On Thursday, December 8th, 2022, IMPACT Wrestling aired another episode of IMPACT on AXS TV in the States & Fight Network in Canada as we review after the IMPACT for 12/08/22. We had 4 matches. Heath & Rhino defend the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles against Motor City Machine Guns, and 1/2 of the Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Taya Valkyrie, goes 1-on-1 with Savannah Evans.
Big Kon faces off with Sami Callihan & the main event, Josh Alexander, defends the IMPACT World Title against Mike Bailey.
Kicking off this week’s IMPACT with Deaner was on screen to begin the match, saying the following: I will walk the valley of the shadow of death & fear no evil. He then said that Violent By Design was not a Faction, a group, but rather a movement led by a designer.
Deaner said that the movement has been reborn and cleansed in the blood of the designer. Deaner called out Sami Callihan and dared him to confront him and his stable mates, Alan Angels & Big Kon.
After The IMPACT for 12/08/22
IMPACT World Tag Team Title Match
Heath & Rhino (c) vs. Motor City Machine Guns
Rhino & Chris Sabin starts the match off then they lock up before Rhino pushed Sabin into the ropes. Rhino got a wrist lock on Sabin, but Sabin flipped to reverse it into a wrist lock of his own, but Rhino broke the hold with a jab on Sabin. Sabin hit a diving crossbody on Rhino for a near fall. Heath tagged in, but Motor City Machine Guns works on Heath’s arm immediately.
Shelley got a wrist lock on Heath before Heath got to the ropes and got a hammerlock into a wrist lock on Shelley. Shelley walked through the ropes to break the hold before locking in a headlock, but Heath ran the ropes and hit a shoulder tackle on Shelley. Heath threw punches on Shelley in the corner before going for a corner splash, but Shelley evaded and hit an atomic drop on Heath.
Sabin got Heath’s leg and hit a dragon screw through the rope on Heath’s leg before Shelley hit a dragon screw on the other leg. Motor City Machine Guns hit running dropkicks on Heath’s legs before they hit an assisted dragon screw on Heath for a near fall.
Motor City Machine Guns hit double PK Kicks on Heath before Shelley locked in the Figure 4 on Heath. Heath hit a series of slaps on Shelley’s face before getting a rope break. Heath caught Shelley off the ropes and hit a power slam on Shelley before Sabin & Rhino tagged in. Rhino hit a lariat, a back elbow, a corner spear, and a Spinebuster on Sabin for a near fall.
Rhino calls for the Gore but Shelley distracted him to allow Sabin to hit a corner lariat. Motor City Machine Guns hits stereo kicks before Sabin hit a rolling elbow, but Rhino responded by hitting a TKO on Sabin for a near fall.
Heath tossed Shelley out of the ring before tagging in. Sabin hit a basement dropkick on Heath’s injured leg before tossing Rhino out of the ring, but Heath & Sabin were attacked by Major Players from behind, causing the match to end in a No Contest.
Winners: No One (No Contest)
Back IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander confronted IMPACT President Scott D’Amore, saying that he was a fool for trusting Tommy Dreamer. D’Amore asked him if he had to take the approach, but Alexander emphasized that he had to before going to the ring. Zicky Dice & Johnny Swinger were backstage with Scott D’Amore to ask for an IMPACT World Title match, but D’Amore told Swinger to win 50 matches, and he would get it.
IMPACT Knockout Champion Jordynne Grace & Mickie James did a photoshoot to promote their Title vs. Career match at Hard To Kill. Grace said that she had enough respect for James to retire her.
After The IMPACT for 12/08/22
Taya Valkyrie vs. Savannah Evans
The match starts off with Savannah Evans pushing Taya Valkyrie to the mat and then locked up before Evans leaned Valkyrie into the corner and went for a chop, but Valkyrie evaded to the opposite corner. Rosemary instructed Valkyrie to bite Evans’ face-off, but Evans slams Valkyrie into the mat.
Evans got a waist lock on Valkyrie before hitting a takedown on Valkyrie. Valkyrie hits a knee strike before running the ropes and hitting a spear on Evans to send her out of the ring.
Valkyrie went for a PK Kick, but Evans got her leg and slammed her to the apron, but Valkyrie landed in a split before Evans slammed Valkyrie to the floor before the commercial break. We are back from the break. Evans hit corner spears on Valkyrie before hitting a butterfly suplex.
Evans locks in a Bulldog Choke on Valkyrie, but Valkyrie broke the hold and hit the Tijeras on Evans. Evans hit a boot kick and a lariat on Valkyrie before firing the elbow strikes to the face and getting a single leg hook on Valkyrie for a near fall.
Evans went for a boot, but Valkyrie evaded and hit a kick to the abdomen a kick to the head, a lariat, and a Blue Thunder Bomb on Evans for a near fall.
Valkyrie targeted Evans’ left leg before locking in a modified kneebar before transitioning into an STF, but Evans broke the hold with elbow strikes, a hair pull, and a forearm strikes on Valkyrie.
Valkyrie got a roll-up on Evans for a near fall before hitting a headbutt. Valkyrie went for Road To Valhalla, but Evans got out of the hold and hit the Full Nelson Slam on Valkyrie to score the win.
Winner: Savannah Evans
We get a video vignette of Bullet Club’s Ace Austin & Chris Bey from their excursion in NJPW & their 6-2 record in the Super Juniors Tag League. Moose attacks Bhupinder Gujjar backstage, telling him to leave a message to Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry. Backstage, Delirious was cutting a promo with him challenging Eddie Edwards to a match.
After The IMPACT for 12/08/22
Big Kon vs. Sami Callihan
Sami Callihan hitting a chop on Big Kon, but Kon was unphased. Callihan hit more chops on Kon before Callihan poked Kon’s eye. Callihan went for an exploder suplex on Kon, but Kon pushed Callihan off and hit a lariat on Callihan. Kon hit a corner lariat on Callihan as Deaner & Angels looked from ringside.
Kon stomped away at Callihan in the corner. Kon popped Callihan to the corner before dropping him with a spinebuster. Kon hit a leg drop on Callihan before locking in a double nerve hold on Callihan. Kon punches Callihan before they exchanged strikes. Callihan hit a stunner on Kon before Kon went for a corner splash, but Callihan evaded and hit a bodyslam on Callihan.
Callihan hit more chops on Kon’s chest, but Kon shook it off and went for a chokeslam, but Callihan put him on one knee and hit a forearm strike on Kon for a near fall. Callihan & Kon got to the outside before Kon hit a chokeslam on Callihan onto the apron.
Deaner & Angels stared at Callihan, to which Callihan responded by pulling a chair. Angels took the chair off Callihan, allowing the referee to be distracted. Deaner attacked Callihan from behind before Kon caught him from the top rope and hit a running Death Valley Driver to put away Callihan.
Winner: Big Kon
X-Division Champion Trey Miguel was interviewed backstage with Gia Miller. Regarding defacing the X Division Title & Miguel said that people calling it disrespectful was an interesting choice of worst. Miguel nearly spray-painted Miller before he was interrupted by Crazzy Steve. Steve told Miguel that his actions have consequences & that he is an artist of his own, but he does it in blood.
Alexander called out Bully Ray, telling him that he would still have his match on Hard To Kill unless coming to the ring is what he was afraid of. Bully Ray was backstage looking at photos from Overdrive of Alexander & his wife, Jade Chung.
Ray said that he would not allow the match to happen now as he made the promise to have it on Hard To Kill. Instead, Mike Bailey came to the ring to answer Alexander’s challenge. Alexander agreed to the match, calling for a referee to begin the match.
After The IMPACT for 12/08/22
IMPACT World Title Match
Josh Alexander (c) vs. Mike Bailey
The match starts off with Josh Alexander & Mike Bailey locking up before Alexander hit a shoulder tackle on Bailey. Bailey got back up and locked up with Alexander again before the two collided in the ring. They collided shoulders twice before Bailey hit an arm drag & a chest kick on Alexander, but Alexander responded with a forearm strike.
Alexander hit a body slam on Bailey before they exchanged forearm strikes before Alexander hit a knee strike on Bailey’s abdomen. Alexander hit a punch, and an elbow strike on Bailey, followed up by a chop. They exchanged chops before Bailey hit side kicks on Alexander before hitting an enziguri to send him out of the ring.
Bailey hit a tope suicida on Alexander to the outside before the break. Back from the break, Bailey hit a double knee drop on Alexander for a near fall. Bailey hit forearm strikes on Alexander, but Alexander hit a big boot on Bailey.
Alexander dropped his knee pad and laid in the knee strikes on Bailey’s back before locking in a Back Hyperextension, but Bailey got up and went for a boot, but Alexander hit an elbow strike on Bailey’s foot and a chop to dropkick.
Alexander hit a series of chops across the corners before hitting a side back-breaker on Bailey for a near fall. Alexander laid in the stomps on Bailey and hit a series of forearm strikes on Bailey to the head, but Bailey ran the ropes and hit a Claymore Kick on Alexander. Bailey laid in kicks on Alexander before hitting a standing tornillo splash for a near fall.
Bailey went for another kick, but Alexander hit three German suplexes on Bailey for a near fall. Alexander went for the C4, but Bailey evaded and went for a kick before Alexander went for an Ankle Lock, but Bailey evaded and hit a knee strike on Alexander’s shoulder.
Bailey targetted Alexander’s left shoulder before going for an Octopus Hold, but Alexander slammed Bailey’s head into the top turnbuckle to break the hold, but Bailey tightened the hold before hitting a poisonrana on Alexander for a near fall that takes us to a break.
After the break, Alexander laid in the knee strikes on Bailey to the head. Bailey hit a chop, a rib kick, and went for a springboard move, but Alexander caught him with a forearm strike. Alexander went for a C4 Spike, but Bailey reversed it with a small package for a near fall before hitting a Pele kick.
Bailey went for a Standing Moonsault, but Alexander evaded and hit a Thrust Kick, the spinning roundhouse kick, and went for the Ultima Weapon, but Alexander evaded and hit a powerbomb backbreaker on Bailey.
Alexander went for a C4 Spike, but Alexander collapsed while spiking Bailey to the mat on his neck. Alexander went for the Spike again, but Bailey used his weight to send themselves to the outside. Bailey slid back into the ring before hitting. pump kick to send Alexander off the apron before hitting a triangle moonsault on Alexander to the outside.
Bailey climbed to the top rope and hit a missile dropkick on Alexander back in the ring. Bailey laid in the kicks on Alexander as they exchanged slaps, but Bailey responded with a roundhouse kick. Bailey went for the spinning roundhouse kick again, but Alexander caught his leg into an Ankle Lock, but Bailey broke the hold with forearm strikes on Alexander’s head.
Alexander dropped Bailey with a forearm strike before firing away two more strikes. They exchanged strikes furiously before Bailey hit a pump kick & a roundhouse kick on Alexander. Alexander stood on the ropes as Bailey went for a pump kick, but Alexander caught him and hit a World Strongest Slam on Bailey onto the apron before the commercial break.
We are back from the break, Alexander hit the Green Bay Slam on Bailey before climbing to the top rope, but Bailey caught his arm and slammed it to the rope. Bailey went for a Frankensteiner, but Alexander caught him. Bailey got off Alexander’s grip before hitting an enziguri kick on Alexander.
Bailey got to the top rope, but Alexander got off the top rope and hit the Helicopter Slam on Bailey for a near fall, but Alexander immediately locked in the Ankle Lock on Bailey before Bailey reversed it into a victory roll for a near fall.
Bailey booted Alexander in the head before hitting the Ultimate Weapon on Alexander but did not get the pin due to his injured leg. Bailey hit a PK Kick on Alexander before hitting a Moonsault double knee drop on Alexander.
Bailey hit a Roundhouse kick on Alexander’s head before hitting a kick on Alexander’s arm and chest. Alexander got back up and hits 2 slaps before Bailey laid in the kicks on Alexander, but Alexander responded with 5 German suplexes on Bailey before the commercial break.
After the break, Alexander went for a superplex on Bailey, but Bailey locked in a double wrist lock on Alexander before dropping him off the top rope but Alexander locked in another ankle lock before transitioning into an Angle Slam for a near fall. Alexander went for a top rope moonsault on Bailey, but Bailey evaded causing Alexander to crash onto the mat.
Bailey climbed to the top rope, but Alexander climbed back up and hit an avalanche Angle Slam on Bailey for a shocking near fall. Alexander & Bailey were both exhausted as Alexander tried to lift Bailey, but Bailey kept collapsing on the mat. Alexander locked in the Ankle Lock on Bailey, inching the hold deep.
Bailey lifted both his knees to stop the angle, but Alexander hit a Tombstone on Bailey for a near fall before locking in the Ankle Lock on Bailey once again. Alexander stomped Bailey’s back to keep the hold, but Bailey hit three up kicks to break the hold. Alexander slams Bailey’s leg onto the ropes before locking in the Ankle Lock once again, locking in the leg scissors to keep the hold tight.
Alexander kept the hold tighter and tighter as Bailey tried to get the bottom rope, but Bailey finally got a rope break to break the hold. Alexander went for a fireman’s carry on Bailey off the top rope, but Bailey got off the hold before Alexander dumped Bailey onto the mat.
Bailey tried to climb to the middle rope, but Alexander hit a forearm strike on Bailey. Bailey climbed to the top rope again before Alexander had Bailey hanging off the middle rope. Alexander stomped away at Bailey, but Bailey powered through before hitting a Frankensteiner on Alexander.
Bailey climbed to the top rope before hitting Ultima Weapon on Alexander, but Alexander got a rope break at the count of 2.9. Bailey locked in a Kimura lock on Alexander before firing away with the kicks on Alexander.
Bailey placed Alexander on the top rope before getting Alexander and going for the Flamingo Driver, but Alexander rolled over and hit a Styles Clash before locking in the Ankle Lock again.
Bailey hit up kicks on Alexander’s head to break the hold, but Alexander caught Bailey and hit the Close Your Eyes & Count to Fuck Piledriver on Bailey. Alexander hit a series of knee strikes before connecting the C4 Spike. Alexander had the death stare and hit a 2nd and final C4 Spike on Bailey for the win.
Winner: AND STILL IMPACT World Champion: Josh Alexander
Please share with us what you thought of this week’s edition of IMPACT! and what you anticipate happening next week in the comment section below.
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