and respect everybody. Like the old saying goes, treat others as the way you want to be treated; I live my life like that. And always be willing to help out when u can. God gave us two ears and one mouth. Listen as much as you talk. Remember that you don’t know it all, and yes, you can learn something from everyone,” said Brian Blair.
Brian was named the Cauliflower Alley Club President and has helped improve and modernize it. As a result, the membership is at its highest, and he has helped numerous pro wrestlers during their time of need, especially Brickhouse Brown and James Harris, aka Kamala the Ugandan Giant.

John Crowther has made a comic book series on the Killer Bee’s, and an autobiography book will be coming out on his life Truth Bee Told By Ian Douglas and B Brian Blair.
This past month B. Brian Blair not only had back surgery, but he lost his best friend Paul Orndorff and tragically lost his son Brett. Brian Blair’s faith and spirituality is what has made him to be superman. He has always thought of others before helping himself; he never ran away from a challenge, but it’s time for us as friends and fans to support him and his family during this time. Please pray for these wonderful people.